Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: November 25, 2021
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 4:14 AM
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Were good for like 2 weeks this season but most of them will keep their jobs because of it.

posted 6 days ago

i dont understand how any team can waste the best player in the world. for two years in a row.

it takes a special person to make a tier 2 team compete toe to toe with tier 1 teams. but it takes an even more special person to make a tier 1 team look like tier 2, that too for two years in a row.

nAts deserves better...

posted 2 weeks ago

Optic core hype in 2024.....
Just let it go people, it's over

posted 3 weeks ago

optic core traditionlists-delusioners

posted 1 month ago

dw niko omilana will save the UK

posted 1 month ago

all the boys are heading to china then

posted 1 month ago

hope you get well soon mate

posted 1 month ago

for not making me american 🦅🦅

posted 1 month ago

lets tp my kittens

top 3 nrg moment, along with the loss against bilibili and ardiis's sage wall

posted 1 month ago

they did bounce back after madrid. but if you bounce back means going from middle of emea to winning shanghai. then you were a fool all along the way. but then again you are prx fan, that should've been obvious

posted 1 month ago

its literally just inconsistency. we look a 100x better than kickoff. we also arent aiming consistently. the best team in terms of firepower itw for 2023, is aiming worse than fut in 2024. we are almost there. if we were just little luckier we might've seen a completely different tournament.

to summarize. i have 100% faith in this team. much more faith than what i had after kick off and after our first loss in split 1. i dont want to argue about this, because its pretty obvious to me whats happening with this team.

i have full belief in elma and the other coaches. there mental has already gotten so much better than last year, so its only a matter of time before we become what we were destined to be, great.

posted 1 month ago

i wont let people forget that people call optic the goat team when the only emea team they beat that year was fkn team liquid with scream.

posted 1 month ago

erik gets benched before emil.... noticing

posted 2 months ago

Achilios and paperthin casting is passable. It's not the best choice, but it's not the worst either, but the overall lack of quality and variety in casting talents is heavily missing

posted 2 months ago

mika (havent heard her much)
babybay 💀💀

i am not even sure we have 3 proper duos 😭😭😭😭

I genuinely dont see a single casting "duo" on this list fit to cast a grand finals. I mean sure we miss out on brenshow and panpoc, but this is just horrendous. Most of these talents are decent, but none of them look like they are at the level to cast a finals. achilios is good, but then again we dont have that duo mannnnnnn!!!!

pansy solo casting would have brought more hype to a game than this.
Fuck it man, i would have preferred steel ranting for 24 rounds over whatever we might get.

posted 2 months ago

better call saul

posted 2 months ago

chronicle: 3 international trophies

forsaken: error 404: not found

posted 2 months ago

the worst fnatic in 2 years is still at the top of europe

posted 2 months ago

Boster did say that the comp was one they tried in January before they realized it's better to perma ban that map

posted 2 months ago

Do people seriously think that was their real comp?

like the comp may be the same but no way are we seeing,
boaster on sova
chronicle on omen
leo on breach


like i get if we were to see a role swap of sova and breach between chronicle and leo. but the fact that boaster played sova and leo and chronicle played breach and omen proves to me that fnatic didnt really want to show everything on sunset. they had no strats or mostly any thing with structure on that map.

boaster had very specific lineups, which would be surprising, but isnt since he is actively involved in lineup making process for fnatic. so i think they were just trying to sandbag by weirdly swapping roles and playing like that.

might be wrong, open to hear what others think

posted 2 months ago

preach brother

posted 2 months ago


people called them "lucky" to be in the weaker side of the bracket. constant doubters. always said they were lucky even after beating fut.

played every single day and there life was always on the line. the lower bracket run just solidifies their mental

posted 2 months ago

he would've gone for the 100+ kill record in a bo5 but decided to leave that for shanghai

posted 2 months ago

Played 5 series in 5 days, no breaks, no time to practice, sheer skill, experience and synergy.

Got anti-strated, came up with better strats. Got behind 6 rounds, replied with winning the next 10 in a row.

The True Goats of Valorant.
Put some respect on their name!

posted 2 months ago

thats coz they always perma banned one map, and teams were scared shitless to play them on most other maps

posted 2 months ago

its chronicle. his clutches this tournament just showed what kind of a player he is

posted 2 months ago

only a few months in and we already have more trophies in 2024 alone than NRG, Leviatan and DRX combined in their Valorant history.

posted 2 months ago

weak people need gpu. i am still rocking intel pentium at 24 fps

posted 2 months ago

no, let me keep my agenda

posted 2 months ago

we are in playoffs. last time i checked vlr, sentinels werent there

posted 2 months ago

kc fix:



posted 2 months ago

still a better org than sentinels

posted 2 months ago

coz thats what the goats do. ask real madrid

posted 2 months ago

a washed underperforming fnatic is better than all iterations of sentinels

posted 2 months ago

dynasty lmao. bro they won one tournament before they couldnt afford to keep the players

posted 2 months ago

he is actually so goated man

posted 2 months ago

we are so back

posted 2 months ago

oh god, this format really is terrible isnt it? either that or the rng in making the groups just didnt work out

posted 2 months ago

oh brother i do care, it wont be good for my mental health otherwise

posted 2 months ago

then that means we'll probably see angel on yoru or something, because i dont have trust left man

posted 2 months ago

by the way we are playing this season. its almost impossible for more than 2 of our players to be activated at the same time. so chronicle activating probably means alfa goes sleeping :(

posted 2 months ago

I am ready to get hurt again...

posted 2 months ago

i didnt watch vitality so dont know what happened this game. but i look at sayf and i think he is that one team player. he'll be massively successful with that one team in his career which is made up of 5 synchronized synergized individuals (something like guild but more successful) and that will be it. he can win 5 tournaments in a row with that one team he has synergy with but that will be it. he is that type of player and personality. not anyone and everyone can just mesh with him

posted 3 months ago

they qualified to champions before him as well. yes i know that might be a decent achievement for most orgs, but for an org at the level of liquid, it isnt that much. especially comparing their growth. its insgnificant if not negative since 2021

posted 3 months ago

every team needs nats, its just not feasible and logical to do it mid season

posted 3 months ago

he fits on all 11 franchise teams. yes all 11. he'll have more impact on the turkish speaking fut and bbl, coz i am not sure what comms even achieve in this TL team.

posted 3 months ago

really like the name lulquit lmaoo

posted 3 months ago

sounds a lot more like a certain NA player

posted 3 months ago

you know and understand val, unlike the NA fans

posted 3 months ago
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