Country: England
Registered: June 29, 2022
Last post: September 28, 2022 at 12:58 PM
Posts: 71
1 2

Molsi owns yay

posted about a year ago

You are dumb as fuck

posted about a year ago

yay plays Jett and Chamber which TenZ also plays so what is TenZ playing?

posted about a year ago

Will is garbage why would they drop Derke over this NA bot

posted about a year ago

You never know how quick things turn

posted about a year ago

Just one trick angle holding losers

posted about a year ago

If he is going through bad mental health then people should reach out before he tries to do anything risky

posted about a year ago

FNS is a fluker so it doesn't matter

posted about a year ago

CIS is still part of EU, but your education level is bad so I'm not surprised

posted about a year ago

Compilation of your life:

  • Making compilation of Stacy's L
posted about a year ago

True, I should do that too or I'll be as dumb as NA

posted about a year ago

nah I just respect the best EU fan over the NA baiter

posted about a year ago

Shownu was bigger than them, didn't he also go Copenhagen to watch so not just couch talking

posted about a year ago

He owns Cryo

posted about a year ago

No he is gone for sure. I msg him on twitch chat during tyler1s stream and he said he stopped playing games and is focusing on his uni rn

I also asked him before he left who his favourite vlr user was and he said it was Chovymaker

posted about a year ago

I remember APAC_Jimmy was after him lol rip that bozo after PRX lost

posted about a year ago

Shownu still owns you, most popular name after tremblonarage imo

posted about a year ago

I've heard some recent news that one of the OG Fnatic fans, Shownu has left vlr. He was the only one that never changed his flair or flag, respect and you'll be missed brother.

posted about a year ago

No way Liquid - Nivera

posted about a year ago

My best guess at this point with all the baits and rumours.

Derke - Duelist/Entry
Alfajer - Secondary duelist/sentinel
Boaster - Sentinel/Flex
Chronicle - Initiator/Flex
nAts - Controllers/Sentinel

If this happens, gg we winning it all.

posted about a year ago

Don't talk if you never reached Immortal

posted about a year ago

Bleeding money

posted about a year ago

Boaster Initiator
Chronicle smokes

posted about a year ago

Free my man Shownu

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Same, I didn't like the camping earlier but after a couple of hours I adjusted and now I'm flying through playing aggressive and also camping

posted about a year ago

Best CoD game of the decade.

  • Ground War is basically Battlefield and Warzone mixed together in a total 64 man team battle

  • No more rushing, players will actually have to use utility and think about their movements before engaging a gun fight

  • No more obsessive slide cancelling, more focus on precision and awareness.

posted about a year ago

Assuming Fnatic is willing to take Russian players despite the uncertainty of Visa etc... Shao and Chronicle might be good but I still want nAts over Chronicle.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Made no sense as it only weakened Europe. He is a scummy bastard and got dealt right, he can hang around with the baldy all he wants now.

posted about a year ago

He wouldn't sell it to a rival but bought Caps from Fnatic who is his face of the team. Make it make sense.

posted about a year ago

Perkz wanted to switch back to mid lane and stay in EU but Carlos wouldn't let him stay close to his family and friends because of 'rivalry' so he sent him to C9.

It was going to be Fnatic Perkz but he didn't let it happen and Perkz wasn't happy about it

posted about a year ago

Carlos pack hitting

Karma for ruining Perkz career

posted about a year ago

Forgot it is 'Americas' now but you get the idea.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Disclaimer: No comparison between regions but within.


  1. Sentinels
  2. 100T
  3. Cloud9
  4. Loud
  5. NRG


  1. KCorp
  2. Fnatic
  3. KOI
  4. Team Liquid
  5. BBL
posted about a year ago

Stick to watching eSports, let the experts decide on who is valuable and what's not.

posted about a year ago

Zmjjk clears Skrossi

posted about a year ago

Shao does everything Sheydos can do and also play initiators

posted about a year ago
  • Nukkye as secondary duelist/flex, Alfajer to full time Sentinel role.
  • Shao as main initiator

Boaster - IGL/Smokes
Derke - Duelist
Alfajer - Sentinel
Shao - Initiator/Sentinel
Nukkye - Secondary Duelist/Flex

posted about a year ago

Elite can play every agent and also has dropped more than 200ACS 16/18 agents.

posted about a year ago

The meme suggests he has multiple options (teams) lined up to get him and it's his choice rn to push and accept the offer.

posted about a year ago

Shao and nAts or Leo and nAts

We winning it all.

posted about a year ago

Chronicle is garbage, rather Leo who is miles better

posted about a year ago

Don't you duo with that loner on twitch?

posted about a year ago

Lots of iron brains here trashing Boaster, he is the igl and one of the best in the game to do it at the highest level.

You don't win EMEA and make every international tournament being a bad igl.

Boaster is one of the most dedicated igls who actually vod reviews a lot creating strats and antistrats and it shows in the matches so to kick the catalyst of the team to add more fragging is never going to work.

Give it a rest, let the smart people do their job.

posted about a year ago

leo and Sheydos

posted about a year ago
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