Flag: Egypt
Registered: February 1, 2023
Last post: July 18, 2024 at 5:28 PM
Posts: 514
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My turn when ?

posted 1 week ago

God it feels good to cheer for aspas

posted 1 week ago

If any 3 of them qualify the 4th qualifies by points they are the teams with most points

posted 1 week ago

This changes if the winner of kru vs c9 wins another series

posted 1 week ago

Still didn't make playoffs just ok performances

posted 1 week ago

Oman ad el donya,
The problem is g2 achieved nothing
100T won stage 1 playoffs

posted 1 week ago

Americas keeping the game alive

posted 1 week ago

What is it then

posted 1 week ago

But they aren't not now and not in stage 1
Also both c9 and kru beat eg 2-0 in stage 1 group stage

posted 1 week ago
  1. Sen
  2. Lev
  3. 100T
  4. G2
  5. C9
  6. Kru
  7. EG
  8. Loud
  9. NRG
  10. Furia
  11. Mibr
posted 1 week ago

Are kc out if they lose ?

posted 2 weeks ago

Wow everyone was complaining about too long off season and now there's no time for teams to improve

posted 3 weeks ago

shangahai is the 8th tournament edg are playing after last year's champs they are practicaly playing non stop

posted 1 month ago

last year's champions and afreeca and other off season tournaments and chineese ascension then kick off then madrid then split 1 then shangahai

posted 1 month ago

feels like EDG are very tired and exhausted they need time to rest and not play back to back tournaments

posted 1 month ago

SEN is the main character here

posted 1 month ago

The only way I'm gonna sympathize with demon1 is if he stepped down because of his girlfriend health issues if that's not the case then he deserves every bit of the shit talk he is getting that's what you get when you shit talk everyone when you perform well

posted 2 months ago

Remove the sen flair

posted 2 months ago

FNS is back
No idea why he signed with G2 in the first place if he was gonna join nrg but NRG are sooooo back

posted 2 months ago

no thanks

posted 2 months ago

honestly true ethan and demon1 are recent champions and victor crashies are a package deal so marved is the one that can be blamed

posted 2 months ago

but they are still able to hype up the matches

posted 2 months ago

bren and sideshow are by far the best duo
pansy and hypoc are 2nd place
everyone else are the same to me

posted 2 months ago

SEN are qualifying for Champs mark my words

posted 2 months ago

That's better than holding dry or tanking util and play retake it didn't work for sen so i think 100t are doing good

posted 2 months ago

Pipes push is the best counter imo cuz it forces them to use util early
If the team can't shoot back strats won't save them

posted 2 months ago
  1. Deny orb
  2. Clear generator and right side with sova util
  3. Harbor wall left side and scale together
posted 2 months ago

A Viper one trick getting benched after Viper nerfs

posted 2 months ago

SEN played 421 rounds
GENG played 328 rounds (that's 100 rounds less played in that tournament alone)

  1. SEN has been scrimming since champs last year when they were trialing with johnqt
  2. if SEN won 2 more rounds on bind against EG and qualified for playoffs would you have the same opinion?
  3. compare SEN to a team from the same region that played the same amount of games against similar teams (no one even comes close)
  4. if you don't wanna count off-season tournaments then why EDG performed poorly in Madrid?
posted 2 months ago

SEN played 100 more rounds than GENG at madrid those are vods for their opponents also SEN and LOUD are the only ones who had visa issues
also Flair

posted 2 months ago

there was 1 week between Masters final and 1st split SEN and Geng were jett lagged with no practice and tons of vods to review by other teams what happened was logical and look at loud for an example they had ZERO practice in that period and now they are 1-3

posted 2 months ago

focus on beating rrq first

posted 2 months ago

still wouldnt want to sign karon

posted 2 months ago

cant tell if you hate the misspelling or the insult tbh

posted 2 months ago

would prefer a zombs comeback

posted 2 months ago

johnqt won his 1st international and 1st regional in tier 1

posted 2 months ago

dont want him dont wanna sign a chocker

posted 2 months ago

lol he lost the final to SEN

posted 2 months ago

they also won 1 masters with 8 teams participating

posted 2 months ago

did NRG ever win a trophy

posted 2 months ago

Not every team from madrid is scrimming and playing valorant without breaks since champs last year

posted 2 months ago

might sound like a hard cope but i think SEN failing to qualify is a blessing they will have time to rest and avoid the burn out at champs which is the tournament that matters the most. not saying it's totally ok but losing has a good side

posted 2 months ago

Saving strats

posted 3 months ago

It would be ok not great
Winning champs is the only thing that makes their year great

posted 3 months ago

only a Navi fan puts Copenhagen no1 that masters was the most forgettable one ever

posted 3 months ago

I'm talking about SEN here not GENG

posted 3 months ago

SEN better

posted 4 months ago

I don't agree they won but that doesn't make them great on every map they still need more work and on other days where the stakes are lower they won't show up like today

posted 4 months ago

Then it makes sense to ban sunset and lotus since they are good maps for SEN and keep split and bind open since they beat SEN on split and bind is not a very good map for SEN

posted 4 months ago

I said "if they reach the grand finals"
And banning your opponent's best maps is very reasonable

posted 4 months ago
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