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Registered: July 3, 2023
Last post: October 8, 2023 at 7:04 PM
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it was inevitable for the lower bracket run

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

you tell me you dont get exactly what im talking about

posted 9 months ago

THIS IS NOT RACIST. it's like comparing Marilyn Monroe to someone of today.

posted 9 months ago

bro looks like he travelled in time from the 1930's like his face is so reminiscent of an old person.

posted 9 months ago

biological age I would say 40 since ange1's is 40

posted 9 months ago

It was literally a bait tho

posted 9 months ago

why would ardiis know who whzy is? he's from china, an unknown region and unknown team, unlike EDG and kangkang. this diss was a FAIL tbh. but deserved since NRG got 2-0ed

posted 9 months ago

that's so sad but its so damn true.

posted 9 months ago
who in their right mind would kill themselves and their child after a loving family and stability? smells like the CIA caught up on their research and shut it down. there's a cancer cure folks, and how many people are they gonna silence before the truth eventually comes out?

posted 9 months ago

that is just so incredibly lucky. all the other teams look good and synergised, why do they get to win tournaments?

posted 9 months ago

someones alt

posted 9 months ago

the problem is, we should be defending BR like how you are doing now. there are bad apples everywhere.

posted 9 months ago

and don't watch porn! have a healthy mind.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

how was it?

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

that's like saying money doesn't matter as much because its paper.

posted 9 months ago

bro I am not gonna lie this is the best tweet response I've see to this:

posted 9 months ago

aye how'd your brain even allow you to think up that sentence?!

posted 9 months ago

you're a bum you wasted your life on Valorant.

posted 9 months ago

You wake up, you turn your computer on, you type your password in, you click on the red V icon that's on your desktop, click on the competitive Tab, and you click the giant start button that has been itching at you to click since you first woke up. And it's been like that for a while now, hasn't it? Do you remember the first time you heard of Valorant? Your friends were all talking about it, telling you to download and try it. You finally decided to download it, and you begin playing with your friends and having the best time that you've had in a long, long time. Let's move closer to the present. Spent all of your free time grinding this game, trying to max out the battle pass and unlock all the agent contracts. Your friends have all gone back to doing other things that they enjoy; they play other games or do other hobbies, while you're still playing the game they were desperately trying to get you to download. You grow tired of casually playing the game, and you start to take it a little more seriously. You dedicate countless hours to aim training and practicing the game, desperately trying to achieve a higher rank. The competitive itch keeps growing, and you want nothing more than to be the best player that you can possibly be. But the better you get, you begin to start facing more skillful opponents. You become obsessed with trying to fix every minor flaw in your gameplay so you can be one step closer to finally achieving your goal of the rank. You finally reached the rank that you've dedicated thousands of hours of your time to. All of the hard work that you put in finally paid off. Even with all of those times that you wanted to quit, you still managed to achieve the one thing you thought was impossible. But what do you have to show for all of your hard work? When you look back on your biggest accomplishments, is that rank really one of them? After all of the time that you put into practicing and training, after watching countless videos and guides on how to improve, did you learn something that's going to benefit you for the rest of your life? Even with all of the sacrifices that you made and all of the time that you dedicated to achieve your goal, there is one question you need to ask yourself, and you may not have just one answer: Would you do it again? Would you get out of bed every day with the only thought in your mind being to grind the game, finding any possible way to get better? Would you spend all of that time aim training and fixing every imperfection in your gameplay? Would you spend all of those hours binge-watching hundreds of thousands of videos on YouTube trying to understand every aspect of the game, ditch all those other opportunities so you could spend more time trying to achieve your goal of finally hitting a certain rank? For some people, this question may be easy, but for others, this question may have multiple complex answers that lead in all sorts of different directions. But regardless of what your answers may be, everyone watching this needs to know this video isn't meant to bash anyone. It's simply to ask, was it worth it?

video transcript taken from:

Minecraft version:

posted 9 months ago

you can believe what you want about Sinatra but it won't change the facts. nah the last time I watched his stream was yesterday. and the time before that was 1/2 weeks ago. I don't watch twitch streams except for 10 mins. unless there is an important Valorant game going on (masters/ champs)

posted 9 months ago

you know that's just a scapegoat right? what do you think normal people talk about? they talk about progressing, they aint got time for being left behind in consumerism.

and I never said they were saints. its not like there isn't humor. Sinatraa roasts the chat every 2 seconds if you know his stream.

posted 9 months ago

just because they talk a certain way doesn't mean it means they aren't intelligent. they mostly talk about stocks, finance, working out, hip hop, politics, none of that weird stuff

posted 9 months ago

bros chat is one of the most intelligent, u get real info from those people. and they aren't fans, they are just people who tune in if they feel like it. they have actual lives and don't even talk bout the game. just like Sinatraa who stays unserious, talking bout whatever he wants . not a d ride, just the truth,

posted 9 months ago

anotha one:

look at the quotes 😭😭

posted 9 months ago

this guy clears any troll on vlr

oops general discussion. they should just not allow you to post without choosing a category. (please choose category before posting ❗️❗️❗️⚠️⚠️)

posted 9 months ago

family, friends, job, bigger picture. bigger purpose.

posted 9 months ago

hanafuji alt, marhuee alt (1200 comments in 2 months), FDWC alt, everyone who's in the top 10 posters on VLR alt etc

posted 9 months ago

what makes vlr addictive? are you some sort of psychologists? you got phd on human behaviour? what is this???

posted 9 months ago

lets see if his response time is faster than than the Chicago police department

ps : babysasuke/netero are the same people

posted 9 months ago

not to mention how weird it is.

posted 9 months ago

Bocchi The Rock is the underdog that has positioned itself as the most watched series of the season despite having started without much momentum and with the first 4 episodes practically ignored until the meme of "the anime girl that gets bugged" became popular.

As a band series, it doesn't seem to me to have anything special or particular that we haven't seen in K-On or any other idol series (I know some sucker will tell me that it's not the same but the structure is really very similar).
The characters seem to me absolutely, bland and stereotypical, the cliche of the popular girl, the quiet cool girl and the extrovert and even Bocchi is another cliche, none with any interesting twist or any layer of depth that makes you appreciate them more.

Regarding the social anxiety, I find it very light, most of the time it is portrayed as a mere joke and Bocchi is in a safe-space where she will never really be punished for her low assertiveness.

Which is forgivable because the point is to be a light, slapstick comedy, but anyone who says this is a "good" or "realistic" portrayal of the reality of people with this condition is either stupid or perhaps projecting too much onto Bocchi.
The dialogue is bland and boring, I know this part is subjective, but I like moe, I like this kind of anime and just comparing all of them, this is one of the least compelling I've seen, the dialogues are not interesting at all.

The direction is good, and I guess it had to be because this series would be nothing without its visual humor because as I said the dialogues are dull and boring. You can tell that the director put a lot of effort into this anime as it was his debut, he could have taken the easy way out and put the cute anime girls talking in the background but you can tell he took some creative liberties.

The music is a theme touched in an extremely superficial way and resorts to the classic narrative resource of "our protagonist is a musical genius" that is seen even in movies to not develop anything about the theme and leave that they are good thanks to the protagonist.

In short, I find it a mediocre band anime, the characters are bland, the much talked about anxiety theme is touched in an extremely superficial way and honestly as a moe, it's one of the most boring I've ever seen. Being an ode to mediocrity I would normally give it a 5/10.

But for the great animation direction I give it a 6/10, typical seasonal anime that will be quickly forgotten when the new chinese anime girl internet mascot comes out.

posted 9 months ago

The staggering figures associated with the global sex and human trafficking industry, amassing $150 billion, along with the $180 billion from the sex work industry, underscore the alarming magnitude of the issue at hand. We would be naive to believe that these industries operate in entirely separate realms without any overlap. These are interconnected spheres, driven by the commodification and exploitation of human bodies. Countless individuals are forced into this grim reality of sex work due to duress, manipulation, or an utter lack of alternatives. Although a fraction of consensual cases exist, these are exceptions rather than the norm and should not blind us to the nightmare that significant numbers of sex workers are coerced into.

On a global scale, the situation becomes more disconcerting when considering millions in developing nations, pushed into this industry due to their dire socio-economic circumstances and the sinister industry of sex tourism preying on impoverished communities. The narrative of 'consensual adult sex work' may hold true for a select few, but it dangerously oversimplifies the issue, overshadowing the exploitation and suffering of countless individuals. Our focus should not be on normalizing this industry but aiming for its abolition and addressing the socio-economic imbalances that push people into this exploitative trap in the first place.

posted 9 months ago

even if the act is consensual, exposure to it is not. If you post a sex video on the internet, you are putting it on a public forum where billions of people, including children, can potentially access it. It’s true that some of those people will be adults who intentionally seek it out. But many will be children who do not have the capacity to consent to this exposure, even if they do seek it out.

If an adult has sex with a child, we call that rape, no matter if the child agreed to the act or not. That’s because we have correctly determined that children do not have the psychological development or emotional maturity to make informed and healthy decisions when it comes to sex. So if a child cannot consent to engage in a sexual act, it logically follows that he cannot consent to participate as a third party witness. If you post a sex video online and a child sees it, the fault lies with you, not the child.


sex work in itself is a 180 Billion Dollar problem in itself. + the 97 million dollar industry of porn.

sex work has its own dangers, including:

For the Sex Worker:

Physical Violence and Abuse.
Sexual Health Risks.
Exploitation and Coercion.
Mental Health Issues.
Legal Consequences.
Substance Abuse.
Stigma and Discrimination.
Economic Instability.
Unsafe Working Conditions.
Limited Access to Healthcare.

posted 9 months ago

I agree. this is a much bigger problem today than it was before, as if you have access to a phone, you have access to porn. which is 86% of the world. now of course, not everyone watches it, but a large majority do, in the West. there's a reason its a 97 Billion Dollar industry. it will become a bigger problem in the future, since our children are growing up with it, I knew I did, and I would never want anyone's kid to be subject to that. its sad but we must take a stand. thanks for the post bro <3

posted 9 months ago
literally whataboutism

Yes, mass shootings are terrible LOL, but that doesn't negate the fact that porn, is bad too. , which impacts a broad swath of society. stop deflecting and google what a red herring is lil bro.

posted 9 months ago

here's my full response:

Thank you for your input. However, I believe that the fact men shame women who engage in sex work supports my point that this industry is not empowering. If it were truly empowering, it would be universally accepted and not stigmatized.

The issue is not only about the number of men participating in porn/prostitution. My point is that relying on a customer base, which is predominantly male, puts the sex workers in a vulnerable position where they may have to compromise their boundaries to meet the demands of the customers. This is not a reflection of empowerment.

The question regarding the 'full value of labor' was about whether a sex worker gets compensated fairly for their work. Studies indicate many are not, and this exploitation further challenges the idea of empowerment in the industry.

The potential lack of control over scenarios is another concern. Many sex workers do not have the privilege of setting their own boundaries, leading to physical, emotional, and mental harm.

Lastly, even if some forms of porn are consensual, the presence of child sexual abuse material and revenge porn on porn platforms taints the entire industry and indicates its problematic nature. Comparing this to our concern about unethical labor practices elsewhere, it's hypocritical to dismiss these serious issues in the sex industry.

To me, these aspects don't depict empowerment. Instead, they suggest exploitation and harm. While I respect your right to a different perspective, I can't support an industry with such inherent problems.

posted 9 months ago

oops, I got the flag wrong hahaha, I am not too familiar with the Luxembourg flag , it looks very similar

posted 9 months ago

crazy how you dismiss everything by just once sentence. I digress, I have my own view and you have yours.

posted 9 months ago

do you work for the NSWP? it seems like the Dutch fund this cause quite a bit.

posted 9 months ago

If sex work was truly empowering then men would be the ones pressuring women from not doing it and insist that sex work is a man's job.

If it is so empowering why don't more men participate in porn/prostitution?

The customers are men so that is who you are serving and who you are relying on for your income, you have to meet their needs, or you are out of work. Who is in control? How is that empowering?

The porn industry/sex industry is specifically known for targeting the most vulnerable girls/women specifically to groom them into the sex industry. They are taking advantage of the feminist movement to once again have women giving men exactly what they want. It’s not empowering, it’s a scam to feed into patriarchal ideals.

If it’s so empowering, why don’t we bring sex workers career day for children?

If it’s so empowering, how would you react if your 13 year old told you they wanted to be a SW when they grow up?

If it is empowering why do men look down on sex workers? Why don’t they want their partners to be sex workers?

Does the woman make the full value of labour?

Does she have a say in the conditions scenarios the studio may put her in or must she just accept it?

50% of the videos on pornhub are taken down each year because they either had child sexual abuse material or revenge abuse material

Why is it that people are concerned that their sneakers might have been stitched together by a 12-year-old in China, yet so unconcerned that the ‘consensual sex act’ they’re viewing online might actually be a very non-consensual act of child rape?

this is not a me vs you situation, its an us vs them situation , and we are not on the winning side if we keep fighting on this.

posted 9 months ago

so basically all you're saying is that I am against porn for the wrong reasons? that's pathetic, and you know it. its like saying people who give charity give it to feel good instead of helping the poor.

its an amalgamation of reason, and if it didn't effect people's minds, it would still be exploiting woman, meaning, your sister, your mother, your daughter, and that is a reason to fight for. if it still was ALL consensual, it would create unrealistic standards for women since men would want to try out the acts, and they would be peer-pressured by other women. and if still this was solved, it would create mental health problems in men/women, anxiety, guilt, etc, and if this was solved, it would increase in violence, why? because of porn acting, different extreme genres, etc, people watch and try and reenact and someone would be an uneasy victim. but I know that no amount would satisfy you tho since you already called me a swerf, first time im hearing of the term lol.

posted 9 months ago

no way you're calling me misogynist. go read my other replies, I answered your point about the 1 company thing. also this "self report" thing makes no sense. you're attempting to call me a hypocrite, when I in fact do not deny that I didn't watch porn at one point, but after seeing the copious amounts of research + evidence that was suppressed against it, including what effects it has on our society AS A WHOLE, changed my view.

again, I advise you to read the women here:

a recent very thoughtful post:

they are victims of this stuff, who have nothing to do with porn or being exploited.

and the problem of porn is that its so free and easily accessible, it is very similar substance abuse, like Dr. K mentioned in his interview I linked above.

stop deflecting and embrace the problem. denial is the first step to acceptance.

and stop trying to make it a real "job" it feels desire, and you cannot sugar coat it by putting "ethical" and "consensual" next to it.

this "job" is being advocated against by former P Stars!! evidence

I know that any amount of evidence will result you in saying "not all companies" but the evidence is clear, read it, the denial can only go on for so long.

just because tons of other companies in this shady industry didn't get caught, it doesn't mean that it isn't a possibility, at the same time. its just irresponsible to just carry on as if nothing happened, its a thing and it should be one of the reasons people stop, as well as a copious amount of harms and terrors this habit entails.

posted 9 months ago
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