Flag: Canada
Registered: April 3, 2022
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 11:03 PM
Posts: 7942
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Hello sheahhhh and the NA fans,

I am deeply sorry for having ever doubted you, God sheahhhh and the NA Fans. This whole time, you were right, I was wrong. North America on top, Europe stuck and struggling in Tier 99. Stats do not matter, the words of Sheahhhh are the ones I should have listened to. I had avoided the wisdom he was providing me for so long due to my copium inhalation. I will now respect XSET and 100 Thieves fans alongside with my pre-existing respect for Optic Gaming fans. I will be switching my flair from LNATIC to XSET.

Top 15 Players:
1.AYRIN 2. ZEKKEN 3. CRYO 4. BCJ 5. DEPHH 6. YAY 7. ASUNA 8. DERREK 9. MARVED 10. WILL 11. Victor 12. Crashies 13. FNS 14. Bang 15. Stellar


I will now officially be going to hiding in Split Sewers, where I will never be visited by anyone, to ponder on how delusional I was, how dumb I was, and how much copium I was inhaling. I probably won't be back as I will be living in sorrow. I will now only be following the wise words of sheahhhh.

Sincerely, sentinelmain377

posted about a year ago

my ass
FPX just took out voice trackers implanted by FBI Agent Sykko by taking a FAT SHIT on XSET in fracture.

posted about a year ago

P.S.: I am back from my hiding with T1 Coach and he told me it seems that the voice trackers placed into the FPX players by Sykko were taken out in a fat shit and now FPX rolled XSET on fracture. EZ FOR EU

posted about a year ago


FNS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DEPHH

posted about a year ago

I just got information that FBI Agent Sykko placed a voice tracker into all the FPX players and spied on their comms.

posted about a year ago

Leviatan are superior
idk what copium u inhaling

posted about a year ago

NA winning maps, and series against EU. This is impossible, this is a dream. I need to recover, so I will be going to hiding in split sewers where no one can find me, asking Ex-T1 coach other methods of cheating and how xset,optic,and 100t might be doing it.

P.S.: I am back from my hiding with T1 Coach and he told me it seems that the voice trackers placed into the FPX players by Sykko were taken out in a fat shit on xset and now FPX rolled XSET on fracture. EZ FOR EU

posted about a year ago

u havent watched levi then

posted about a year ago

also drx is an asian team
and every asian team from regions other than apac usually own prx cuz they scrim each other

posted about a year ago

we arent even talking about international success tho
why did u bring such an irrelevant topic to the discussion

we are talking about teams that look better rn at champs 2022

posted about a year ago

im not supportin ur point (so fkn dumb talkin about a year ago)

im just thinking about kru vs edg and fnc and switched

posted about a year ago

how is that copium LOL?
it is true they had travel issues


posted about a year ago

+5 rounds

but this time
ange1 had travel issues disrupting their prac cuz he is igl

while xset had no issues at all

and kru beat xerxia

so idk what ur talkin bout Dumbfk

posted about a year ago

this aint placements tho
i deffo think edg > fur
especially cuz edg gameplan disrupted by life having covid and having to make a sub catch up on all the strats

posted about a year ago

W of the day: asdfghjkl

posted about a year ago

+5 rounds only for a 2-0

also fnc is 10 (thas low)
Fnc > xset even if fnc didnt do any prac lmao
cuz the rest are edg, xia, boom, fur, zeta

posted about a year ago

how is xset that high after almost losing to xerxia LMFAOOOOO

posted about a year ago

dude just cuz a team goes 0-2 doesnt mean they are bad dumbfk
group a had stacked teams
also edg had a sub and life had covid later on (which disrupts the gameplan when u have a sub)

edg > xia
edg > boom
edg > zeta
edg > fur
edg >/= current fnc
edg > xset
edg >/= kru

posted about a year ago

thas like saying sentinels won a lan so they should be better than some teams here holyf

also do u even know about ange1 travel issues
ange1 had a lot of travel issues so it disrupted fpx practice cuz he is ingameleader
and now the fpx team is sick :(

ur actually so dumb

posted about a year ago

m3c were literally playing with 50-60 ping and packet loss (confirmed by chronicle) and the game was still SOOOOOOOOOOO close

posted about a year ago
  1. let me fix that i think i was just malding at the time or something
  2. edg 0-2 against two good teams....(prx, tl) close games too, and had a sub which disrupts the gameplan and life had covid
  3. prx is overrated they will prob get grouped or 0-2 in playoffs
posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

1.FPX 2. OPTC 3. LEVI 4. DRX 5. LOUD 6. PRX 7. 100T 8. TL 9. KRU 10. FNC 11. EDG 12. XSET 13. FURIA 14. ZETA 15. BOOM 16. XIA

NA: 4W 1L
EU: 3W 2L

-botster + redgar
-enz0 + chronicle
-mistic + sheydos
-mini + enghh

only reason fnc g2 liquid qual to these events is cuz of their god pc and richness, otherwise gambit gld would smurf on them alongside fpx

posted about a year ago

1.are u a latam supporter (so kru and lev) or did u switch to lev???
2.were u roasting fnatic yesterday?

posted about a year ago

-enzo +chronicle
-mistic +sheydos
-botster +redgar
-mini +enghh

posted about a year ago

im depressed

fnatic made my whole life a lie

posted about a year ago

L of the day: babysasuke

Fpx rolls xset
Kru owns xset
Fnc will own 100t

posted about a year ago

Lmfao next is breeze tho, fnc have to win icebox

posted about a year ago

Lmfao true

posted about a year ago

Bro there were 6 Asian teams and 3 of them already bombed out lmfao stfu

posted about a year ago

Recency bias...

posted about a year ago

Even tho fur would never win, fnc are just so shit now that I can see it too

posted about a year ago

Split > Pearl > Bind > Haven > Fracture > Ascent > ICEBOX > Breeze

Fun to watch most to least

posted about a year ago

I was always saying these are good: FNC, FPX, TL, LEVI, DRX, LOUD,
i was always saying these are decent: optc, kru, edg
i was always saying these are bad: xset, 100t, prx, boom, xia, zeta, furia,

i do not know who these bandwagoners are

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if i was an emea hater and an xset lover
this comment would be the largest W ive ever seen

posted about a year ago

lmfao not gonna happen

posted about a year ago

aw im crying
u feel better?

since there was a lot of ppl
i thought there would be a sabcd tier type of thing

but then i kept reading and it's somethin else

posted about a year ago

get me in a/b tier

posted about a year ago

kru 2-0
fnc 2-0
fpx 2-0

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

rare ricky W
W of the day: RickyIndian

posted about a year ago

oh yeah ur the bandwagoner
who was next again

posted about a year ago

thas not what its about LMFAO

say life didnt have covid, he would be putting good performances too
and since smoggy didnt know about all the strats edg had, it disrupted their gameplay, yet that prx edg game was sooooo close

tl will win against prx

btw i had both tl and levi going to playoffs but i have a guranteed 0 points in the group a pickem due to how the pickem system works

posted about a year ago


would be it
no chance xerxia win
no one is getting perfect :(

posted about a year ago

I literally predded a god Leviatan from the start
but EDG didnt have full potential in first match unlucky (wouldve 2-0 prx)

posted about a year ago

Liquid and Lev literally just switched where they qual from and now i get 0/55 points from group a even tho i got the teams right :|
Also is someone tryna stop FPX from winning??
first ange1 has travel issues (igl)
and now some members of the team are sick and ardiis at hospital (hope they get better)
TL wins against PRX
LOUD win against ZETA
FNC smurf against 100T
XSET close win against KRU
NA: 4W 1L
EU: 2W 2L
1.FPX 2. LEVI 3. OPTC 4. DRX 5. LOUD 6. PRX 7. FNC 8. TL 9. 100T 10. EDG 11. XSET 12. KRU 13. ZETA 14. Xerxia 15. Boom 16. Furia
TL beat PRX copium
and i place fnc top 6 but not gonna cuz they just lost to 100T
i predded a good levi from the start (im not bandwagoning them being high)

posted about a year ago
1 •• 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 •• 157