Country: Canada
Registered: October 14, 2021
Last post: May 4, 2024 at 8:10 PM
Posts: 163
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actual factual -- huge progression coming from these regions, there's a lot of potential in them, i'm really happy for both teams.

regardless of what happens, this match illustrates the future of VCT and what's to come from these regions

posted about 2 years ago

W post

posted about 2 years ago

there's an element of both -- FNC did look like they had less firepower, but hands down zeta played outta their fucking minds.

i outlined this in a couple of my other posts, but the adaptations to know that FNC plays more off-site and for retake setups, and letting laz get so much space really helped them out.

GG Zeta, well done.

posted about 2 years ago

here's something that needs to be noted for slot distribution:

  1. viewership -- NA probably has a lot, but rito also looks at growing regions (like JP) and uber competitive ones (EMEA)
  2. NA will only get better if less spots are given.
    look at places like EMEA with a shit ton of really good teams that could probably make masters if they had a good day. that pushed them to refine their gameplay.

exact same thing with APAC - so many teams with both a play-in stage, groups, and the elim, all for TWO SLOTS? it's no wonder teams have to adapt to remain consistent and as a result skill has peaked.

giving NA 6 spots means "nearest airport" probably does become more true, since teams can remain more complacent and not need to adapt as much. with two slots, we get the best teams, with the best practice regiments who REALLY want to win, which is exactly the type of splash Guard made this year.

posted about 2 years ago

being rather uncharitable here -- esports will always see the rise of new dominance and metas, and particularly in valorant because of agents and the utility usage and combination.

it was unfortunate that FNC had to have two subs, and that M3C and FPX had to deal with the whole russia-ukraine shit. but let's be clear, some of the "big" teams that didn't end up here fucked up and some point, and we need to grow from that.

valorant will always change, the teams that adapt to the meta and just end up playing the best on their match days will always take the W.

posted about 2 years ago

the amount of upsets man

truly shows how close the gap between regions are now. this masters event has got me so hyped cuz there's no longer a clear winner and loser.

posted about 2 years ago

dude flew to iceland just to play some games, truly unfortunate.

but tbh, im not sure if they would've done SIGNIFICANTLY better even with derke on the team. one of the rounds on icebox when Zeta just did the mid split and ZERO utility or coverage there and letting laz consistently get so much space was really difficult to watch.

still though, things were hard for them, they tried their best. nt.

posted about 2 years ago

yea, esp for boaster. he looks like he's micromanaging everything because they werent as prepared. the adaptations and midrounding were tougher to do, so good attempt to them.

that being said, let's not take anything away from zeta. zeta looks fucking disgusting today. can't wait. big win for JP.

posted about 2 years ago

ooh, new cams?

posted about 2 years ago

interesting pick i agree

optic fracture tho?

posted about 2 years ago

watched him since the CSGO days, dad has always been great.

GGs Hiko, best of luck with what you choose to pursue in the future. Thanks for everything.

posted about 2 years ago

1) Does Japan deserve a slot to Masters?

YES -- high viewership region with like 200k+ peak viewers in the final, certainly some large orgs willing to stay around and invest. Only gets better from here on out
2) Was KRU's run a fluke?

YES -- KRU didn't seem SUPER strong beforehand, having been at both M2 Reykjavik and M3 Berlin and not doing that well. That being said, their skill at this point isn't just the team's fault, with Onur leaving and other external issues, it's more hard to find success.

3) Does NiP's win against Fnatic prove anything?

YES -- NiP is certainly a good team, but they're still from the mad underrated region of BR. Perhaps with Derke and BraveAF the matches would've changed, but the ultimate point is BR is certainly catching up, and the lines of who is SUPER AHEAD in this new meta begin blurring.

4) Is APAC better than NA?

NO -- I'm from NA so everyone will call me out for being a fanboy, but I think there are certain things that APAC still has to work on. They have the firepower and the incredibly nutty aim from F0resaken and Jingg, as well as Sushiboys we've seen from them. But there's still some stuff they have to work on, repeatedly slapping OpTic in the face is not a guaranteed indicator.

5) Is Chet a sore loser?

YES -- I can understand why he responds that way though. After losing, you're not going to be focused as much on how your team could've played better, but more so targetting other issues. It happens, that doesn't mean he isn't a sore loser.

posted about 2 years ago

i dont watch enough VRL to know exactly regarding players, but on teams, my rankings go:

  1. Fokus
  2. BIG
  3. Surreal
  4. SMB
  5. Rebels
  6. Excel
  7. Anonymo Mentos
  8. Sector One
  9. Team Falcons
posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

yup that's true too -- i think kyedae and tarik did it last time, so just look out for their streams maybe

posted about 2 years ago

hudsen W

i keep saying this and i really mean it

it's interesting to see all the changes and the rostermania -- excited for stage 2!

posted about 2 years ago

they don't normally release it to public access

posted about 2 years ago

realistically no, s1mple still the face of CSGO and brings him a lot of attention

that being said... 100T s1mple when!?

posted about 2 years ago

100T Nitr0
100T Ethan
100T Steel
100T Hiko
100T Asuna

favourite iteration, would be cool to see stew or maybe s1mple crossover but probably not happening LOL

posted about 2 years ago

yea like EG is having some synergy issues (which i would argue is happening with other large teams like vitality too right now), even though there are some absolutely mechanically cracked players in NA, there's no team that has the established like discipline and work to be able to beat any of the top EU teams atm

lookin tough

posted about 2 years ago

yea NA CS is still declining and difficult to recover -- hope something works out for em but it's lookin rough for most NA CS players rn, except for liquid w their recent upset

posted about 2 years ago

i am?

posted about 2 years ago

skrossi lan MVP

posted about 2 years ago

vct india boutta go booming

posted about 2 years ago

not all colour casters are the highest ranks and best players in the game, not sure why that part's important

but i do agree, sometimes their calls are a bit questionable. but still it's a power ranking, so just based on the amount of dominance and power teams have had within their regions very recently, and liquid have been looking a bit off

posted about 2 years ago

teams are really close so matches are bangers but long and drained out too

posted about 2 years ago

this is true -- as well like the storylines of new teams like GUARD, teams that are stomping their regions like LOUD and DRX, powerful dark horse in Zeta and whether or not EMEA will perform even with the whole covid and ukraine shitshow make the event even more interesting

for once it's not super clear who's gonna win the event, and im all for that

posted about 2 years ago

fire737 moment

posted about 2 years ago

no so now that Fokus wins EMEA relegation, they’re already put into EMEA Stage 2 where presumably they’ll remake the groups (unconfirmed)

should then be the same round robin style format to seed for masters 2, then playoffs just like last stage

posted about 2 years ago

jugi is looking so good — literally could be a tier 1 jett if teams were actively looking for duellists during rebuilds

posted about 2 years ago

LULquid comps are ass, KRU been looking outta shape in comparison to the champs showing in LATAM scene

posted about 2 years ago

nah i think hiko once said himself he wouldn’t be done competing for a while

i agree wit u tho it’s not hard for him to enter a really goated t1 team — the clutch potential and veteran comms and mindset certainly set him apart from the rest

posted about 2 years ago

JasonL, for SURE

jason pushed it back as long as possible before giving an apology, speed is a youngster, and jason has just been trying to make the most out of it -- publicity wise -- from all this (look at tarik stream argument)

doesnt mean i support speed tho, but jason still took the bigger L in general

posted about 2 years ago

chickenjoe op

and on another note, really hoping for DRX to have a strong showing - we saw how good they were in VCT KR (ignore the L to holymolly) and hopefully they can show it all at reykjavik!


posted about 2 years ago

all good -fns

posted about 2 years ago

hudsen's articles are always just the biggest W

posted about 2 years ago

literally peak 100T

first beats gambit with a huge 11-3 -> 11-13 comeback, then beating acend with a huge comeback too.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Cloud9
  2. Optic/Guard
  3. Version1 (only here because of loss to LG, though I think it could've been a fluke because of mapban trolls)
  4. Sentinels
  5. XSET
  6. LG
  7. Rise
  8. Knights
posted about 2 years ago

bonkers no1

posted about 2 years ago

nah optic is playing this perfectly and this only gets even better next patch - brim neon combo boutta be the next meta frfr

posted about 2 years ago

yeah probably was just going to post about this, still feelsbad the org disbanding just like BBG

posted about 2 years ago

recover? bro it's all dependent on the other teams now. they're basically out since at even if they beat xset and eg it's only a 2-3 record and they'll need the other teams to do poorly

posted about 2 years ago

chet out here saw what happened w guard 13-0 and trying to drop the sen roster as well, 13-1 isnt enough for him

posted about 2 years ago

oh fs sen needs to win bind and optic needs to win fracture, im just saying it could go 2-1 anyway cuz icebox is so rogue for both teams but i think optic still slightly better there

posted about 2 years ago

SEN's best map is bind - they haven't really lost this, i think it'll be a pretty secure 2-1 tho

posted about 2 years ago

this aged TERRIBLY

posted about 2 years ago

hopefully he gets picked up by another NA team man don't deserve this

posted about 2 years ago
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