Flag: Luxembourg
Registered: April 13, 2023
Last post: June 12, 2024 at 8:34 PM
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leo and alfa fraudulent

posted 3 months ago

brother is living in an alternate reality

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

hes named asspiss for a reason 🤷‍♂️

posted 3 months ago

just dont fuckin lose it isnt that hard.

posted 3 months ago

yes that is exactly what you're doing

posted 3 months ago

he was mid earlier into 2023 but around champs he started showing promise yeah

posted 3 months ago

he didnt do shit nrg was always bad

posted 3 months ago

its wild too because the top comment literally has someone saying hes Brazilian like 5 comments down people just dont read or smth

posted 3 months ago

its always funny how people like you laser focus on one team in a discussion on 6 because they're desperate to have their opinion validated despite none of this mattering in the slightest

posted 3 months ago

i was gonna respond but then i realized the level of brainrot you need to come up with this take is incurable.

posted 3 months ago

🥱ive already debunked everything you said here.

You replied to me by saying that I started this fight, when you clearly didn't notice who you're replying to

meh my bad but you're still continuing the fight my guy.

And yes I'm calling you a dumbass because you are continuing a fight on a fucking online forum for fuck sake

quite literally the exact thing you are doing in this comment. In your own words you're a dumbass

posted 3 months ago

yeah thats just cope tech pauses happen in every region

posted 3 months ago

the fact you need to ask that is why

posted 3 months ago

I'm sure there is on paper but with productions in real life its so incredibly difficult to account for delays so practically probably not. i mean just look at this last week or so with all the tech pauses we've had not to mention even a series going long due to a couple overtimes or one really long one. This stuff isn't unheard of and is common enough to be a pretty big factor. You need redundancy built into schedules like this and a 4 day schedule would destroy that.

posted 3 months ago

that would probably cause issues with time conflicts for NA EU and APAC which they are super careful to avoid especially as we get up to the 14 team cap

posted 3 months ago

like one of the groups could be LOUD LEV NRG SEN 100T and then one of those teams would be fucked again

well seeding is a thing (actually one of the few uses for consensus since thats pretty much the only metric available in the pre season) so that isn't as likely but any team that seems weak initially then turns up (heyo EG last year) could cause something like that. remembering back to 2022 there was always a somewhat stronger group but never enough that a team didn't make playoffs that actually had a shot a qualifying for the international event.

posted 3 months ago

although the old two group format the sustainable option moving forwards but for just 11 teams they easily could've done a round robin

posted 3 months ago

welp that is dumb. idk riot really fumbled this format. they have such a long off season with nothing happening and then condensed the entirity of the season into just 6 or 7 months (depending on if you make champs or not).

posted 3 months ago

wym? did they announce the details of the formatting of the group stages or are you just assuming its not going to be a round robin format? If they did announce it i hadn't seen it but if it isn't round robin that sucks. Regardless two games (and even less games for some of these teams) isn't really a good sample size to determine team quality esp when teams have just picked up players (i mean 100t is the prime example of this they've hardly had any time with their IGL)

posted 3 months ago

i mean the format is bad. They essentially swapped the placement of one of the group stages with an LCQ like event. doesn't make sense to me why we wouldnt just swap kick-off with group stage 2 and make kickoff into an LCQ. That way the high stakes tournament is at the end of the season once all the teams have had a chance to prac properly and fully realize their identity. Its the same as last year it doesn't make sense to have a elimination tournament right off the bat since it essentially punishes teams that had a bad year and had to make a lot of moves or who ran into problems with acquiring players.

posted 3 months ago

i mean you can say that if you want but thats just speculation combined with armchair analysis ill wait until stage 1 when these teams actually play each other

posted 3 months ago

so EG improving over time has nothing to do with it because at the start EG did suck

thats my whole point. power rankings by their very nature are out of date before they are ever published. We as viewers don't know how good a team actually is until we see them play. as such using consensus to measure the skill level of a team is inherently flawed. I brought up EG because teams do not become good overnight. odds are EG was much better than consensus believed and simply didn't have the results. Once the have the results consensus changed, but that change can only come after they are good. Using consensus means you are just looking at past results and assuming that they will predict future ones which as we saw many many many many many times previously (mibr vs NRG, NRG imploding at champs, KRU going on a run at LCQ, zeta division at reykjavik, FNC blowing up at champs, LOUD having a resurgence at champs, etc.) is an inherently flawed view to hold.

tldr: consensus will always be out of date. using it to claim a team is better than another is dumb because of that.

posted 3 months ago

100t is the biggest team itw

demonstrably false but ok

posted 3 months ago

yeah but general consensus doesnt mean shit. do you know how many months of "general consensus" that sen was a super team last year i had to witness. consensus will only ever measure hype. by virtue of the fact that the public lacks insider info public opinion will always run downstream of the actual development of teams just look at EG last year.

posted 3 months ago

you see I'm not the one who started this fight (that was you) but regardless as I told you previously that informal definition of the word continent is inadequate for your argument. But whatever you have a child level understanding of geography so I'll stop wasting my time.

posted 3 months ago

never said that you did. just saying its cringe to use "we" like you're from apac when you aren't. I wouldnt use "we" if i was describing the effort to elect a UK political candidate that i like.

posted 3 months ago

Its unfair but makes chronicle a more proven player overall unlucky bud

except for the fact that your "proven" player lost FNC the championship tournament but its ok hes "proven"

Also why do you keep on randomly assuming im a m3c fan

why else are you bringing up 3 year old stats like they're relevant? if not because of fandom then i guess its just delusion.

posted 3 months ago

i mean when you throw a tournament for your team you're worse than a player who carried their team to their one map win against the WORLD CHAMPs so yeah... crazy how divorced from reality you are

posted 3 months ago

this is why m3c fans always bring up 3 year old stats... its their only claim to fame.

posted 3 months ago

Suygetsu and cloud both had stats better than smth's

and? we're comparing chronicle and something that is quite literally irrelevant. But hey if you wanna go down that path saadhak had better stats than chronicle... thats just sad.

Regardless measuring "impact" at events that something wasn't able to attend is quite literally just an unfair comparison. You assume something wouldn't have had just as big if not a bigger impact for PRX at those events which you quite literally have no way of knowing since it didn't happen.

posted 3 months ago

oh no ! whats this? another ex gambit fan using 3 year old stats in an argument? who couldve guessed it. He had one tournament (that something couldn't go to) where he was top 5 in stats. The one tournament he and something were both at something had better stats than him and he lost the two most important matches of the tournament for his team. this isnt 2021. move on. no one's saying chronicle is a bad player just that something is currently a better player.

posted 3 months ago

last years format was shit too why cant we just get the old 2022 two group stages and two internationals followed by LCQ and champs

posted 3 months ago

he was quiet for a major part of the tourney, especially the GF

ignoring the fact that he topfragged the final its quite arguable that chronicle lost FNC both of their games vs loud. but whatever you aren't interested in reality.

posted 3 months ago

have you never heard of Eurasia? You seem extremely lost brother. I think you need to read up on the differences between regions and continents. When using an informal definition of continent the only deciding factor is that the land is contiguous meaning that if you want to use a non-scientific definition of the word then it is equally valid to say Africa Europe and Asia are all one continent (Africa-Eurasia). But then again why am I explaining any of this you're too busy being mad to think.

posted 3 months ago

ASIA, if you can comprehend then its the same continent in which Palestine is

you realize how continents are defined right? you seem really lost maybe you should retake those geography classes you were talking about earlier :)

posted 3 months ago

u good? its a separate tectonic plate and if you ask anyone with a brain they'll tell you its in the middle east. you seem a little lost too...

posted 3 months ago

im not acting like im from apac? u ok?

posted 3 months ago

"we" flag: Palestine flair:kcorp post: apac... you seem a little lost brother

posted 3 months ago

if we're talking about the best player why tf are you using stats from 3 years ago.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

he should be homeless with how he plays. calling himself a pro is a disgrace to the franchising system.

posted 3 months ago

nobody was you're just falling for the most obvious bait in the goddamn world

posted 3 months ago

you say that like it means anything yay is shit

posted 3 months ago

no fuckin shit

posted 3 months ago
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