Country: Brazil
Registered: May 29, 2023
Last post: August 25, 2023 at 9:58 AM
Posts: 5

sry to be the boring one but they're already at home

posted 8 months ago

Too little matches to compare less with alfajer, both are really good players, but i think less is a bit of "underrated".
I do see ppl talking about less but not as talking about aspas or sadhaak, less' impact in every loud's match is HUGE, getting kills in rotations, sometimes doing some crazy 1's when opening angles (exemple that 1 vs derke in ascent score 6x5), not only he has great skills but also a big knowledge about game plans and rotations, and when LOUD need him most, he looks like he has ice cold in his veins playing like he never played before.
Now in comparison to alfajer, honestly i do confirm that i didnt watch fnatic games (yk 11-3 traumatized me a lot) and so i dont know about his playstyle, but just seeing that play on lotus where he waits every player to pass just for killing everyone shows us just a litte bit of how alfajer can be impactful on a match, probably the last match was a fluke but who knows.
Also thinking in overall, less is contesting this role for best sentinel since last year, perhaps i live in a bubble that only i can see this but thats the first time that i see alfajer also competing for this role.
Overall: imo less is beter
LOUD could be going to lowers after PRX and getting destroyed by FNATIC with alfajer outclassing everybody
FNATIC getting demolished by FUT

posted 8 months ago

never went to US but thats really unfortunate, hope u can get some refund at least

posted 8 months ago

na minha opinião todos esses times citados vão dar um grande trabalho pra LOUD
PRX: imprevisiva com estratégias agressivas e inusitadas, e com players muito bons
DRX: elenco fortíssimo unido desde o ano passado, só de ver a partida contra a própria LOUD na GS já dá pra ver o quão bruto é esse time
EG: potterismo. não teve confrontos com equipes que podem desafiar a equipe porém mesmo assim ela continua sendo forte
a fnatic mesmo perdendo pra gente deu um trabalhão na ascent que é nosso melhor pick e ela também não teve adversários a altura
outra coisa
acho legal dar palco pros times chineses também
a bilibili acho difícil acontecer algo afinal eles vão jogar contra a DRX (edit pós-lotus meu deus eu sou o rei da zika (edit pós-pós lotus nevermind))
já a EDG q vai jogar contra a EG, acho que vai ser um jogo bem interessante e acredito que a edg possa fazer um upset contra eles (embora eu goste bastante da EG)
o negócio é ir passo por passo que nem os players disseram, pé no chão e foco no bicampeonato!

posted 8 months ago

what happened with ZETA?
from top3 in reykjavík to being eliminated vs t1 (not flaming t1 tho great team also)

posted 11 months ago