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Registered: April 25, 2023
Last post: June 24, 2024 at 8:44 PM
Posts: 148
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He’s actually really good, clean aim good clutcher and up there with crashies level utility. Don’t know why he was dropped last season

posted 1 month ago

We’re watching one of the best matches of all time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a league match, the team play and drama is crazy right now. So much skill and emotion

posted 1 month ago

i dont understand why its marved that has to suffer, ig its because s0m fits easiest into his place and Demon1 isnt flexible enough in the NRG roster. Chet obviously thinks s0m and FNS is a quicker fix compared to an alternative

posted 1 month ago

youre delusional, leaf over crashies the best initi flex player in the world

posted 2 months ago

Saving strats isn’t a thing bro, they were trash on that map against Loud because Loud have history on it g2 doesn’t

posted 2 months ago

Now these look like a super team right now, Boostios calls are exactly what every pro team should have in their locker

posted 2 months ago

i believe Less would struggle with a new team socially and strategically. His talent speaks for itself however without moving to a team he shares a bond with i dont see him succeeding. If Furia acquired Less and Pancada we could see the start of something great imo

posted 2 months ago

Bro sen fans are cooked

posted 2 months ago

Oh yes you’re right

posted 2 months ago

So is it really based on round difference than map? If it’s map Sen qualify if g2 get 2-0d

posted 2 months ago

The worst signing of the season?

posted 2 months ago

We locked in no? 13-5

posted 2 months ago

This cringe bro, Tenz has been back since start of Madrid hello?

posted 2 months ago

Fr the way 100T talk about their golden boy Asuna even though he’s never been better than his first strike reyna days

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

marved was better during the optic reign yes, but the game had changed significantly

posted 2 months ago

they have some shooters fr

posted 2 months ago

zombs was the best at his role at the time how dare u slander the king

posted 2 months ago

i think Havoc, has poor timings and when he does succeed in the kill the guy throws his life or ult away

posted 2 months ago

KRU are top tier always have been, theyve made nearly every international event and have been cooking since Heat and Shyy

posted 2 months ago

NRG to lose, G2 to lose, SEN win, but even then it depends on round/map diff

posted 2 months ago

She is literally the goat, real team work, momentum, and big timeout strats. An example of how teams should be. Couldn’t imagine her having a roster that are already brilliant, she’d dominate

posted 2 months ago

I just feel like crashies is far more crucial, Ethan tends to fall behind and crashies has way more experience with the roster, although without Ethan on igl and the ex experience he has with s0m it could also work

posted 2 months ago

Crashies should never be dropped he’s too valuable


posted 2 months ago

Bro has posted another forum on sen buying out the top fragger of the current match (it’s literally 3-2)

posted 2 months ago

But what is the point, may aswell replace whoever they don’t want with a respectable player in the same role, not go through a teaching process like the last two years

posted 2 months ago

And it’s a one duelist meta with usually two smokes

posted 2 months ago

Zekken is far too good on duelist, better than Oxy on his day

posted 2 months ago

Are you stupid, there are roles in a team for a reason and just because oxy is popping off means we not only need to buy him, but replace one of the current roster for him with Zekken and tenz on a one duelist meta

posted 2 months ago

Sen have nothing to lose at this point, I think they’d smoke Furia out of rage

posted 2 months ago

Sen will qualify 😂 let’s be delusional together

posted 2 months ago

People forget the Loud falloff too though, C9 have a habit of beating the big teams but bottling it just like the split before champs last season

posted 2 months ago

Wtf are these matches 😂 so many weird results this split like with sentinels and their bad run, NRG and their weird consistency, C9 rn??

posted 2 months ago

Problem is demon1 on raze but I think they figured it out

posted 2 months ago

Well yeah but it’s not about champs rn

posted 2 months ago

It’s over brother

posted 2 months ago

Turned into a phantom player

posted 2 months ago

They actually went over their last icebox game and put Zekken on op

posted 2 months ago

Fr idk why lotus ever came into our map pool. We were unstoppable on split, sunset and bind

posted 2 months ago

Why are our loses so embarrassing, have we been studied by everyone

posted 2 months ago

We playing well, just very unlucky deaths

posted 2 months ago

😂😂 Less is on god going to sen us home

posted 2 months ago

Sen should stomp Furia though, I think they’re just burned out so if they recovered form they should makeup for it

posted 2 months ago

This is the only way

posted 2 months ago

Yes hopefully, but if there’s a time for Loud to step up and for Less to carry it’s now

posted 2 months ago

That’s the only way right now, but three teams from the other group have to finish under 2 wins which doesn’t look possible

posted 2 months ago

KRU look better than NRG atm unless they work out the consistency issue

posted 2 months ago

Even if the best possible solution happens, SEN will be 4-2 and G2 will either be 4-2 or 3-3. SEN would need C9 to bottle the two worst teams right now to qualify. Even losing to both will still mean qualification will be based on map/round difference

Is there a chance?

posted 2 months ago

I’ve seen FNS’ raze bro 😂

posted 2 months ago

He’s not a socialable character hence the loyalty to Loud, I think a new team would be built around less and Saadahk if anything unless Less has mutuals in the pro scene

I don’t see him working well with 4 new players he’s never met

posted 2 months ago
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