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Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: April 5, 2024 at 12:28 PM
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Yeah it was good, just wish they would add more depth to humans and their motivations because right now the humans are just pure evil. It kinda makes sense because its from Na'vi's POV, but wish they showed more of why Earth is dying and why these humans are like how they are, because in a way they do bad stuff to guarantee future for humans. Also there were couple of scenes and characters with their decision making that had some problems with them or were just odd. Also in one scene pretty much 90% of characters just disappear if you know what I mean.

But overall visually its a masterpiece and even though the story was simple it is still entertaining and people give it too much shit while most blockbuster movies have shit and simple stories as well. Also the characters were pretty interesting and its going to be interesting to follow their journeys moving forward.

posted about a year ago

Problem with that sub is that its really NA biased and filled with 100T and SEN fans especially. And it has good amount of people who are just really "normie" and don't know much what they talk about or the scene outside of NA, or just super delusional fans of certain team. But overall people bait way less and there are also some good users there who actually know what they are talking about. Overall its less toxic and has less baiting but also has many clueless people.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I heard that during Sliggy's co-stream if I'm not wrong. But yeah its weird. He is good player, but his teams always suck. I guess Turkey just doesn't have many good or even decent IGLs. Should just do cNeds and join English speaking team, but now he has perma spot in franchise league so why not just stay there. Big problem for Turkish scene in the future I feel like.

posted about a year ago

They have Monsteerr so that is good piece to build around especially with sentinel changes even though I feel bad for him because he def deserved a franchising spot. But I could imagine them being decent spender in EMEA tier 2 so they could build decent roster I think. Just not sure how attractive the org is for players seeing how they seem to ask big buyouts, but for players who know they likely won't get picked by tier 1 orgs anytime soon it might be good option.

posted about a year ago

who wouldn't

posted about a year ago

true, or its not everyone but more like half that is still pretty high

posted about a year ago

Yeah going to be interesting to see what their plans with Wolfen are. He is main OP player, but also plays sentinels mainly and bit of initiators. We will see is KOI planning on keeping it that way or possibly even make him a duelist Jett player. They don't really have a Jett main in this team outside of maybe Trexx but even he isn't truly a Jett/OP player. Trexx can play sentinels as well so maybe Wolfen could practice Jett.

posted about a year ago

Can look beautiful and cozy, also brings brightness to otherwise dark days. When its dark from 4PM to 10AM almost every day snow adds a lot of shine. But snow = cold and cold sucks ass also snow can be annoying because it can get to shoes etc also once snow starts to melt and it becames this mixture of snow, ice and water its so shit when your shoes are wet 24/7 when outside and it sucks. Also ice sucks. Overall I would say that I only want snow during Christmas days and New Year eve but outside of that I'm fine without it. But as I said snow brings a lot of brightness so everything looks nicer than grey and rain otherwise. Snow > rain tho.

posted about a year ago

Maybe I only tried to watch this 3rd one. Feels like its just desk segments, gameday intros, games and interviews all just combined into one video. Yes there is some extra, but not like True Sight where they also recorded the guys having discussion outside between rounds from both teams etc. This is more like "epic recap of the event" than showing real not so fancy footage of teams being real with each other. If you know what I mean. But its just my opinion and I can see people preferring this style. I just think it makes it bit boring because we have seen most of this already.

and yes its true that its harder to do that when you follow all the teams instead of just finalists. But I like True Sight's style more.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Am I only one who dislikes documents that focus too much on the gameplay and half of the episodes are just clips from the games? Like they are important for document to show what happened, but its so boring to watch same clips over and over again or hear the desk talking about it. I want to see more behind the scenes footage. I guess it makes sense because they are following multiple teams, but you get way better footage from like Dota 2 True Sight, because they actually follow the 2 finalist teams and viewers get so much more never seen before behind the scenes footage.

posted about a year ago

eh mid but skuba is pretty good

posted about a year ago

Not always, but when doing cardio I usually check VLR and ofc do other stuff with phone. Or watch movie.

posted about a year ago

pc, mobile when somewhere else or exercising etc

posted about a year ago

tbf I might have mixed racism with xenophobia, but I hate calling those 2 different when they share parts

posted about a year ago

Literally has nothing to do with that. But say what you want. Too scared to accept the reality. Not going to continue forward because this isn't the place for that.

posted about a year ago

Natural was maybe wrong word, but more like normal or common. Also stuff like socially constructured ideas etc are in a way "natural "to us because we are born into this world and we process things differently and are more complicated than other animals.

posted about a year ago

No Im Mr. Realistic no bullshit

posted about a year ago

Not away from specific looking people or skin color but from any that I don't know. So no.

posted about a year ago

Take from person who doesn't know what the is talking about. Even though CSGO has been out for long time and the basics are the same theres still so much macro/micro changes happening all the time. Add to that they are actually changing the map pool nowadays like addition of Ancient and most recent Anubis. Only clueless people think CSGO doesn't have a metas or one that doesn't change. The game evolves all the time.

posted about a year ago

or maybe because LEC > LCS

posted about a year ago

Every person is at least slightly racist lets be real. I think its natural.

posted about a year ago

soulcas gets so much undeserved hate. He is good.

posted about a year ago

Because CSGO is huge mind game because its so mastered, so you need to be constantly focused and think so many things. Way more than what Valorant is currently. Every utility piece, position etc has big impact on the rounds. Also the amount of protocols etc top CSGO pros have is so high. Valorant is casual compared to that at this current time.

posted about a year ago

It was -11C yesterday evening

posted about a year ago

i kinda hope Argentina wins because its likely Messi' last World Cup + France won last time

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

unfortunately 3 local player requirement will turn most VRLs into shit shows

posted about a year ago

Every person in my family got it at same time 2 vaccinated, 2 unvaccinated and all of us had exact same symptoms just 1 day of fewer and only slight headache and sore throat after. Super easy, but ofc it depends on person.

posted about a year ago

Based on top finishes yes, but that is the case with every region really. I think our IGL situation with ANGE1, Boaster, Koldamenta, Redgar who are more proven and then guys like Bonecold, Boo, Rhyme(not sure yet) is good.

posted about a year ago

if I put ? I meant that I'm not sure is he the IGL/who is the IGL. Stax used to be the IGL, but some people were saying it was Zest in some more recent tournaments so I'm not sure. Same with Liquid since they never had proper IGL.

posted about a year ago

Say what you want about Boaster and yes I have had my doubts, but:

EMEA Stage 2 Challangers 2021: 2nd
[higher placed IGL: Scream?]

VCT Reykjavik 2021: 2nd
[higher placed IGL: Shahzam]

VCT Berlin 2021: didn't qualify

Champions 2021: 5th-8th
[higher placed IGL: Bonecold, Scream?, Klaus, Redgar]

EMEA Stage 1 2022: 3rd
(2nd best truly) [higher placed IGL: ANGE1]

Masters Reykjavik 2022: 2 stand-ins so doesnt count, was one of the favorites

EMEA Stage 2 2022: 1st

Masters Copenhagen: 4th
[higher placed IGL: ANGE1, Benkai, FNS]

Champions 2022: 5th-6th
[higher placed IGL: saadhaak, FNS, stax?, ANGE1]

so all in all Fnatic has been one of the best and most consistently good teams in Valorant with Boaster. Also Boaster individually has usually had decent/ok international performances. He is one of the most proven IGLs in Valorant and still is. More proven than guys like Vanity that people like to praise for some reason. Ofc you can't put all on IGL because Fnatic has had good rosters, but just to give idea.

posted about a year ago

top 5 favories: grapes(goated), watermelon(idk idea of watermelon disgusts me kind of because its like sweaty morning breakfast type of food but tastes good), banana(goated and good for hunger), plum/peach(kinda similar good alone and in jam), mandarin(goated taste and no shitty seeds like orange)

top 5 overrated: avocado(tastes meh no one actually likes this), mango(hella overrated and disgusting on most things decent on some), pear(doesn't taste like anything legit soft apple without the taste), kiwi(not bad, but too sour so not good for most of the time)

but berries like strawberries, blueberries, rasberries, cloudberries, blackberries etc own all fruits

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but IMO these nerfs will definitely drop his pickrates. He just doesn't get as much value outside of maps like Fracture maybe and could easily be replaced with agents like Jett, Killjoy or something because they provide more value. Old(current pre nerf) Chamber was really strong on defense compared to Jett for example but now his defense value will be lower and you can't flex with him as much likely and now people might rate Jett's added offensive capabilities more valuable than Chamber's defensive because it isn't as good anymore. Chambers both offensive and defensive capabilities were nerfed pretty hard. No long range trip to hold on flanks or areas on both sides and his OP firerate got nerfed pretty hard so even harder on attack etc. I don't know what im saying but ok.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic is the most "superteam" out there in my opinion. They have 4 players that all could be considered as superstars if they were on different rosters and when playing on their peak form. And then they have one of the most proven IGLs in Boaster even if he hasn't won anything yet. Derke has potential to become the best player in the world and has been top 2-5 for long time. Alfajer's peaks are really high and even as young player he is one of the best in his role (not sure if he has to move to sentinel role tho). Leo is in my opinion the best initiator in EMEA and tippity top in international standards. And well Chronicle was considered as one of the best last year and is highly rated even to this day.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

top streamer: forsen
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send messages: 831
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subscribed months: 3 (all gifted)

posted about a year ago

oh lol im out of the loop

posted about a year ago

Yeah that is true, but if he actually wanted to move to Valorant then what would be better than be in Fnatic and learn from some of the best in this game? Also he seems to be friends with Boaster already. But yeah it doesn't make much sense because he can compete in CSGO, but his tweets seem weird unless he lost some challenge or something or Boaster himself wrote this praising himself idk.

also some addition: some time ago when Mini was asked about their 6th he said something like "our 6th is the best 6th in whole game" or something like that. He could be just pointing out towards Mistic, but it is definitely interesting considering that them potentially signing nico could probably be counted as the best 6th player signing considering that he is decent CSGO pro.

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure its his own official account. Just not sure is it just a joke or real. nicoodoz has been pretty active in Boaster's chat because they have some history from CSGO days I guess.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If you meant on this roster then maybe yes but even still he makes the most sense as OP player so no. Amd overall his agent pool isn't his weakness when he literally plays the heroes his role needs. Why would OP player play anything else than Jett and Chamber?

posted about a year ago

No way you are calling 7ssk7 weakest link when he is likely the strongest player on this roster. He was one of the better Chamber/Jett OP players in EMEA and was competitive vs the best of EMEA.

posted about a year ago

Damn. They have some role issues on paper, but this roster looks good. 7ssk7 not being in franchising is a crime. Braveaf still has to prove himself, but we saw him doing really well in Fnatic so if this team click he will definitely be good piece of the roster. Dimasick did well in Liquid even though he isn't a star or anything, decent support player. I'm not hugely sold on d3ffo, but based on this roster I assume he would be playing entry role(Raze) or flex so he could be good. And I'm really excited of Falltw if he is going to lead this team (not sure is he IGL). Case was one of the better VRL teams last season and he wasn't bad individually either.

posted about a year ago

Match days on weekdays is kinda risky I feel like. But maybe its better that it won't mix with LEC or even NA VCT. Has potential to pull more viewers from these, but then again can be risky for the regular viewerbase.

posted about a year ago

Huge overreactiong from one 3rd party tournament. Bang is good but you can't by any means say he has highest peak of individuality out of controllers at this point. Players like Mako and Pancada are way more proven. Even Rhyme put up 31/15 (+31 in 3 maps) vs Parla who were on fire and who took NaVi to 5th map. Of course Bang is better and more consistent as non-IGL controller, but claiming such things over Red Bull tournament with weaker and newer team is just non sense.

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't say that. Vitality played overtime Pearl vs 100T while losing both pistols. And Fracture wasn't the cleanest from them, but I also think they are bit throwing with their comp. Also lost both pistols there. For team that is still young vs 100T who have been together for long and who had Cryo putting up crazy numbers it was good showing from Vitality. And I wouldn't put much on their game vs C9 when Molsi had likely his worst performance ever and it was 3rd BO3 in a row for this relative inexperienced squad. They weren't far off from team like C9 and will just get better and better as time goes by.

And Giants showed a lot of potential as well even if they lost vs Parla as month old team. Their individual talent is really high and they showcased that. And some of their players still looked bit uncomfortable in their new roles/team especially the 3 that you expect most from nukkye, hoody and Cloud. nukkye and hoody are playing new roles and Cloud just looked bit uncomfortable at times and didn't play to his true level IMO. Also their Haven already looked really good for such young team and it was clear they hadn't had much time to prep other maps.

Well I don't expect much from Heretics and I predicted them to be inconsistent individually and well that they were.

and even after all of this I don't understand how "EMEA is suffering" when these "B tier" teams showed a lot of potential and had some good series vs like top 3 if not the best NA team right now that were also in form and who have been together for long (outside of Cryo but he slots in well). I think it was promising showing from EMEA. Majority of people outside of me ofc predicted Vitality to get destroyed and they didn't. Liquid didn't even have their full roster and they still took off maps again promising for them.

posted about a year ago
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