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Registered: April 21, 2022
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 8:29 AM
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another really funny bait account

posted about a year ago

5.25 average score... bro doesnt even enjoy watching anime lmaoooo

posted about a year ago

i love these gimmick accounts they are always so funny and original! I can't help but laugh every time!

posted about a year ago

bro said anime peaked and in the same sentence mentioned demon slayer, omp s2, qq and sao

posted about a year ago

cant get carried if you lose every game

posted about a year ago

obviously baiting lmao, most americans are sane and agree that baseball is the worst sport

posted about a year ago

maybe he should scream more, that would be so funny!!! LOL i love when shaz screams when he whiffs! epic loud scream ahhahaha AAHHHHHHHHH hahaha loud scream.

Ardiis showing personality is so boring he should just do the same stream every day where he plays ranked and gets mad at his solo queue teammates and scream !!!! hahaha i love screaming

posted about a year ago

Well what about the sova recons and fade recons you have to turn 180

Well you can just turn and shoot them? Low sens doesnt mean you cant turn at all and can just look forward????

I don't understand what your perception of low sens is? you are able to turn, move your mouse, look around. Literally any sens above 0.2 800 can do a 180 on most modern mousepads.

This is literally 70% of the gun duels in the game

We just making up numbers now? There is 1 duelist on each team, they have 1 entry movement moment per round so thats potentially a maximum of 20%. Omen tps require 0 tracking and just a flick of MAXIMUM 180 degrees if they literally tp from infront to directly behind you. Raze satchel / jett dash once again can only make you move a maximum of 180 degrees if they literally go from directly infront to directly behind you.

You missed the point that sens at its core is a personal preference

You missed the point where its not a preference and playing on a lower sens is better. You do not need to have less precision for no reason. You do not need to be able to do more than a 360 for no reason. The only benefit of high sens is being able to move your crosshair faster, which is a redundant point bearing in mind there is no benefit to fast flicks over accurate flicks. See cryo or yay. And its not like low sens players cant flick fast, see any clip from 90% of pro players (they are low sens)

And to prove your point you have linked a medium article whose authors themselves say this in their conclusion.

Yes they say that it's misunderstood, because it is? Muscle memory is real, but with aiming it isnt a factor, you cant learn from muscle memory the exact distance to flick as distance is a continuous metric. Its all hand eye coordination. Read the article or you will just embarrass yourself by quoting something that literally says how you are misunderstanding.

posted about a year ago

When im in an aiming discussion and the other guy mentions muscle memory I already know theres no point continuing.

"Why ‘muscle memory’ is seen as a meme in aiming"

Also what are you talking about lmao. Ok so theres one team (who went 0-1) who have this unbeatable playstyle due to everyone playing low sens and they play high sens and dive bomb playstyle. So 2 out of the 5 players you will be shooting at, where they will only be doing explosive entries on attack (half the game) means you change your sens so you can track someone who moves sideways at about half of your fov? So you should change your sens so that you can do 4 spins so that you can do a 90 degree turn quicker because youre playing against 1 person out of 5 on a team who is entrying on raze.

Low sens is better in EVERY other scenario, no point creating random hypotheticals about very specific situations where the thing you're proving doesnt even make sense.

Zellsis played a very similar style on neon against prx, super aggro dive bombing entries, surely he had to be on high sens bearing in mind he did it better? wait hes on 172 edpi? but they literally shut down these insane entries, on very low sens? how is this possible???

posted about a year ago

i think saying a lil above average isnt exactly mathematically sound. Pretty sure I remember the average edpi being 240 a while ago, so almost double the average, aka not a lil bit higher

posted about a year ago

doing something thats suboptimal, but because you are used to it means that you should just stick with it? what if I play on trackpad and I'm used to it, even though it makes it much harder to aim, and switching to using a mouse would make everything easier, I shouldn't switch because its what im used to?

posted about a year ago


"most pros" play under 0.2 1600.

There are always going to be exceptions to the rule, doesn't mean its better or equal to what 99% of pros use just because a couple of pros manage to use it.

In what world is high sens better? If you can do a 360 comfortably thats probably as high as you need to go, ie around 40cm/360 (0.4 800) if youre using a standard size mousepad. In a tactical fps where each target is standing still, small and in front of you, being able to do more than a 360 is pointless. If youre playing apex or a game where people are moving fast, jumping over you and you need to actually move your crosshair then yea a higher sens (20-30cm/360) is probably preferable.

You are in a lucky position where you have gotten used to a higher sens and built up (maybe) some mouse control due to playing at a high sens, where if you switch to a low sens now you will improve a lot, and get more consistent pretty much overnight. No need to cope and find niche examples to justify your own stupidly high sens. Don't cherry pick data that suits your own perspective, look at the general consensus, (low sens is better) and then decide if you want to ignore it or maybe take it on board.

posted about a year ago

Hmm, if its a confidence issue then at least we know where to start when trying to figure out improvements.

I'd say initially, start by lowering your sens if you have the space/mousepad required. Try 0.2 1600 (same as jinggg and s0m, two players with insane aim) as this will help remove some of the effects of the shakiness you are physically outputting. Then over time your mental shakiness should get better if you are starting to see yourself whiff less and less.

If you are still having issues with shakiness at 0.2 1600 then you might have to resort to fixing the shakiness through smoothness training. So either on kovaaks or aimlabs, I can give you smoothness playlists that have tasks dedicated to fixing shakiness in aim.

posted about a year ago

This guy is just a more annoying trembo copycat, at least its not obvious when trembo is baiting

posted about a year ago

its not as bad as I thought it would be, but most pros play at or under 0.2 1600.

would you say its more of a mental thing or a physical thing, like are you struggling to aim at them when you're nervous, or because you struggle to aim you get nervous when aiming? Hopefully that makes sense

posted about a year ago

what sens / dpi? youre probs on a stupidly high sens and half of your aim problems could be solved by either a bigger mousepad or lowering your sens

posted about a year ago

thats a copycat website

posted about a year ago

supposed to be hot takes, if you think its bait then surely I've done well?

posted about a year ago

Vitality look very average at best, worse than both the turkish teams and probably only better than heretics and maybe KC.

Liquid will not be a top team while they have jamppi on duelist, and I don't think they will change any of the roles so I can't see them qualifying for any LAN this year.

posted about a year ago

bro said eeiu tenz and jonahp, they might look good in NA tier 2 but remember that DRX is already a top 4 team in the world!

posted about a year ago

I feel like you should have other thoughts than what thread to post on vlr next when in the shower but im not the thought police so you do you

posted about a year ago

in what world is canada above DRX lmao

posted about a year ago

your ruminations and hypotheticals do not need to be taken into account when they do not conform with any reality other than the one in your head, no one is dodging his scrims, this wouldnt be drama if you guys didnt react, his career is safe, the wife and kids will be eating food tonight, ardiis is not racist, brazillians are sane and epic

posted about a year ago

but he has already explained the situation, on stream, in the same window where the clip came from. Its just that its super easy to get upset and have a reaction and post lots of tweets when youve seen a clip, because youre used to doing exactly that, overreacting and not being composed. Watch the whole thing, understand what has been said like everyone else. Ryotzz probably watched the clip someone sent him and then went on a schizo rant without 1. talking to ardiis to understand what he meant, or 2. ACTUALLY LISTENED TO WHAT HE SAID outside of the 30 second clip someone sent him.

Just be more rational or people are just gonna poke at how weak you guys are mentally because they find it funny.

Its like saying, [PLAYER] was a bit too good in the server (implying cheats), oh he must be cheating gg career over goodbye wife and family he must be racist. chill please

posted about a year ago

if they make it into ascension they are already ascension level so skill wouldnt be the issue here. In the case that they are much worse than every other team that wants to scrim them which doesn't matter because its scrims, and its not about the skill but to what level of respect you give to the OTHER teams practice time. And by your logic once more, if the level of the team isn't high enough to scrim with other teams, then how is that the other teams fault that they don't want to scrim them. Are they putting him out of a career and literally sending his family to the streets with no food? The rumours do not matter, there are no rumours, no one cares about what ardiis thought in the heat of a match where emotions are high, and then went on to say that he KNOWS FOR A FACT that didnt happen.

Ardiis will beg for forgiveness and you guys will still be salty over it because you love thinking that youre the victim.

posted about a year ago

"being a brazillian team is already a negative" what is this victim narrative. Trust me when I say that this, where you are from does not matter to 99% of people, the only reason people say anything negative is because you guys are super sensitive and people find that funny. Why do you think in your perception brazil gets so much hate while central america teams get 0. Its because the hate is all manufactured internally, and then spread by trolls because you guys get wound up.

Once again, who will the people in ascension believe, the trusted and well loved Sadhaak, or the guy who literally after saying it said thats what he thought originally, but now also knows that they didn't. They will believe both because they are both saying that nothing wrong was done. No ones career is at stake, and even if Ardiis didn't take it back, this isn't how it works. Anyone from any team could literally just end their opponents career if they wanted to. This isnt real, its all in your head, you arent a victim just relax.

posted about a year ago

people outside of brazil see it as a joke and don't care, people in brazil see it as serious but think hes wrong.

posted about a year ago

but how will it taint their rep with scrims, the person who not a single brazillian believes saying they did, or the most respected IGL from the biggest team in brazil, loved by all, saying they didn't. If it was the other way around, and sadhaak said that they got told strats as a joke, then that would be a serious situation as he is someone people will believe. NO ONE who is brazillian believes ardiis and you know that

posted about a year ago

brazillians seem to be very insecure, whenever someone shows a slither of support for them theyre a hero, and a slither of dislike for anything they've done and theyre satan

posted about a year ago

Am I misunderstanding the situation, but if its the Brazilians who are getting upset that saying something like this will make him risk losing his job, which is fair enough, but isn't it brazillians who would be hiring him in the first place? Won't they trust sadhaak and the brazillians involved over ardiis joking on stream? I'm not gonna say its an over reaction but people are so scared of being cancelled falsely when that doesn't happen nearly as often as you think.

posted about a year ago

we have people like lothar who have shit takes and mald a lot but its just painful to watch, mark is just an anomaly with how funny he is ngl

posted about a year ago

FNS - Sentinel (igl)
Chronicle - flex EU
Sarahcat - recon initiator
Mako - Smokes
Aspas - Duelist

posted about a year ago

good players get to tier 1 level by being good enough, not by being cared for in an org and team they arent good enough to be on. If he had potential he would have stood out in tier 2/3 like all of the guard

posted about a year ago

ardiis isnt speaking english hes speaking Liverpudlian (english with a scouse accent) do not worry about not being able to understand him, lots of people from the UK can't lmao

posted about a year ago

I personally don't understand this issue. Like if youre dating someone the sexual side of it is only a minor part of the relationship, if you get on well with them, really enjoy spending time with them etc etc why does it matter if this one area of the relationship has been explored more by one person. You guys clearly haven't been in any relationships if you think this is a genuine issue, and that the number actually matters in real life. Like if you're so insecure about your own ability that her having previous experience makes it an issue, then thats your problem not your partners.

Just remember than women are people too and they want to fuck as much as you guys do

posted about a year ago

GG Ardiis will now never be forgiven by the nation of Brazil

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

gets rid of mistic and enzo and immediately becomes the best team in the world, if the core is so good the extra players shouldnt matter?

posted about a year ago

I mean that's not really EGs fault unless they told TT that they would sign him and then didn't. Seems like a lack of communication between adder and TT really

posted about a year ago

what EG thing?

posted about a year ago

Hit asc 3 for the first time yesterday, im 26W 5L this act and my hidden elo is very high so probs could go for a late push into immo this act.

posted about a year ago

I imagine it won't be able to defuse as quick as a normal person can, maybe it takes 20 seconds for it to defuse or something like that

posted about a year ago

i was thinking either like that, or maybe it can crawl around the walls and you can make it pop on command

posted about a year ago

good morning babysasuke

posted about a year ago

imagine you kill it and it drops spike lmao. would be such a grief ability.

hopefully it can be used to pick up guns and things as well, would make it pretty cool. Like it runs into the spike explosion after it goes off just to get an op or something like that

posted about a year ago

Americas should get the slot as it means its more likely for the 3 emea teams to go all the way as theres more chance of a free win

posted about a year ago

Do we think his flash will be a pop flash sort of ability, like old skye/kayo or phoenix, or a team only flash like breach, new skye/kayo?

posted about a year ago

its almost like the first kill / death stat doesn't reflect on impact

posted about a year ago

it feels wrong to not have shao on the 1st team, but thats just how good leo is rn

posted about a year ago
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