Flag: Turkey
Registered: October 12, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Posts: 5559
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me when my favorite player/team gets trashtalked

posted 6 hours ago


posted 23 hours ago


posted 23 hours ago

G2 seems to be a team where u either love it or u hate it lool
its either top 3 or bottom 3 from what i can see

posted 1 day ago

i dont even know who is in their roster
i haven't heard of them before champs

posted 1 day ago

i think they started to understand now

posted 1 day ago

idk i can't find "a bond" with alfajer, its not the same with woot, riens, and the rest of FUT.
idk why
also i heckin love sayf

posted 1 day ago

reading comprehension = 0

posted 1 day ago

here is me ranking the teams based on who i would like to win

posted 1 day ago

now something tells me

posted 1 day ago

NRG is the perfect example of needing an IGL fart
you should know this by now

posted 1 day ago

thats the one thing u found wrong with my explanations, congratz

posted 1 day ago

as a raze-cypher main

  1. clove - basically a duelist

  2. omen - basically a duelist

  3. viper - basically cypher

  4. brim - ez af

  5. harbor - basically viper which is basically cypher

  6. astra - idk how to ult

posted 1 day ago

especially if its Nexus

posted 1 day ago

wow, i was never aware.

I think a 3-1 is way more fair aswell

posted 1 day ago

aight, update me with what you find

posted 1 day ago

even so, GENG found Karon from RANKED. Literally RANKED

EG found Demon1 from tier 3

many teams picked up rising T2 talents

Riot already gives the teams who are franchised alot of money to help rebuild, I don't think this was necessary. But i am only a spectator so I don't know

posted 1 day ago

I don't remember it being like that, maybe I am wrong.
either way i think its a silly system. Orgs who qualed to champs should get significantly more money than orgs who dont

posted 1 day ago

it supports orgs like C9 who blow their whole bank account on 1 player then fail to pay his salary
Orgs like MIBR who had scandals of using riot money for their CS team (iirc)
orgs like BBL who don't pay their players salaries until after the season is over.

These "bad teams" can easily improve without needing this, the perfect examples are GENG and TH. They are succesfull because they dont do dumb decisions and ruin the organization

posted 1 day ago

i adressed that

Going off last years revenue, and org that quals to champs would get around 1.2mil. This year they would get around 660k while an org that doesn't qualify gets around 330k.

last year changes would get u 1.2mil more than other teams while this year changes gets u only 330k more than other teams

posted 1 day ago

boaster pulls out the awp and becomes prime cNed

posted 1 day ago

i use the phantom alot, I kinda wanted to buy it but now im conflicted

posted 1 day ago

EDIT: it was like this last year aswell!??! imo a 3-1 split is better but oh well

idk if there was a thread on this, but im going to give my 2 cents anyways

first of all, its the VCT CHAMPIONS bundle. Not the VCT lets give every org money bundle. the point of qualifying to champs (for teams that aren't going to win) is getting that huge bonus of skin sales. Lets say a team like Talon, if we use last year numbers they would make around 1.2mil in extra revenue even if they dont get a single map in champs.

secondly, I don't want to buy a bundle knowing some of my money is going to orgs like MIBR. I wanted to buy the bundle because i knew it would support the orgs who actually are good and deserve it. Not some org who won a total of like 4 maps in the whole year.

3rd, this really lowers the revenue from organization that qual to champs. If we use last year numbers, a organization who qualified to champs with the old rules would make around 500k more than an org that qualifies to champs with this years rules. Going off last years revenue, and org that quals to champs would get around 1.2mil. This year they would get around 660k while an org that doesn't qualify gets around 330k.

overall I think this is an L change, what are your thoughts?

posted 1 day ago

dont think this is relevant enough, personally im not gonna chase a guy down for not changing his pickems šŸ•Šļø

posted 1 day ago

die for u clears

posted 2 days ago

i dont think "the game" is popular in Turkey, i could be wrong tho
idk who would remind them tho

posted 2 days ago

im talkin about "the game" not valorant

posted 2 days ago

no "the game" not valorant

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

my strat is to sleep at 4 am and wake up at 10 am to miss the games

posted 2 days ago

Whats ur thoughts on vitality?

posted 2 days ago

Idk what this means

posted 2 days ago

you set the community back 5 years

posted 2 days ago

idk bout this one

posted 2 days ago

Ata Kaptan
Mr Falin

and FUT

posted 3 days ago

u are not telling me ur watching 2 povs in a 1v1 and actually comprehending whats going on

you watch the guy ur watching, xray tells u enough of what the other guy is doing. and if the other guy wins the 1v1 there is always a replay

posted 3 days ago

i dont see the point, you are watching 1 POV either way. This just makes the 1 POV u watch smaller

posted 3 days ago

ngl while i was watching i forgot to listen to the words
the animation was goated

posted 3 days ago

did i hear troll comps
-FUT fan

posted 3 days ago

nah bro das crazy šŸ’€
praying to all the Faruk's out there šŸ™šŸ™

posted 3 days ago

this guy is literally tarik no?

posted 3 days ago
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