Country: Europe
Registered: August 9, 2022
Last post: June 25, 2023 at 11:52 AM
Posts: 298
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It will be better next year when talent spread will be reduced in EU and APAC

posted about a year ago

Surf vs Yay small observation. Surf uses tp to rotate, yay puts his tp in a spot to get 2nd kill

posted about a year ago

EU 🤝 APAC Sadge ✈️ EU 🤝 APAC Sadge ✈️ EU 🤝 APAC Sadge ✈️ EU 🤝 APAC Sadge ✈️

posted about a year ago

If buzz is on DRX win else they will get rolled

posted about a year ago

100T players are so aware and skilled, you can tell they grind the game a lot.
As TL fan it hurts to see only jamppi grinding the game and others easily caught by pushes/ lurks / setups

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

He is the king
Its just me typing on life support after watching both my favs lose

posted about a year ago

Franchising will happen in the studio, and FNC in person will choke.
TL can no longer get lucky cause 0 ping, jamppi scream carry is an inconsistent strat also good orgs will pick up these insane players from guild and og to beat TL anyday

posted about a year ago

Just the experience right ? surely 5 time lan makers like FNC will have some advantage over zoomers or they still rely onn alfa and derke

posted about a year ago

Can't support this team anymore
How do you go undefeated until you get rolled by PRX and then continue to lose every game
Now lose to a 3-month-old zoomer roster with covid and no international experience

posted about a year ago

Pepega strat imo. Only good against 5 vandals
TL has a pepega strat of forcing sheriffs some buying half shield too after losing pistol, increasing their chances of getting bonused by stingers.
Only FPX from EU has smart buys like 2 Vandel spectre ghosts after winning pistol

posted about a year ago

FNC classic undefeated then lose to PRX, barely win against LEV(would trash FNC if they play again), lose FPX, lose 100T.

posted about a year ago

At least all 5 players in TL can shoot back, hope they use their brain next game
Sad to see how these FNC players always underperform on lan boaster, mistic and enzo (had one lucky bind overtime play and people forget how bad he was rest of the series)
Hope TL can get redgar/kolda so that atleast TL will get consistent cause FNC ain't dropping mini or boaster c
Mini keeps bringing trash comps trying to create a meta( 3 controllers on bind, astra on breeze, now neon on pearl not fracture or haven but instead pearl) and boaster astra lurks are trash

posted about a year ago

should be better if you played beside scream for 2 years, man holds angles a lot and never makes any winning plays

posted about a year ago

Omegalul then UK unlucky init burh KEKW

posted about a year ago

ardiis gigachad solo carryinig EU FPS KEKW

posted about a year ago

Wait for him to go on a someones watch party and call the game random KEKW

posted about a year ago

Sea last seed will sacrifice themselves to get that one win for Japan like every touney widepeepohappy

posted about a year ago

Scream tells the plan for the round, proceeds to die in the next 5 secs, the whole team is shaking and don't know what to do. LOSE
Round gets a little chaotic and they lose with an advantage
Lost 2 Ecos and both pistols Clap
Jamppi wins them half the rounds with mutli frags or else the result would be worse

posted about a year ago

That question to scream confirms that George has the potential to become the best VLR baiter

posted about a year ago

Doug needs to carry again :/
Bring back Rivington !

posted about a year ago

EU has player count > SA + NA but still fewer slots, also consider EU has so many teams ( VRLs ) and most international trophies. Riot 1Head

posted about a year ago

Why hate the humble kings, when some trash riot guy decided only 3 slots are enough for EMEA., because even M3C deserves to be there

posted about a year ago

It's the Spanish fans, there were many Spanish streamers making fun of scream raze on Twitter.

posted about a year ago

He's IGls and more importantly, he is the humble king of EU, can't believe how people can actually hate him

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Exactly I just hope someone puts a leash on jamppi, because he plays best when he is left to clutch

posted about a year ago

Even NTH can beat xerxia, why compare them to EDG. Because EDG looks like DRX, PRX calibur

posted about a year ago

He sometimes lose you rounds and sometimes win you rounds

posted about a year ago

I cringe very hard when I see people mostly NA streamers saying zaddy, ohkayy (screaming) and acting horny. Do you zoomers really enjoy this?
PS: I'm a boomer

posted about a year ago

Thank god there aren't more international qualifiers in valo, or else watching liquid would ve been the end of me

posted about a year ago

Are you bronze? Both teams have ops so they just can't double peak against them who are insane aimers too. Did you even notice the repositioning from every player this game to get/ win duels or you are just too edgy to enjoy the game

posted about a year ago

NotLikeThis BibleThump NotLikeThis BibleThump NotLikeThis BibleThump NotLikeThis BibleThump NotLikeThis BibleThump

posted about a year ago

nats on map3 monkaW

posted about a year ago

Meteor goes +28 and +12 in FB but they still lose

posted about a year ago

" So unjamppi " bro wtf

posted about a year ago

Why does he keep saying redgar and nats have played bad this whole year, and then says they are insane this game/lcq . His commentary is very amateur level, and so is EU production's decision to let them cast in a important upper final game

posted about a year ago

Only scream can stop russians #LETSGOLIQUID #LIQUIDEZWIN

posted about a year ago

Balla would be a great vlr baiter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Say the next year champions has min 16 slots open for teams and with only 30 partnered teams in the world, how many slots will be given each franchise league? Rationally max 3-4 max teams from each league qualify to champions. So surely riot must have planned a VRL like T2 system (testing this year only in emea) for every region with a road to champions. I think there will be around 8 slots for T2 leagues around the world for year end or masters. But obviously these T2 games will play online and less exposure for org when compared to partnership teams

posted about a year ago

Two team region now Pog

posted about a year ago
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