Country: International
Registered: July 7, 2021
Last post: September 20, 2021 at 8:48 AM
Posts: 12

dont be sore losers SEN fans the players have accepted that others played well so they lost, maybe you should also learn to commend other teams and not live in your own world.

posted about 2 years ago

moreover i think its against twitch's policies to bodyshame. You get banned if you do that in chat she should atleast get a warning from twitch

posted about 2 years ago

a thousand people would have noticed that and even officials would have taken note of that. By officials i mean twitch and riot

posted about 2 years ago

people like her are actually not good for the society, if the genders were to be reversed all women organisations would have said the same

posted about 2 years ago

reverse the gender and watch the whole world charge that man down with abuses

posted about 2 years ago

reverse the gender and twitch and a whole ass other groups would file a case against the guy

posted about 2 years ago

Want to Say That when i was watching the match i was having TEa in a cup and want to tell that TEa was horrible and TEa was too much meetha So i put ilaichee (GE) and laung (VLT) to make it taste hard

posted about 2 years ago

people believe breeze and icebox are defense sided but i always thought that the bigger the map more the uncertainties more attack sided map

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i have seen BDS play they are good maybe i had a bit too high hopes from Vitality :)

posted about 2 years ago

This could be game changer in pickems until now got all predictions correct.

posted about 2 years ago

LUL so viewers = community? ask Riot for numbers and you'll know the difference. kids these days

posted about 2 years ago

LUL india has much bigger community than turkey,we didnt have any of Masters 1 or Masters 2 but we dont whine like a little 5 year kid. We dont even have hindi language support in the game

posted about 2 years ago