Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: May 16, 2024 at 8:52 PM
Posts: 1071
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kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk po, foi mal irmão. Viajei pacaralho.

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fdp

posted about a year ago

paia demais, ta maluco irmão kkk

posted about a year ago

BOA FDP KKKKKKKKKKK, caralho, qnd eu falo q essas coisa só acontece cmg, ngm acredita. tmnc

posted about a year ago

justo kkkk

posted about a year ago

bah piazão, foi um soco no estomago kk

posted about a year ago

q objeto q cara, ta em narnia. Mas vlw de todo jeito :)

posted about a year ago

nao nesse sentido caralho, ela foi se fazendo d santa pra eu falar quem eu era tlgd, pra depois simplesmente tacar o fdse kkk. Iludir nao, ludibriar kkk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

o foda é q algumas amigas delas são amigas minhas, pensa na vergonha que eu vo passar. tu ta ligado irmão?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nao passei 5 ano po, nao é q eu gostava dela, eu tinha um sentimento do tipo: karai, se ela quiser, eu quero kkk. Mas nunca fiquei falando com ela, nem era tao intimo dela, era mais colega de aula msm.

posted about a year ago

valeu da dica, engraçado pra tu né mano kkkkkkkkkkkkk eu fiquei putaço

posted about a year ago

mano, tem mta coisa por tras do tempo de facul, e eu n tava confiante de chamar ela, foi burrice msm minha isso, mas fzer oq kkk, pior mesmo é ela q me iludiu igual um pato vei kkk. Um burro e um traíra, foda.

posted about a year ago

É que tem mta coisa envolvida, nem vo ficar explicando, mas na real eu mais queria saber o motivo dela me odiar tlgd kkk, e eu nao tava confiante assim pra chamar ela tlgd.

posted about a year ago

cara, pior q assim, eu moro num bom lugar no sul, ela sempre foi meio patricinha tlgd, mas eu nunca tinha tentado nada com ela, só fiquei pasmo q elas conseguem iludir tao facilmente kkk

posted about a year ago

ue pq

posted about a year ago

0 confiança kkkkkk

posted about a year ago

ca sorte que tenho, até um tiro seria lucro nos dias atuais kkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

ri da desgraça alheia nao po kkkkk

posted about a year ago

ta maluco, acho que um girino é mais esperto que eu, pqp

posted about a year ago

hava, serio, einstein.

posted about a year ago

nah kkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

supernova, o rei das dicas.

posted about a year ago

carai, oq ela deve ter rido da minha cara é sacanagem po

posted about a year ago

Se liga, eu fazia facul com uma mina, ngm achava ela mto gata, só eu. Mas ela não gostava d mim por algum motivo, aí hoje, depois de tipo 5 anos kkk eu pensei em falar que gostava dela, ja q tinha passado tempo e pa, fui lá, criei um fake, falei com ela, ela disse: Me chama no normal que a gente conversa, porque não sei quem vc é e vou bloquear aqui. Aí o bobão aqui foi lá, chamou ela no insta principal, a mina só falou: era vc, mds kkk e me bloqueou de todas as conta. VAI TOMA NO C

Nunca deem ouvidos as mulheres gurizada, aprendi hoje isso.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro, just stop taking depph aout of the way. Guy is super good. I prefere take zekken away.

posted about a year ago

fnatic fans be like: please mommy dont mess with my little derkecute. owwwn uwu

posted about a year ago

DRX will beat Loud in very close games, and will face Fnatic in the finals.

They will knead in the end, probably 3x1.

Again, mark my words little fellas.

I will come to collect your souls latter. muahahaha

posted about a year ago

no one cares.

posted about a year ago

i have the same impression, when they did stupid decisions in theyre last match at lock in, i saw yay very disapointed, and vanity, zellsis and etc just laughing like nothing happen. Found it very amateurish and clueless, I felt that yay didn't like the way his team played at all.

posted about a year ago

good round, not the most insane by miles.

posted about a year ago

bro he is igl, he can clutch, he can play with operator.... i guess he is the most complete player in there, but he is doing a different aproach as initiator rn. Thats why he dsnt apear that much.

posted about a year ago

chill ppl, was just a good round, stop the overhype

posted about a year ago

probably nzr. If u dont know him, he is insane.

posted about a year ago

de vela pra quem po

posted about a year ago

nesse angú tem carroço, minha amigo.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ai e pica

posted about a year ago

Já vi maria kichute, maria pandeiro, maria gasolina.... agora, maria gabinete é a primeira vez na vida kkkkkkkkkk, vai tmnc. Sickzão idolo.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro, this brazilian girl, she's the type that tries to get closer to others to have some benefit for her, I don't know if sick stayed with her or not, but it's possible, because besides being beautiful, she's not that difficult (according to sources lol), but I don't think so, that sick has done this, knowing him.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

in gamelanders he was better than mwzera, but i agreed with u, rn he is not in form

posted about a year ago

i like icebox too

posted about a year ago

i think u did a good rankings. Exept for c9 and Sen. They both did some weird stuff, i would put furia over them for now. Thats the only change in my mind.

posted about a year ago

they are not unpredictable. But they have a surprising sinergy with cned. Will be fun to watch.

posted about a year ago

i dont think so. But lets see...

posted about a year ago

I found their icebox very predictable. If this map is played again, I'm sure that Leviathan will win, having Onur as a coach, he certainly saw the mistakes that navi made (mistakes that many of you did not see and will not agree).
Ex: They always tried to hold the both sides of the map, towards A e B, doing fake with 2 players normally, also tried to bait a split in the middle to force the rotation of Secret, and consequently win in numbers.

their post plant wasn't the best, but in terms of individuality they beat secret.

I understand their hype, I think they are very good, but I don't see a team prepared to win yet, but if they manage to take advantage at the beginning of the rounds, it will be difficult for Leviatan to turn the game around in that sense.

posted about a year ago
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