Flag: Brazil
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: June 30, 2024 at 10:14 PM
Posts: 1073
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i was kinda bad about his personal life issues and etc... i thought he would have mature attitudes and be a person who understood the negative sides, but lately, with his speeches, I'm choosing to ignore this guy, both as a player, not being impactful, but also outside the server, as a person.

posted 3 weeks ago

Any predicts?
After friendlys, i think Brazil showd how strong they are, great match against MX last night.
Colombia looking so strong aswell
Argentina favorites, bcuz of the WC, but honestly i didn't see them playing at such a higher level
Uruguay probably the best South America team atm
USA improoving, can maybe go at Quarter Finals, at best.

The rest will be fighting like bulls, maybe they can take points of the top dogs
My predict will be Argentina x BR or Uruguay at finals
Argentina is on the weak side, where they won't have any difficulties until the final, and on the other side you will probably have Uruguay, Colombia and Brazil fighting to reach it.
Will be fire!

posted 1 month ago

vai jogar clash of clans aí criança maldita. Para de postar bosta no vlr.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

no one cares

posted 2 months ago

nzr is the best player on furia. BY FAR. But i agree, this roster is so dogsh**, all of them need fresh air.

posted 2 months ago

He was always a good player, but DG needs a team that can give support for him... he is calm and collective. The only issue is that in a higher level, i feel like his brain dont work... maybe in hands of a great IGL, and great support, he can change that aspect.

posted 2 months ago

so your not into football... the discussion was always who is better, scholes, lampard or gerrard, thats why i selected them. Im a united fan, Rooney is my guy aswell!.

posted 2 months ago

who dafuck plays viper.

posted 2 months ago

Scholes, Lampard and Gerrard.

posted 2 months ago

i actually forgot about him. Great one.

posted 2 months ago

1 - Mwzera (ppl talk about his mechanics, but the guy looks like he is playing in 2k20)
2 - Cryocells (4ever the star promise, pretends to have no ego, but everyone knows his is big.)
3 - TenZ (overhyped, good ofc... but the hype is extreme... i dont think is his fault, just the fanbase is annoying).

whats yours?
No discussion, just your opinions about players!.

posted 2 months ago

cgorned, what a legend

posted 2 months ago

bro creates a thread for trembolona, this cant be real.

posted 3 months ago

falei isso a 1 ano atrás, o mw pensa que é um "deus mecanicamente", quando na real alem da mecanica, tu tem que usar a caceta do cérebro tb!, ele joga como se fosse no beta. Mesmas decisões... eu fico incrédulo como tem gente que defende o cara em 2024, sendo que ele não desempenha naquele nível insano, desde que saíu da gamelanders... sério cara... odeio esse papo de overrated e tal, mas ele é muito isso. Infelizmente.

posted 3 months ago

tira esse mw logo. Chega já.

posted 3 months ago

u guys are just crazy, if lev loose next match, ppl will call them trash... jesus crist, bunch of braindead plats. Lev was always good. They strugle with synergy sometimes. But they all are very good players. Is not aspas and friends.

posted 3 months ago

bota O SRN e O JELLY que tudo se resolve.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

thats why i said "thank u if u read". :D

posted 3 months ago

Sup guys, all good?
This Topic is for ppl in lower rankings, till immortal1.

Im thinking about starting a channel with some vod reviews, but with a twist, with a unique aproach actually...

When I look at someone analyzing people, most of the times they give tips that for lower elo, are difficult to understand. As simple as it may seem to the high elo fella!!!... I started this game Bronze 2, currently I'm immo2, but last year I was radiant with 550pts... So, my idea is to get an account from Bronze, (which I think is the minimum, because whoever is on iron I believe it is because of an incredibly bad setup, or because its very new to FPS...), and point out the errors of each one, in the elos that I pass, very detailed, showing "good" decision-making to advance through that elo and go to the next, until immortal. I would also like to vary agents and roles, so that people can use it as a base and understand it in a very embryonic way.
Honestly, a lot of people(high elo) don't know how to deal with these situations at lower level, something I went through, so much that at the beginning I didn't know most of the "slangs" that we use to communicate, and these people who analyze, they think with their brain and not like a low elo guy... so it's difficult to understand for the guy who's starting or learning.

My point here is: would u guys enjoy that content? u guys find helpfull? i dont want promote myself, i just wanna ask if u guys think that can impact in a way... cuz i really like to help ppl.

Thank u, if u read this. Otherwise, have a good day anyways! and sorry about my english =/

ps: i re-up this thread cuz when i did, people were going crazy on vlr with the games going on hahaha

posted 3 months ago

é 1 de cada time, o qi de barata.

posted 3 months ago

i love how weird this type of content is. Thank u Kiko.

posted 3 months ago

Sup guys, all good?
This Topic is for ppl in lower rankings, till immortal1.

Im thinking about starting a channel with some vod reviews, but with a twist, with a unique aproach actually...

When I look at someone analyzing people, most of the times they give tips that for lower elo, are difficult to understand. As simple as it may seem to the high elo guy!!!... I started this game Bronze 2, currently I'm immo2, but last year I was radiant with 550pts... So, my idea is to get an account from Bronze, (which I think is the minimum, because whoever is on iron I believe it is because of an incredibly bad setup, or because its very new to FPS...), and point out the errors of each one, in the elos that I pass, very detailed, showing "good" decision-making to advance through that elo and go to the next, until immortal. I would also like to vary agents and roles, so that people can use it as a base and understand it in a very embryonic way.
Honestly, a lot of people(high elo) don't know how to deal with these situations at lower level, something I went through, so much so that at the beginning I didn't know most of the "slangs" that we use to communicate, and these people who analyze, they think with their brain and not like a low elo guy... so it's difficult to understand for the guy who's starting or learning.

My point here is: would u guys enjoy that content? u guys find helpfull? i dont want promote myself, i just wanna ask if u guys think that can impact in a way... cuz i really like to help ppl.

Thank u, if u read this. Otherwise, have a good day anyways! and sorry about my english =/

posted 3 months ago

bafoon? he is brazilian to us. He has that sauce.

posted 3 months ago

Saadhak - Loud (Flex)
Aspas - Lev (Duel)
Frz - Mibr (Sentinel)
Pancada - FA (Controll)
Sacy - Sentinels (Iniciator).

Thats the only option. Ppl may think of Khalil, but he is too inconsistent, and i was trying to find someone for Sacy replacement, cuz i think his prime is already over, but theres no one better than him.

posted 3 months ago

Você ta literalmente falando o que eu disse, mas de forma diferente. (peço perdão se não fui tão claro)..Eu em momento algum falei em "puxar talento", falei em encontrar pessoas capazes. Seja no sentido de guiar, de jogar em equipe, de não ter ego e etc... tudo isso tá dentro do que eu falei. De scout, de buscar TALENTOS. Independente de qual seja. Aí fica o trabalho pras organizações.
Eu to immortal 3, as vezes caio contra algum ou outro pró e vejo que o nível não é tão alto. Porque apesar de ser ranked e cada um jogar da maneira que quiser, com os setups disponíveis, você consegue notar através de calls (ou da falta dela), ou de tomadas de decisões, que esses caras não estão em um momento pra continuar tendo essas oportunidades!. Não vou citar nomes, obviamente, porém cara, é um mínimo alarmante ter cara com ego elevado e tomando decisões de ascendente, jogando o VCL, nesse nível. Minha indignação é mais com as pessoas que oportunizam, do que com esses caras que infelizmente não demonstram potencial ou tomam decisões iguais, desde o beta. Sobre a busca de talento, existem inúmeros talentos, o mais escasso é mesmo IGL, porque pra ser um líder, você tem que ter humildade e buscar conhecimento até de quem tem menos que você, e é raro isso por aqui... Mlk habilidoso individualmente, tem aos montes, então como você falou, alguém que consiga guiar caras assim, e fazer a mente deles abranger, seria essencial.

posted 3 months ago

He is great, i wish he could play for us (man u fan)... but i guess our team can ruin him... he is a perfect fit for a team with youngsters who can play a fast and flow football. I think Liverpool could be amazing for him, even if we are rivals. Or Tottenham aswell, but right there he would not win anything

posted 3 months ago

será q esse n é o motivo de eles serem tão absurdos nas rankeds? contra cara com pc muito inferior e etc? sei lá

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Galera, não sei vocês, mas eu não aguento mais ver no nosso cenário, os mesmos players, as mesmas pessoas, tendo oportunidades atrás de oportunidades simplesmente por ter "experiência". O tanto de cara subvalorizado no nosso cenário chega ser patético. ORG's, por gentileza, façam um scout nas rankeds, veja quem ta querendo evoluir, quem foca real no game. Está na hora de repaginar nosso cenário, tem muito moleque bom, muito cara mais velho também muito bom. Esquece essa pira de exp, que esses mesmos nomes já tentaram de tudo e até hoje não agregaram nada pra gente (internacionalmente falando). Outra coisa, não adianta ir atrás de caras que são leões na ranked, mas que no comp não mata 10 boneco, caras assim dão mais importância pro histórico dele e não pra uma equipe. To de saco cheio de ver os mesmos nomes em orgs grandes e muita gente boa esperando oportunidades, com comprometimento.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

i mean, i dont think he is boring, i think he is overrated asf. Normally the quality of his stream is top notch... but he is not much interactive... i understand u.

posted 3 months ago

agreed. And even more, cuz im brazilian and he sometimes just want our hype. Cuz we are too passionate, u can see he is clearly just lying...

posted 3 months ago

one of the most borings for sure.

posted 3 months ago

U guys are crazy... To be the best, needs to be someone that has ben doing for a looong time.

so to me:
1- Saadhak
2- Sacy
3 - Makko
4 - Yay (his peak was insane)
5 - Probably Aspas/Less.

Mentions: Derke, Crashies, Victor, Marved, Pancada, Boaster, TenZ, Forsaken, Buzz, Stax, Fns.

posted 3 months ago

hmm... i understand your point my fellow friend... i think, the best option is to rest :D, if u play too much, this can really happen... but, if u still want to play like a maniac, u need to throw water in your face, make some wrists exercises aswell... and u can also change the color of your aim. Go at google and type Color Picker, or something like that, copy the color to your valorant settings. Below HEX, or something like that... and obviously u can find a new crosshair that can suit u better for that moment. Hope i could help, im immo3 atm, dunno if this means anything to you, but to me is really helpfull.

posted 3 months ago

se o mw é bom, eu sou um lava jato.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

what round he did? im watching since now, so idk what u guys are talking about? can someone please tell me what round it was?

posted 3 months ago

glad to hear, hope u can win more matches, also, improve your aim, that will probably help, if u won only 7... carry them!

posted 3 months ago

your not wrong, but if u have friends to 5stack with this comps, could be good... the only issue is that in5stack you will probably face one smurf in the enemy team...But, if ppl instalock, u can complete with one of the agents that i mentioned, and try to play "properly"... maybe is the only solution.

posted 3 months ago

I understand, kj 4sure can be better, but normally in lower elos, players have a tendency to fall too often on cypher trips, and split have short spaces that can screwd them up... About sova, yeah, was always meta, but they dont use the drone properly... the ult is always sh*t, they dont know sometimes just to take space instead of killing... i said Gekko cuz u can double flash with Reyna and just push... or plant from behind with Wingman and play more "chill"... but yeah, sova is the right option if u really know what to do

posted 3 months ago

Yay- cuz i learn with him how to play
Nats- How to lurk and be a good teammate
Saadhak - Cuz he is the goat.

posted 3 months ago

pff, iv'e seen ppl playing bunch of weird comps on pearl, but i guess fracture and haven will not change that much... maybe we will see Neon more often, but this new agent is still soon to say how ppl will use them... i guess ppl will play him as a trader, since u can smoke after dead, so, in fracture he can be good, playing alongside viper, and replacing Brimstone... I dont think ppl will use him in Haven, will be Omen there... but overall i think the comps will remain the same, at least is what is better at ranked anyways.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

not that bad, actually

posted 3 months ago

what u mean by that? my english is not great bro, sorry

posted 3 months ago

it is, but only viper idk, could be bad.

posted 3 months ago

I think he will be used as a second controller, so. Could be used on Split, Maybe icebox or Lotus.

posted 3 months ago
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