Country: India
Registered: October 4, 2022
Last post: May 3, 2024 at 2:00 PM
Posts: 320
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MITH aren't nonamers, tf???

posted about a year ago

The most impactful player in the world is SKRossi.

When he ops.

It’s not a coincidence they released an agent designed to counter Op reliant teams.

While it’s true he may not be viable in most of our ranked games, he’s definitely a nice tool for teams that need help countering heavy op defensive setups.

As a single controller he isn’t great, but as a supplemental support I think he’ll find some use.

posted about a year ago

Teams predominantly AWP in defense, that too after at least 2-3 rounds given the economic constrains. It makes lil sense to have an agent solely as counter to other team's AWPer, no? Maybe pair him with another controller like Viper which actually possesses "controlling" utils? Then your preposition might make sense.

posted about a year ago

brooooooooo who the fuck is wukang?????

posted about a year ago

Bruh. Singaporeans, what's the rank of these X10 players? Looks like Fancy fancy some violence tonight lol

posted about a year ago

I like to shit on GE no less than any next guy, but to clarify: their opponents aren't some rookies. Barring, Hoax and KnightRider (both can be T1-SA on their good days though), all the rest are some of the best talent SA has to offer.

posted about a year ago

if I catch PSYNATH👽and my girl👧😍 both sleeping together 😱 👋 I'd tuck them in. 😤

posted about a year ago

As someone who has been following Global Esports for a while, I can confirm that SkRossi is better than S1mple.

posted about a year ago

your "lmao" at the beginning shows how "serious" you are about rape lol. going good my dude. hope you mum's proud of ya!

posted about a year ago

Wait a min. Is there a timeframe after which you get absolved of the shitty stuff you've done in the past? Ye ka chuttad logic hai be? You a rape apologist?

posted about a year ago

"Great" guys don't dish out rape threats when passionate angry.

posted about a year ago

Meant to write 'spout'.

And Sleepy wasn't/isn't a T1 coach. I know you a fan. But don't be a weasel now. It never was about investment or money, the guy's got banks, and has spent banks. It's about lack of respect for Indian opposition (resulting in their shambolic losses), and over confidence/ego.

posted about a year ago

The guy's a dummy though. Has Everest-esque ego. Talks about stuff he's ignorant of. I remember him shouting some shit like "We don't need coach/analyst from Indonesia for Indian teams" earlier this year. So yea...prolly deserved.

posted about a year ago

Then go outside, ask a random receptionist, security guard (someone involved in public dealings) how his day was, get some ice-cream, go to a park, then touch some grass.

posted about a year ago

Calculate how many calories your body burns idly, or with an exercise regimen--then eat less than that calorie limit.

posted about a year ago

Why the fuck not?

You don't see these "recurring" "mistakes" from other top-shelf chambers. Fuck chamber, fuck top shelf, you think players from teams that were miles better than GE, that got overlooked for the franchising (Boom, Bleed, XIA), would do shit like this? Answer me honestly.

I'd rather have a disciplined Indian player that's consistent with average limit (LF) over a highly egotistical, inconsistent player that has a greater upper limit (Rossi).

posted about a year ago

Typical braindead-ness from Rossi. Man ego peeks like a crazy. I've seen him even recognize it in his streams, justify it or just keep doing it.

Again. And. Again.

But I think we should cut LF some slack, he was prolly just following Rossi to trade him when he eventually dies.

posted about a year ago

you weren't jokin', damn he thicc boi!

posted about a year ago

Ayrin, sure. The man's qualified then played...what..twice(?) on LAN. But Baazi and Monyet wouldn't be tier 1 in the new league, no? They've potential to be up there but definitely waaaay too inconsistent to be considered top-shelf yet.

posted about a year ago

With regards to the GE situation, I know you people are young and prolly wanna be contrarian for contrarian's sake, but stop and think before spouting shit. Nobody is askin' for 5 Indians. Everyone, including us, knows we aren't good enough.

In reality, most fans want at least two Indians, in a supposedly "Indian" org, which is backed by "Indians", which arguably even got the spot cuz of it's gigantic fan base. If it was player quality that mattered, there were much better orgs/teams that got looked over (Bleed, Boom, etc).

Now, why do fans want that?

Given the fact that CS is dead here, fans care for the scene growth in India as a whole. Cuz players and fans grow the scene, not the orgs. If that were the case, DOTA should've been flooded by Indians right now cuz of Entity.

posted about a year ago

nah he's an indian pubgm pro/streamer with the same name.

posted about a year ago

ok my karela is ready let march come

posted about a year ago

i'll record myself eatin raw bitter gourd, and upload it here if kappa is in the GE playin squad come March.

posted about a year ago

Nodwin's NHK shit was better. At least we got to see some good animation.

posted about a year ago

btw, the main event gonna be entirely on LAN or just from semifinals onwards?

posted about a year ago

paaji tussi itthe? ye kis line mein aa gye aap? XD

posted about a year ago

Yep. At minimum, matches should be BO2--where, as you rightly recommended, each team should get to play a match on a server of their choice. Sorta like two-legged knockout ties in football.

posted about a year ago

soupbrain + do some reading, eh:

posted about a year ago

Copypaste of my previous comment: Unless the majority of the playing five consists Indians/SA-ians, I don't think it should be considered as an Indian/SA-ian team. I care for the scene in SA. Others can support a foreign team masquerading as an Indian representative, sure, that's entirely there prerogative. But I for one, can't give a shit about some Indian millionaire dickin' around in Korea with five foreigners.

posted about a year ago

Unless the majority of the playing five consists Indians/SA-ians, I won't consider it as an Indian/SA-ian team. I care for the scene in SA. Others can support a foreign team masquerading as an Indian representative, sure, that's entirely there prerogative. But I for one, can't give a shit about some Indian millionaire dickin' around in Korea with five foreigners.

posted about a year ago

Monopolization of power/capital, removing any shred of fairness/competition, fixing the status quo--that's capitalism for ya.

posted about a year ago

i mean that's just cope. people try more (mentally/strategically) in fukin' unrated than what GE showed here. Like, why not just surr if you wanna just dick around?

posted about a year ago

Surr then--instead of this embarrassing shit.

posted about a year ago

non-indians coping 'bout ping? what a glorious day to be alive!

posted about a year ago

when did noxxy fell off this bad lol

posted about a year ago

I remember his recurrent, TP-less, B-main peeks on Icebox in VCC. Phew, that shit gave me literal PTSD so much so that I actually sigh in relief now when he places good TPs lol.

posted about a year ago

Throwing--a perquisite for our "indo-valclassico".

posted about a year ago
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