Country: United States
Registered: January 28, 2022
Last post: February 19, 2023 at 3:32 PM
Posts: 19

boo hoo buddy

posted about a year ago

fyi bro, you calling him big bro is more of an insult to you, bro

posted about a year ago

i mean regardless of the outcome a map 3 will still be played lmao

posted about a year ago

strongest EU fan

posted about a year ago

who yall got taking map 3 (realistically lol) optic or loud?

posted about a year ago

ah ok, gonna be tough for optic but hey gonna be fun to watch. may the best team win brotha !

posted about a year ago

Since LOUD tore through the upper bracket, do they get first preference on map picks and bans. I dont remember if they still use that system lol

posted about a year ago

I need ZETA to make a major comeback tbh

posted about a year ago

gl brotha, loving DRX they r makin a fan out of a lot of us; very passionate group. what i meant by the bias thing is i didnt want anyone posting "FUCK OPTIC/DRX ...,etc" anyways very fun series !

posted about a year ago

i know optic did pretty well on pheonix but man i just dont see him as viable,like the low ult orb def helps but we'll see. wanted optic to win but i like drx aswell lol

posted about a year ago

dont come in here with bias bs, im jus curious how optic's haven is compared to drx or vice versa

posted about a year ago

its definitely a cultural thing, most western societies dont care for family as much as people from nonwestern cultures. i know a lot of southwest/southeast asian live within in a household with an extended-nuclear family. judging by ur comments u wouldnt understand that, all good tho

posted about a year ago

ur region got [REDACTED] on by optic ngl

posted about a year ago

TSM VS 100T, TSM 2-1
2ND 13-5 100T
3RD: 13-11 TSM

posted about a year ago