Flag: Canada
Registered: May 9, 2022
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 8:09 PM
Posts: 185
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w124 clears

posted 1 month ago

they have games to play, and little time to build vibes. simple as. its the best option given their situation

posted 2 months ago

real shit, but i think most viewers just want BS banter, screaming and such

posted 3 months ago

it takes time and experience to learn from mistakes, and to know you've made the right decisions.

posted 3 months ago

exactly, plenty of other people can do that, which means he brings something more to the table.

posted 3 months ago

its about getting free product, from an org

posted 3 months ago

ah yes someone that can play more than one role and understands other roles is a good player, revolutionary idea!

posted 5 months ago

i dont think its unrealistic to watch a vod of an execute and then tell your b team "this is the NRG execute. sova dart here, brim molly, dash here or here" etc. Its not going to be a total mirror, they're copying homework, that's why they're on the bench

posted 5 months ago

they were being paid a salary to be a bunch of 6th mans (basically). so they should be doing their own vod reviewing of opposing teams and players to learn in case they're put in, and so they can help the A team progress. probably pulling this out of my ass but I swear someone in an interview or stream said that they would emulate opp's executes. It wouldn't be very helpful to run just regular drills.
I think a B team could 100p emulate top teams level, since the coach could tell the B team "theres one spawn, market" etc.

posted 5 months ago

yup thats the end of the thread, no other discussion needed lmfao

posted 5 months ago

he probably got a dumb money offer from sen and that was a win win situation. its exactly what fns and s0m are doing. their status will bring them back whether they deserve it or not. and for a good deal too

posted 5 months ago

not a flex, 0 cognition confirmed

posted 5 months ago

mf's downvoting this expected to come in here and see "peanut butter and honey on toast" 30 upvotes

posted 5 months ago

if you read any content from Leo F you'd know that it's because of changes to franchising. Adding China league and such. Eventually it will be much better, but you're looking at 1-2 years until then. Also due to scheduling around GC and Challengers/ascension

posted 6 months ago

all depends on your algorithm

posted 6 months ago

They do not understand. I need a rewatch, only saw it in the theatre

posted 7 months ago

ask a mod or get force name changed

posted 7 months ago

another round
tree of life
honorable mention to funny games, the remake english version

posted 7 months ago

bro please just put this into chatGPT you're too lliterate

posted 7 months ago

not necessarily but that would be an expected path

posted 7 months ago

yes after hearing many experienced coaches and players say that, I trust their opinion!
continue clowning yourself, please!!!

posted 7 months ago

post on your real account you clown. creating an account just for this? grow up.

posted 7 months ago

OP means she wouldnt go because of hate. But I think she would go for the right team and prove people wrong for sure.

posted 7 months ago

shes got looooooots of time. there will be a coed franchise team within 2 years for sure. no chance there isnt

posted 7 months ago

extremely common spot when 2 are hell. this is the reason shes pro and we all arent 👍

posted 7 months ago

I bet you that due to CS prime there are far less people with multiple accounts in CS. and millions in valorant

posted 7 months ago

I highly doubt people will use the word "surprising" for the first non-male on a franchise team. it will just be a deserved win for them.

posted 7 months ago

Aged well 👍🏼

posted 8 months ago

This is like saying the sky isnt blue on a sunny day

posted 8 months ago

eh how can we say anything when nature is a stand in

posted 8 months ago

can you even speak english?

posted 9 months ago

guys name is "valgod" and said plat 1 is high elo, very very obvious joke!

posted 9 months ago

keep taking the drugs away and john will stop for a week, or will get so mad he moves to a new city.
this is forums, they can ban IP's. they can see every account made under an IP and can track new accounts, its not that hard

posted 9 months ago

youre clearly a tenz stan who knows nothing about sideshow, yet has an opinion. if he made more videos on other pro's people would stop watching, or would just start requesting other pros - it would be tiring.
also he made like 20 videos and then went on vacation for a month. that video was made months ago.
Please tell me what other pro valorant player is in the same situation as the tenz that sideshow made the video on. He is known as one of the best mechanically, had great success, seems to have fallen off for a bit but is still signed and playing, can attribute some of the struggle to the team and support system. There isnt another player in the same situation.
good try though!

posted 9 months ago

and not banning them takes away their dopamine? come on now. the best scenario is continually banning them. IP ban will work in most cases

posted 9 months ago

thats embarassing zerphyr, somehow the joke went right over your head

posted 9 months ago

lmfao what did i just read? they'll get tired eventually. if you do nothing they will also continue to troll - that would be stupid.

posted 9 months ago

valid but depends on the servers. on Oregon servers any time I've had a girl mic up, probably 10-20 instances out of 1000 games, they are treated the same. no one is a cunt to them no matter kda etc.
also they have the best positive attitude

posted 9 months ago

great joke tbh, going over everyones head

posted 9 months ago

sk00d is right, hes never marked "signed" and been wrong. and even "C" means 90% likely, still that 10%. impossible for him to be wrong

posted 10 months ago

nice bump from May

posted 10 months ago

I believe boostio and c0m rumors were because they signed ziks

posted 10 months ago

only a transphobe would say this

posted 10 months ago

some other thread

posted 10 months ago

clown ass comment. embarrassing for you

posted 10 months ago

this response is h786 admitting you know you're wrong here. you cant, and no one, can come up with rebuttle because it is fact and not opinion.

posted 10 months ago

real shit rubrik

posted 10 months ago

paying their 10man roster gotta cost at least 1m/year

posted 10 months ago

lets just assume they were -$1m in the bank before winning, maybe even more.
They have a 10 man roster. That has to cost at least 1m/year. 5 Reserves making 50k/year and then stating roster making 100k a year - at least.

posted 10 months ago

really hard to accurately guess, we dont know the value of what they own. also some owners are extremely rich and the e-sports org is just a capital venture

posted 10 months ago
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