Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 10:56 PM
Posts: 3394
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posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Don’t ask, don’t tell, you never saw this thread

posted about a year ago

Meanwhile clutch god shao got 16% and didn’t even make it to the top 3

posted about a year ago

He’s a lot more clutch than mako and Leo, idk what else man needs to do to prove himself

posted about a year ago

Why do people always forget pancada 😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

Saadhak also said in a recent stream that he felt that the quality of players in T2 NA was better than T2 BR, but that the br teams had better strats

Kinda expected it to be the other way around but still, ascension leagues might be a lot closer than most people think

posted about a year ago

Cara o pancada jogar sentinela em ranked não significa nada, ele sempre fez isso

Significa MUITO mais o tenz estar treinando com a sentinels e o Marved (ele tá sempre stremando no horário de treino), se for considerar boneco q o cara joga em ranked ent o zekken e o novo sova do time e o Sacy vai fazer viper

posted about a year ago

Tenz isn’t leaving, Spacca just got confused and didn’t know marved had been signed as a sixth

posted about a year ago

Acho q o Spacca se confundiu ent, não viu q o Marved entrou como sexto e não jogador

posted about a year ago

Kkkkk é bait certeza

posted about a year ago

Hmm, manda a timestamp

posted about a year ago

Fake liquid fan

posted about a year ago

Bstrdd drops 100

posted about a year ago

I like NAVI, but this is what happens when their players aren’t all doing their usual hero plays

posted about a year ago

Aggressive ahh thread

posted about a year ago

None, Redgar isn’t a good enough IGL

posted about a year ago

Sacy does the same, good positioning insane spray control and faster reactions than most of the players have compensate for it

posted about a year ago

You do know they don’t need to be top three in the group to qualify right? There’s playoffs and you only need top 6 to get to them so it’s almost impossible for SEN to not qualify

posted about a year ago

Meanwhile EMEA matches got put on the middle of the week cause no one will be watching them either way

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I always thought thriller bark as a pretty entertaining arc. But yeah the anime is just straight up shit if I’m being fair, stopped after marineford and will only pick it back up if they release all of the episodes on netflix (can speed it up and the buffering is fast so I can just go skipping ahead whenever there isn’t anything happening

posted about a year ago

I’m betting it was faze

posted about a year ago

You could easily make some two world class Chinese superteams with a bit of reshuffling of players, idk why they’ve kept the same bots dragging down great players for two years now

posted about a year ago

It was only aspas and he ended 16/16 while dasnerth was 17/19, just a normal ranked match idk why this thread exists

posted about a year ago

Aaa makes sense, hope Rossi plays against DRX

posted about a year ago

Wat 😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

Are they gonna sub in bazzi for the first match?

posted about a year ago

You know people can learn right? Like, players actually improve their gameplay with time believe it or not

posted about a year ago

Insane aim, like ACTUALLY insane aim

He’s also super aggressive which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but bro’s game sense isn’t all that great and he overheats in literally every round which makes sense considering he’s used to having to carry every team he’s in

Will do great against the bottom 5 teams but I fear he won’t be able to replicate the same performances against more structured ones, he’s got a lot of potential and can be a top duelist if he learns to play with the team, but I feel like the PRX guys aren’t the best suited to reel him in

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Also LEV 12-2 TSM

posted about a year ago

Bro just making shit up

posted about a year ago

Bro ain’t even watching his own region if he’s downplaying paincakes like that

posted about a year ago

Ain’t even his best song

posted about a year ago

It’s not happening, just stop

posted about a year ago

Shahz fans are in such a drought they making fanfics now

posted about a year ago

Actually useful ty

posted about a year ago

Unholy levels of virginity

posted about a year ago

Cool cool but now give me less’s tracker

posted about a year ago

Bro talking like Japanese people will cheat for a foreign team when they’re against a Japanese one

posted about a year ago

You were saying?

posted about a year ago

Going purely by eye test, shahzam’s mechanics have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse when compared to 2021

posted about a year ago

Considering they lost to M80 before getting kanpeki, it is possible

posted about a year ago

Bro’s got a kink

posted about a year ago

You’re not a fucking afghani you weird jackal, bro had been shittalking Brazilians for 3 days non stop even when the topic had no relation to it, but when I answer back with a joke you go crying straight to the mods

Basement dwelling lost on character obnoxious FREAK, go call ajay fake while pretending to be a proud MENA supporter

posted about a year ago

Talking like you didn’t get me banned the same way before

posted about a year ago

Best TV series I’ve ever watched and I ain’t even capping

posted about a year ago
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