Country: Afghanistan
Registered: July 10, 2022
Last post: April 23, 2024 at 5:46 PM
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Hes not helping in sentinels, john said it himself zellsis is the one mid calling

posted 1 day ago

Decent map, boring to watch in proplay, fun to play in ranked. I dont know why people react this way, people say 'but the comps are the same!!' and act like people pick the meta comp in ranked.
If they put fracture over ascent i'll have to stop playing this game till the map pool changes, imagine? Sunset, lotus,icebox, fracture and breeze holy hell

posted 2 days ago

They have talent, they have ranked demons. The problem is orgs arent brave enough to hire these guys or atleast trial em.
Euro/dollar is a BIG part on why brazillian players leave br orgs. Imagine loud offers 20-30k real to less/saadhak, this is only 4k dollars.. Imagine a eu/NA org offering 10-15k a month to either less or saadhak, its literally 60-70k real, its a salary BIGGER THAN THE BIGGEST ONE IN BRAZIL (Which is only 47k real)

posted 2 days ago

if a coach can only do anti strat and no real tactics then hes not a real coach lol

posted 2 days ago

prime crashies + prime yay + prime victor + fns mastermind easily carried that t eam, chet even wanted to pay analysts on twitter to anti strat loud 💀

posted 2 days ago

Why not go to a doctor dawg, its not good to use medicines doctors didnt prescribe to you

posted 3 days ago

As i said web dev market is certainly big for those who want to be a web developer, you just cant watch a youtube video course and expect to be hired, thats why people complain.

posted 3 days ago

C++ Takes time to master, he wont be getting a job as a junior with less than 2 years of practice, trust me.

posted 3 days ago

He has better luck with web backend languages. C++ market is already small enough, its quite a difficult language to learn

posted 3 days ago

Loud with 2 weeks of prep is not beating 3-4months of practice cloud9 Im sorry. Way before madrid ended and we got the news that loud coulnt leave ireland i knew they were done, its actually fked up from riot to do this

posted 3 days ago

I said this when they announced they couldnt practice till regular season started. No team with no practice is beating teams with 3+ months of practice + vods, im sorry but no. Loud had 2 weeks to fix whatever they could but its too little

posted 3 days ago


posted 1 week ago

Bro how tall is this MF dude looks like the father of the whole c9 roster tf is that

posted 1 week ago

Thats surely why the half ended 6-6!

posted 1 week ago

6-6 against furia?
They also almost lost breeze to loud who was playing like it was 4AM ( The time in the country they came from was literally 4am ) so its kinda insane

posted 1 week ago

konan é horrivel eu concordo 100% mas nessa o mw pinou e parecia estar totalmente desligado

posted 1 week ago

mw ficou 6/14

posted 1 week ago

Anyone who thinks pancada can save furia has a mental delay

posted 1 week ago

I'd say tenz. After i heard he used to watch hentai in public ( he was caught in the middle of a party ) i cannot look at him tthe same way

posted 1 week ago

Saying boostio was carried is mad crazy, he was INSANE at EG bro u cannot lie

posted 2 weeks ago

I think they wanted to change things but no prac or training is kinda difficult to do so.
I hoped to see gekko and cypher on some maps but i HARDLY doubt they can chance things in 1 week

posted 2 weeks ago

Tight schedule, they literally have matches all week, how do you expect them to fix their shit and train while having to prepare for matches

posted 2 weeks ago

Loud is legit fked, how are they gonna qualify for champs with all of this no prac + jetlag and all of these problems they still have and couldnt fix? They're legit fucked lmfao

posted 2 weeks ago

less himself said he searched for hours for gaming houses or places where u could rent pcs to play some valorant but he couldnt find any. He legit said he hasnt touched valorant in 3 weeks

posted 2 weeks ago

3 weeks of no valorant certainly makes you play less than you'd hope for.
Still, its even worse they couldnt practice in these 3 weeks and nrg had 35 days to study their enemy. The narrative stands, loud is in total disadvantage

posted 2 weeks ago

3 years playing like total ass cheeks but suddenly marved becomes the greatest of all time

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Their breach + phoenix plays are so bad who the hell had the idea to do this

posted 2 weeks ago

Calma ae, o bruno como ceo é bom demais, nao é atoa que a loud ta entre as unicas orgs do mundo que realmente lucra dinheiro ao inves de perder

posted 2 weeks ago

Voce paga pau para o xand, o cara com o maior ego e narcisista do cenário. O cara que fez 2 horas de live sem webcam sem microfone e tela preta e ainda bania quem reclamava?
Voce ta menosprezando o cara que tenta fazer um conteudo diferente fazendo cosplay e piadas para descontrair?
Irmao, ou voce é maluco ou ta com inveja.

posted 2 weeks ago

Tu tava vendo coreano nao ironicamente as 3 horas da tarde maluco KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted 2 weeks ago
How does every tourney so far have teams who suffer from stomach issues? Its like a normal thing amongst every tourney.. Wtf do they eat

posted 2 weeks ago

Dawg they finished madrid and didnt even OPEN valorant ( the whole loud roster said so themselves, where they're currently at has no computers and gaming houses ) and u think they'll change anything at all? Lmfao

posted 2 weeks ago

Nahh imagine missing your match because some eu country wants a 4 day holiday 💀

posted 3 weeks ago

Yea lotus + sunset + breeze what kinda crack is riot smoking? Haven was actually such a chill map why did they have to remove it

posted 3 weeks ago

Cap as hell, saadhak said yesterday on his livestream they're having visa issues and only he could stay on US because he was already living there.
Loud team is stuck in ireland waiting for their visa.
Saadhak also said its partially riots fault cuz they keep making these events in restrict countries

posted 3 weeks ago
Masters had 150k+ average viewership, this is shameful. It means basically cs frogs dont give a fuck about the game and only watch the finals

posted 3 weeks ago

??????? 7 months of anticipation? People look foward to champions, masters is useless and doesnt help in anything at all, its basically a useless event.
Teams like loud, kc or fnatic, which have the biggest fanbase werent qualified in the finals, it would've passed 1,8M easily.
Still, a game like val that has 3 years of competitive scene beating cs a 20 yo competitive game in terms of average viewership in a major vs normal event is crazy to me.

posted 3 weeks ago

Loud and a bunch of other teams are way bigger than sentinels in terms of viewership

posted 3 weeks ago

PGL Major peak viewers : 1 600 000
Masters madrid peak : 1 660 000

posted 3 weeks ago

I dont think so. Frod was hired because he was giving 'tips' to loud when he wasnt their coach and it seemed to help loud a lot, i think they actually cared about his opinions and vision

posted 3 weeks ago

Atp i think loud has a coach because they would look bad if they didnt lmao dude doesnt even do anything

posted 4 weeks ago

Btw bcj and a few other EG members also have the champs title

posted 4 weeks ago

Peu interview, saadhak vlog, loud vlog all confirm this. Although he exaggerated a little its still true, saadhak makes the decisions in that team and even peu ( the head coach ) himself said he tried to deny this new comp saadhak cooked but saadhak just went through with it lol

posted 4 weeks ago

Less is a lurker/sentinel, do you really expect him to carry loud?
T3xture played amazingly, great multi kills but you cant win it all with just 1 player being the best, sentinels managed to win because of the multiple 80 bombs tenz and zekken were dropping every match.
No wonder sentinels lost when tenz had a off day, that tells you a lot

posted 4 weeks ago

P mim essa parte é so pro gaules, ele NAO PARA DE FALAR por 1 segundo, é algo que so notei recentemente.
Nao é atoa que eles fizeram o liminha famoso, nada contra o menino mas ele nao tem graça nenhuma, pro gaules e amigos parece que ele ta contando uma piada de stand up pqp

posted 1 month ago

Mano nao tem comparação, gaules puxa 200-300k de views, mch nao pega nem 7k direito.
Tck, coreano, otsuka e a até a paula nobre pegam mais viewers que ele kkkkk

posted 1 month ago

Meteor 3/13 and all of them whiffing these easy shots.. Uff so sad for em

posted 1 month ago

Both less and t3xture are way better than zekken

posted 1 month ago
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