Country: Brazil
Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: September 16, 2022 at 7:56 AM
Posts: 5

sim, porém ainda acho que o heat não tem a devida valorização as vezes no cenario

posted about a year ago

acho que o heat seja um ótimo player, suas estatisticas não negam, mas acho demais dizer também que seja o melhor do brasil em 2021, porque o sacy jogou absolutamente muito bem

posted about a year ago

I think it will be the most disputed game of these playoffs. Loud looks like another team since the start of the playoffs, with a lot of resilience and its anti-tactical. optic has yay and a team that plays th real FPS. It will be a historic game, whoever wins I believe will be the champions winner

posted about a year ago

i agree with you, i like him and your gameplay, but i think he is a devalued player for being mono jett

posted about a year ago

heat only plays jett... his chamber is so limited, even being one of the best operator in brazil

posted about a year ago