Country: Brazil
Registered: May 30, 2022
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 10:21 PM
Posts: 22

Yes, there were people in the crowd

posted 7 months ago

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

posted 7 months ago

mas você foi completamente REFUTADO E AMASSADO, amigo, o que houve?

posted 7 months ago

you could have slept without that

posted 8 months ago

thing is, he didn't know she was 15

posted 9 months ago

O próprio saadhak falou que NÃO vai aposentar, por que você, firefirefirefire, tá dizendo que ele vai aposentar?

posted 10 months ago

Nop, they picked the same maps, they did the exact same things, nrg just did antistrat and won. was not about Aspas having a good day or not

posted 10 months ago

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK te toma no cu irmão, tu é o tal do METAFORANDO agora? completamente esquizofrênico

posted 10 months ago

who is the best NA player?

posted 10 months ago

he may be an american citizen, but if he was born in Russia, then Russian he is

posted 10 months ago

was he born in Russia? then he is Russian, no objections.

posted 10 months ago

another topic + 30m ago + my reply: 52m ago

deal with what I said
i'm done, bye.

posted 10 months ago

because you are coping
you're saying that you only lost because nrg made some mistakes , and not because loud played better, apart from that, you only think about the mistakes they made and don't see the whole

you say things like not being able to read loud and point it out solely as your mistake, taking all the credit away from the other team.

posted 10 months ago

Oh right, making assumptions is easy, even finishing 9-3, they would lose 13-11, just stop

The defuse wasn't yours simply because they didn't win, stop crying and accept the lost because NRG made mistakes and were worse

Wdym to NOT have let LOUD run away with so many rounds on bind? they won because they play BETTER.
reading this is so cringe man, like, just accept, why NA fans do so much copium?

posted 10 months ago

bro, those were mistakes, they shouldn't have closed 3 maps simply because they are worse, it happens

posted 10 months ago

Saving this for tonight

posted 10 months ago

and i said that you said that? I asked you, so "why you guys interpret shit that was not even said"?

posted 10 months ago

but is he wrong? did they qualified? if 100t or sen were good, they would have qualified no matter if they changed a single player or not

posted 10 months ago

what is the difference between a player who was on the field and was substituted, and a player who is only on the bench?

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

muito superior, tanto que até ganhou, né?

posted about a year ago