Flag: Kazakhstan
Registered: January 22, 2023
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 6:03 PM
Posts: 2404
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Bro learnt 3 languages and still decided to speak shit.

posted 6 days ago

Very good list but ruined it with Rb
+Karon also suitable as Wonder Kid

posted 6 days ago

9-7 Ascent, like one of the finest Throw ever.

posted 1 week ago

jremy and invy arnt bad bro

posted 1 week ago

T1 flairs talking abt delusion

posted 1 week ago

DSG will easily qualify to Ascension.
But dis double duelist shiz b/w Vera and Juicy won't work in Ascension

posted 1 week ago

Can u drop his tracker???

posted 1 week ago

man even I want that but Trexx (he is #1 in R) and Sayf deserves too

posted 1 week ago

wo0t would get sayfed

posted 1 week ago

YUP I totally Agree he could be the best COACH out there 100% u can utilize his calls as TO would be insane to this 5 demon aim lineUp.

posted 1 week ago

even with Boaster now, there is no hope, in 2023 he could atleast do clutches, but in 2024 he is just awful, an ascendant smoker, most rounds won by FNC are just multifrags,

PRX playstyle is different (even of they get an IGL, they'll do W gaming, overpeek die, it doesnt matter).

FNC can play structured their defaults are set rest are all the clutches by players.
All players in FNC know wat they have to do, there is NO amazing, mind bending calls made by boaster that makes them win the round its just aim and 2v4s, u can even see in yest match.

posted 1 week ago

PRX works, NRG has washed shiz

posted 1 week ago

we comparing Crashed, M0rved Losetor to Leo, Alfa and Chronicle in 2024?

posted 1 week ago

if 4 super clutch players cant handle dis deadlift no one can

posted 1 week ago

shorter answer:


posted 1 week ago

Guys does FNC really need Boaster now?
ig at this point all players are quite self aware and knows abt their default+
all the game changing rounds are simply MULTI-Frags by Individual play, Alfa, Chronicle, Hiro making to win.
So i suggest lets move w/o deadlifting Boaster

-Chronicle (smokes some map)
-Hiro (smokes some map)

and rest maps would be fine,
we can have Boaster as AC too.
But plz bench him for this GodLike team.

posted 1 week ago

Y can't we remove boaster, it's enough, ig some1 else can IGL or 5 man call like PRX

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

JitBoys has good agent pool and aim, no one is removing him

Remove Ban/Crws

posted 1 week ago

WE really NEED sScary man, plz take him on loan or whatever, if things would continue like dis, TLN gonna get owned in champs too real bad.

posted 1 week ago

Gr8 point mate

posted 1 week ago

Well if not, then it shows his illiteracy !
We expect some basic knowledge from Goats

posted 1 week ago

Yup in 2025 fs, Poland geng
but for now imo KC needs him more + he has all the exp of masters

posted 2 weeks ago

yup dats y this would be best move,
n4rrate easily adapted to his role, while Tom Struggles
So PaT move should be lifesaver for KC

posted 2 weeks ago

well in pure aim k1ng is better, followed by munchkin and then Jess,

Jess has too much exp he is the balance

posted 2 weeks ago

NGL but KC really needs Pat rn,
Tomaszyyy just cant handle these roles. SO the best solution is:

Magnum: Back to Senti (his main)
PaT: Initiator Flash

Tom literally at bottom with 62% KAST, he needs a brk tbh, hes not a bad plyr tho:

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Let GE have him, ploxx

posted 2 weeks ago

GE couldn't afford Famouz
Sultan and Dos9 can't be together (dos>Sultan)
BlaZek1ng naah we r done with every single plyr on current GE lineUp

Feta (duel)
Dos9 (senti+viper)
Techno/Persia (smoke)
Venka/SkRossi (init)

posted 2 weeks ago

Can some1 vouch for him as IGL?
Like is he fit for Franchise IGL!
His aim is good for an IGL but dunno abt his callings
What do MY/SG followers say?

posted 2 weeks ago

Well initial thought of Fazedis would be like dis:

If I can reach Grand Finals with 3 imports in 2023.
Y not go for 4 this time?

posted 2 weeks ago

When does it end bro?
It's like yearsss NOWW

posted 2 weeks ago

Nope still LF was practicing many times in place of SkRossi
He even got to scrim with prime EG

Im No BIGG fan sarr for Rossi, the day I feel he is shitting consistently I'll admit, he is washed and there is no cmbck for him due to his age.

posted 2 weeks ago

Also JohnOlsen 26 and owning on Duelist in TH😭

posted 2 weeks ago

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ isn't it it like 2 of them r half japanese or smthing?

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro they r like 26, 27 yo, how the fk they own most young talent in their country... Their R rating and other stats is soooo demn crazy and consistent for 2 yrs straight now .
Along with KUSH I think they can make a super strong support Core for franchise.
Btw what's Kush's age?

posted 2 weeks ago

U r free to call me delusional, when SkRossi, shits/botfrags a whole season by playing every match in tournament and getting proper 5 man practice+No Visa issue.
U can bookmark

posted 2 weeks ago

Nowhere I pulled old stats, dats the for whole VCL'24(Proving he is consistently best in India still in 2024, followed by Techno) xD
And Yup SkRossi is/can be bad but not worse than any GE'24 plyr and dats a fact.

And other n MAIN thing thing here I'm trying to appreciate another player Feta, but dk y pulling down Rossi is so rent free in ur mind, u need to grow up from him.

posted 2 weeks ago

I manifest, GE Feta

posted 2 weeks ago

Can u provide me Patiphan's tracker?
If he is back he must be practicing

posted 2 weeks ago

Neh man,.don't trust these fkers, they don't take statistical approach, just blindly take in on word of mouth.

I would sacrifice techno/SkRossi for Persia,
He's been consistent for 2 yrs and has been part of Orangutan once too,

posted 2 weeks ago

Yoman and Persia only 2 KR which GE should fight for
As IGL and Smoker, max
Still wanna stick with Feta, Dos9 and Indian Plyr

posted 2 weeks ago

PRX's Playstyle

posted 2 weeks ago

Nope, tricky is just prospect.
Para stays

posted 2 weeks ago
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