Country: South Korea
Registered: November 24, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2024 at 7:22 AM
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it's not a matter of grouping teams by demographic, they are trying to balance the talent out. group A in ur case would be one of the weakest groups in vct history

posted about a year ago

my friends start off with warnings then a 2 day ban. I started off with a warning as well so idk man

posted about a year ago

who cares I just wanna see all the drama of Twitter when it happens

posted about a year ago

drx always had the worst group last year, guess this is conpensation

posted about a year ago

it does make sense in evening the groups out in terms of talent

posted about a year ago

even if u were genuinely being toxic u would get a warning, then a chat restricitin, then a couple day ban. you're a repeat offender

posted about a year ago

all stage long he was fine, sure not up to his senti and duellist standards but him and everyone was fine. even vs optic the team still looked good on thw map despite losing. that map was pure mental diff

posted about a year ago

not map pool, mental gap. take vs zeta for example. split is generally one of drxs strongest maps yet they lost horribly. I can almost assure you that if they started off with split, the result if that map would be different. id go as far as to say drx has no clear weak maps atm

posted about a year ago

isnt fpx playing with sub? in that case swap guild and fpx id say

posted about a year ago

rng will invest in oce? wtf

posted about a year ago

zest is hella in form. hes likek 220 or 230 acs on sova majority of stage 2 hes definitely been on the same tier as everyone else since iceland

posted about a year ago

will oce get a slot...yikes

posted about a year ago

lol yeah i meant it as loud is way to good to be grouped

posted about a year ago

the whole lcq decides seeding is so dumb. loud in groups LMAO

posted about a year ago

valorant doesnt require high level aim or keyboard mechicans, u literally only press left click and wasd

posted about a year ago

no munchkin just flew to na the other day

posted about a year ago

t1 is na

posted about a year ago

mad cuz exposed? 'i was a fan of nth in lcq' proceeds to say seoldam was only good at knives. have a good day reading the stat sheet

posted about a year ago

ok but how can that be the case when the worst teams are 'enough to stand up to drx'. like u said they r good right 😂😂. its almost as if they were saving strats and mindlessly executing against these teams 😱😱 just like how zeta did against reject 😱😱 which would be obvious to the average fan if they actually watched the games of vct jp 😱😱😱😱

posted about a year ago

so the very worst teams of vct kr who literally win 1 game are 'good' enough to nearly beat drx and yet japan vct has more competition? ite keep contradicting urself

posted about a year ago

like i said thats literal proof u dont even watch the games and simply just read off the statsheet. drx nearly lost to orgless teams in vct, does that mean these orgless teams are actually good?

posted about a year ago

cant be honest? who tf puts reject as the 2nd best jp team LMAO anyone who genuinely watches the region would not put them 2nd or aobve nth

posted about a year ago

bro dont act as if u were repping nth or meteor LMAO u literally had them below reject

posted about a year ago

how am I even toxic 💀 not once in my entire life have I seen meteor fans until 2 days ago and believe me I've watched his games before you guys knew who tnl were. bunch of bandwagons

posted about a year ago

then u know that he used to get diffed by the entirety of VS

posted about a year ago

man learnt his name 2 days ago 🤣

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hes american

posted about a year ago

did that actually happen? thats so fucked

posted about a year ago

damn so fpx will be nerfed yikes

posted about a year ago

confirmed that he cant go to masters?

posted about a year ago

wtf? masters 1 2022? ur first seed didnt win a single game

posted about a year ago

past 2 lans how is ur main language english and u cant even read LMAO

posted about a year ago

fnc lose and rematch drx in groups hopium

posted about a year ago

ppl already forgot how bad the NA teams have performed past 2 lans just cuz optic won

posted about a year ago

i mean the 5 jp team couldnt even make it to international LMAOOO

posted about a year ago

recent statistics say 2kr 3 jp + kr coach beats 5 jp KEKW

posted about a year ago

suggest lakia allow meteor medusa kobra the list goes on. you know the region is weak when lakia averages 300 acs as SOVA

posted about a year ago

how r u gonna quote my quote but not understand 'as a whole'

posted about a year ago

statistic dont lie hahahah every korean import adds around 40 acs compared to when they played in korea stay mad

posted about a year ago

not really devopment. the korean players are performing better because jp region as a whole is weaker as compared to when they played in kr vct. this trend is generally true for most korean imports

posted about a year ago

ascent drx

posted about a year ago

dks probabaly the biggest org in apac rn

posted about a year ago

love how u can hear the crowd

posted about a year ago

batman franchise > all marvel

posted about a year ago

ofc grand finals is a seeding match for every other region jp/kr only get 1 slot

posted about a year ago

kr coach diff

posted about a year ago

azzlack ur takes are asscrack

posted about a year ago

not hopium fact that buzz chamber >>>>> buzz astra

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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