Flag: Argentina
Registered: May 25, 2024
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 12:54 PM
Posts: 39

Brazil crowd but they don't have any bias

posted 2 weeks ago

It should be mandatory that all teams have a professional team dedicated to look after the mental health of their players

posted 2 weeks ago

Obviously he shouldn't try to go for the entry as a controller

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean yeah, this is not 2021, this game is more than clicking heads

posted 2 weeks ago

What? Are you asking him why he cares about winning? Every person reacts differently, only because ANGE1 and Soulcas didn't cry doesn't mean it affects them

It's so funny, men complain about no one reaching to them or bad mental health and then they attack other men for crying and showing their emotions

Boaster knew what was coming to him, not only losing, but people want to see him lose, they want his head

posted 2 weeks ago

Ofc all of these changes should be applied after champs. The other teams are looking too good, and if FNC made a good performance they could do a decent top 6

posted 2 weeks ago

kiNgg has so much aura

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Warbirds is good, but I was maybe thinking sumn like ENGH or something more disciplined. Fnatic was looking out of ideas in Ascent

posted 2 weeks ago

Rookies tend to perform better in tier 1 at the sentinel role, maybe because they only have to worry about lurking and hitting bullets

posted 2 weeks ago

How much for ENGH? We need him

posted 2 weeks ago

It's a videogame bro, what is "he can't be doing that" supposed to mean??

posted 2 weeks ago

Elaborate, what about what I just said is crazy or unreasonable?

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean sure, but Chronicle has the most flexible agent pool itw, who are you going to replace him with? I think is more reliable to swap roles with the other players, and only leave Leo and Chronicle in their current agent role

posted 2 weeks ago

He is my IGL goat and I think that he's the moral leader of the team. But his performance is not normal, he's obviously tired and I think that he should give way for newer generations to take his place. I love him and I've always defended him as a player and IGL, but Fnatic is not going to win another trophy if he keeps playing like this, unless the other 4 go into prime form, which is unlikely. That's why he could stay as a coach, he still talks and has fun with the boys, but he can be their leader without having to play under pressure

posted 2 weeks ago

Yeah, ofc. It all depends on how they do after champs, but this would be my dream "solution" to the team roles (obviously the problem is that they didn't have ideas during that Ascent in the FUT game)

posted 2 weeks ago

More than Derke not being consistent is more about giving Alfa a shot in that role, he has a lot of unexploited potential that I'd love to see if he played duelist

posted 2 weeks ago

The hate that is coming to boaster is not normal

When are we going to learn? We had really awful cases with mental health in this community, and people is still throwing shit to players like it's nothing?

Have you seen how Boaster looked during that interview? I've never seen him more devastated, because he know what's coming to him

I know that the blame always goes to the IGL, but this is NOT it bro

Boaster's performance is not normal, yes, but people asking for Boaster's head should NOT be normalized at all

posted 2 weeks ago

Boaster as coach or content creator (I love boaster, but his performance is not normal anymore. Massive asset in the team, but a leader has to frag too)

Derke does the same as TenZ/Cryo and switches to smokes (he is out of the discussion when it comes to best duelist in the world, but he could easily be more impactful if he only focused in helping teammates with util and hitting heads instead of taking the entries)

Alfa main duelist (got the best Raze in EMEA and could probably be the best duelist if he wanted to, his Neon is goated too)

Chronicle becomes the IGL (he has the capacity to be a great leader, and he learned from Redgar and Boaster himself)

Get a rookie to be the Sentinel (it's hard to replace Alfa in his role, but Alfa didn't become the best Sentinel in one night either. My personal pick is GN alexiiik)

Some people may disagree with Derke playing smokes, but I actually think that the controller role fits him more atm

posted 2 weeks ago

Duelist is a much impactful role than Sentinel, he is the best Sentinel in the world (probably), but I think he could be the best player in the world if he was the full time duelist (his Raze is already the best one itw)

posted 2 weeks ago

Alfa has a much better Raze and Neon. Derke could swap probably play Jett on the maps that he's required to do so (like Cryo).
And I don't think that Leo is old or experienced enough like Chronicle to be a leader, maybe main caller, but Leo is NOT a leader type of guy

posted 2 weeks ago

Put Boaster as a Content Creator

I defended Boaster for ages, but his performance is not normal anymore

Put derke on smokes, and Chronicle as the IGL (he does great calls, could be a great leader, has enough experience, and learned from the best IGL)

Get a cracked Tier 2 demon to play duelist (my pick is alexiiik)

Or even better, make Alfa the duelist and look for a rookie to be the sentinel

posted 2 weeks ago

I would do dirty and naughty things for having Virtus.pro, Team Spirit, FaZe, and MOUZ on the Valorant partnership

posted 2 weeks ago

Make fun of Fnatic here, this is only the beginning for that champs trophy, I still believe in this team

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

1) Convince Sayf to not retire
2) Put Sayf in duelist
3) Bench RunneR and Kicks
4) Put Trexx in smokes and ceNder back in Sentinel
5) Sign PaTiTek as the initiator and kamyk as flex
6) Get Salah back
7) Win Champs and finally give Sayf his first title

posted 2 weeks ago

FUT always chokes on playoffs. Fnatic will probably win against most swiss stage teams and EDG

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

Victor and Crashies are in better form than last year, Ethan is a much better upgrade than Ardiis, s0m has a lot flexibility and potential, and FNS' IGLing is top notch. If they play at peak performance, easily Top 4 in the world, but given how much time they've got, I don't think they'll do extremely good at the Americas league and Champs (if they even qualify)

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

HC Bonkar

Sign me to a Tier 1 org and I assure you that this team will reach top 4 at every international event minimum

You'll thank me later

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm fucking scared man, that was possibly the worst matchup for us. But it's def winnable

posted 2 weeks ago

They both lost their team the game because they didn't plant the spike, which one is worse?

FNC Enzo, Valorant Champions 2022, FNC-DRX, round 21, Ascent

FPX Lysoar, Masters Shanghai 2024, FPX-TH, round 32, Icebox

posted 2 weeks ago
  1. Paris, France
  2. Singapore
  3. London, UK
  4. Santiago, Chile
  5. Kyiv, Ukraine
  6. Montreal, Canada
posted 3 weeks ago

FUT is clearly trolling and they are up 6-1 dude

posted 3 weeks ago

I know that everyones shits on him, and he's probably one of the worst duelists indivually in this Masters. But holy shit he did step up in that Bind (and played decently good in that Lotus)

I think he can drastically improve over time, thoughts?

posted 3 weeks ago

Even though they lost, they played a lot better than I thought

posted 3 weeks ago