Country: Indonesia
Registered: June 10, 2022
Last post: April 15, 2023 at 8:42 AM
Posts: 11

Lmemore knife kill after he knifed kayo, he should have seen the viper on the right, right?

posted 11 months ago

Rating & Average Combat Score
which one is more important? and the reason ?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why does all of NA vlr emerge when TL loses a match? I don’t think any of the TL players have said anything to be dislikable, don’t know why vlr clowns them more than any other team just bc we set high expectations for them

posted about a year ago

Country: United Arab Emirates
Flair: Team Liquid
And know D word ? nice bro, just change Your country to Indonesian

posted about a year ago

itu 2 orang kontraknya sudah habis(kemungkinan soalnya dari 2021), cuma cara mereka ngeluarinnya salah/gak manusiawi, ditambah lagi orang orang indo manas manasin orang luar buat hate RRQ, jadi lucu

posted about a year ago

bayangin RRQ di bully sama orang negaranya sendiri terus nanti riot keluar RRQ dari franchise, bayangin aja dulu, bullynya makin parah nanti wkwkwk, bukannya dukung atau diam aja ini malah manas manasin orang luar juga buat hate RRQ

posted about a year ago

dont be mad me 😪, this is just opinion
north america SEN/The Guard
europe TL/G2
brazil NIP ?
apac PRX
korea DRX
japan CR

posted about a year ago

you almost right bro, Marky Just Drop 30, yeah 30 Death LOL

posted about a year ago