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Registered: February 23, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 9:59 PM
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zeta with wins over the three bottom 5 teams in the league ok

posted about a year ago

how lose to dgzin kkkkkkkkkkkkk ???

posted about a year ago

he didn't

posted about a year ago

w rizz

posted about a year ago

that's akshually three words

posted about a year ago

north america

posted about a year ago

FURIA is a top 5 team. Just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, op flicks, dart spots, smoke spots flashes, positioning, spike plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting a kill

posted about a year ago

did someone say statistics?


mwzera https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/VK%20mwzera%234324/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all
cNed https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/ACE%20cNed%23carry/overview?season=all
TenZ https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/SEN%20TenZ%230505/overview?playlist=competitive&season=all

mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here https://imgur.com/StiJmpg
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it https://www.vlr.gg/29398/sentinels-vs-100-thieves-champions-tour-north-america-stage-3-challengers-playoffs-gf/?game=46692&tab=overview)

posted about a year ago

hope trembolona sees this :pray:

posted about a year ago

goofy point system

posted about a year ago

real frod https://www.vlr.gg/player/145/frod

posted about a year ago


Official pinyin pronunciation certified by me

posted about a year ago

8/8 bait (not me tho)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

But did you know

Last act I reach Ascedent 2 and that's based off me not playing this game that seriously because I have other priorities like university, relationship and touching grass in general. But long story short I've played a bunch of fps games and I also played valorant since the beta days and here is the best tip I can give you about Aim. Aim trainers only help if you're a complete noob to videogames and the fps genre in general. If you think you have a horrible control of your aim, meaning that your aim is very unstable and jumpy/glitchy when you move it your target, then yes, aim trainers like aim labs will help to stabilize that.

But after that it won't help anymore! I assume most of you have decent average aim because most of you play the game plenty and also play games in general and is familiar with using a mouse and keyboard. With that said, I still wouldn't recommend aim trainers because the best way to develop good aim for a specific game you're trying to improve on is to play the game LOTS! That's it! Do about 15 deathmatches everyday and try to get 1st in all them! After a month of that, you'll notice you've gotten better at pre-aiming and crosshair placement in a lot of the maps you do deathmatch in. Eventually that will transfer to your actual competitive games.

And finally, the best way to improve aim is to just STOP OBSESSING OVER YOUR AIM! The reason why I was stuck in plat/diamond lobbies is because I kept thinking that the reason why I lost that duel or that round is because I had poor aim compared to my teammates and opponents. But that's not the clear picture! The reason why we lose those duels over and over even though we train our aim so much is because our game sense is super poor because of how much we're obsessing aim over game sense. As long as you're obsessing over your aim than actually developing a really good game sense by playing a multitude of high quality competitive games, your aim will never develop into something fast, stable and accurate. Stop changing your sens, stick with one that you're stable with, stop copying other pros' setups and how they do it, it won't help because you're not them! Instead, develop your game sense! Spray control, Pre-aiming, pre-firing, spamming on walls/wallbanging, util usage, positioning, avoiding utilities, MAP SENSE( I capitilized this one because it's a huge one that a lot of people lack), cooperating with your teammates, strats to run on eco rounds or with ultimates and utilties, learning to play an agent to the optiminal level, and so much more! All these things are what molds your aim into a higher level of aim that you can be confident in when you're taking duels.

I could've wrote more but to conclude, to get good aim in valorant you would first want to have stable aim via aim trainers. Once that is complete, stop using aim trainers so much! You're not going to lose that muscle memory that fast so don't keep grinding on aim trainers! Secondly, play a lot of deathmatches, 15 max everyday to develop proper gun mechanics such as spray control, spray transfer, bursting, tap firing, wallbanging, and many more while also delveoping pre-aiming/crosshair placement and pre-firing in a lot of the maps you deathmatch in. Finally, develop your game sense! This is the hardest to do because it requires you to put in the hours and actually focus on understanding what you're doing wrong and learning to get a better sense of the game so it can better help you to aim better and win you more duels! GGs and keep fragging out!

posted about a year ago

Diamond 1

Last act I reach Ascedent 2 and that's based off me not playing this game that seriously because I have other priorities like university, relationship and touching grass in general. But long story short I've played a bunch of fps games and I also played valorant since the beta days and here is the best tip I can give you about Aim. Aim trainers only help if you're a complete noob to videogames and the fps genre in general. If you think you have a horrible control of your aim, meaning that your aim is very unstable and jumpy/glitchy when you move it your target, then yes, aim trainers like aim labs will help to stabilize that.

But after that it won't help anymore! I assume most of you have decent average aim because most of you play the game plenty and also play games in general and is familiar with using a mouse and keyboard. With that said, I still wouldn't recommend aim trainers because the best way to develop good aim for a specific game you're trying to improve on is to play the game LOTS! That's it! Do about 15 deathmatches everyday and try to get 1st in all them! After a month of that, you'll notice you've gotten better at pre-aiming and crosshair placement in a lot of the maps you do deathmatch in. Eventually that will transfer to your actual competitive games.

And finally, the best way to improve aim is to just STOP OBSESSING OVER YOUR AIM! The reason why I was stuck in plat/diamond lobbies is because I kept thinking that the reason why I lost that duel or that round is because I had poor aim compared to my teammates and opponents. But that's not the clear picture! The reason why we lose those duels over and over even though we train our aim so much is because our game sense is super poor because of how much we're obsessing aim over game sense. As long as you're obsessing over your aim than actually developing a really good game sense by playing a multitude of high quality competitive games, your aim will never develop into something fast, stable and accurate. Stop changing your sens, stick with one that you're stable with, stop copying other pros' setups and how they do it, it won't help because you're not them! Instead, develop your game sense! Spray control, Pre-aiming, pre-firing, spamming on walls/wallbanging, util usage, positioning, avoiding utilities, MAP SENSE( I capitilized this one because it's a huge one that a lot of people lack), cooperating with your teammates, strats to run on eco rounds or with ultimates and utilties, learning to play an agent to the optiminal level, and so much more! All these things are what molds your aim into a higher level of aim that you can be confident in when you're taking duels.

I could've wrote more but to conclude, to get good aim in valorant you would first want to have stable aim via aim trainers. Once that is complete, stop using aim trainers so much! You're not going to lose that muscle memory that fast so don't keep grinding on aim trainers! Secondly, play a lot of deathmatches, 15 max everyday to develop proper gun mechanics such as spray control, spray transfer, bursting, tap firing, wallbanging, and many more while also delveoping pre-aiming/crosshair placement and pre-firing in a lot of the maps you deathmatch in. Finally, develop your game sense! This is the hardest to do because it requires you to put in the hours and actually focus on understanding what you're doing wrong and learning to get a better sense of the game so it can better help you to aim better and win you more duels! GGs and keep fragging out!

posted about a year ago

china isn't a part of pacific league !

posted about a year ago

no but sportsmanship isn't worth it when you're literally in a health hazard.

posted about a year ago

the main reason people left wasn't necessarily to be disrespectful - it was really hot in that stadium (like dangerously suffocating where people were fainting) so obviously, you'd want to leave the stadium as quickly as possible. I agree it looked weird but they didn't do it intentionally to piss off people. don't state shit when you weren't even there.

here's proof

posted about a year ago

bro got 2 nocommers and decided to rant on vlr :skull:

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

edg vs 100t should've been here 1iq riot seeding

posted about a year ago

whoever at riot did seeding for this brackets should be fired

both teams deserve playoffs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

vanity 4% hs lul

posted about a year ago

bro wrong site no one is over the age of 18 here emotionally and literally

posted about a year ago

Sprouts already said a lot about this but all the posts are missing the key point - riot cares about those four things somewhat but they really are focusing now on the inclusion/diversity/equity/whatever piece that orgs have now especially after riot's scandals. eg fits it almost too well for riot to accept them, their original roster being mixed, their presentation probably hammered home on that piece, the diversity in their hires/players, etc.

posted about a year ago

where are china?

posted about a year ago

only players that played in both champions and masters are dimasick and doma

posted about a year ago

i thought d3ffo was taking break

posted about a year ago

yeah and UB are dropping maps to tier 100000 teams my goat wardell would never

posted about a year ago

so it's a nice number for bracketing

posted about a year ago

pls retire :skull:

posted about a year ago


just go staples arena or wtv it's called now like they did for league

posted about a year ago

unironically he kinda fits this description ngl

posted about a year ago

subroza never cheated he just was blackballed from the scene because everyone accused him of cheating

posted about a year ago

kooky koalas fan been know lil bro

posted about a year ago

honored to be on this list

posted about a year ago


i've seen AME used sometimes abbreviated for America so adding the S would satisfy 4 letter requirement and also include all of the americas

posted about a year ago

boeuf bourguignon with grape juice and bread (oui oui)

posted about a year ago


I know a certain jay

posted about a year ago

2 year old taste buds

posted about a year ago

canned fish (anchovies)

posted about a year ago

bro said bitter melon :skull:

posted about a year ago

Average Turk food take

posted about a year ago

chinese people make black bean sauce aren't you singaporean

posted about a year ago

5 NorCal US

posted about a year ago

Balsamic Vinegar

posted about a year ago

hello i am mods.
uhhhh polls

posted about a year ago
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