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Registered: February 21, 2023
Last post: January 23, 2024 at 6:12 PM
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he ate the same dinner that sayf ate when he was missing every op shot

posted about a year ago

lotus is a goated map

posted about a year ago

def boosting but its not like hes smurfing or anything blame rito assigning every immo-rad player asc1 rank in the beginning of every episode so they can then duo with actual ascendants and those ascendants can then get boosted to immo. they prob just started playing together just because they could.

posted about a year ago

vitality is gonna win it but i really want liquid to after seeing the gigachad/braindead plays yeki is constantly making

posted about a year ago

that's literally not the case for alot of other teams though? dsg is probably the worst team THIS split coz of all the roster changes. he also has the same stats as governor in split two so what you're saying about statistically being the second worst jett in the league isnt even true. he's in the middle statistically if you look at the whole league aswell.

posted about a year ago

I mean alot of these t1 cs teams do the dumb pushing thru smokes themselves and get owned for it

posted about a year ago

CYPHER will own him

posted about a year ago

alkyia is 17 weirdo

posted about a year ago

need to ban lotus against bbl for sure

posted about a year ago

fnatic doomed cuz chronicle was on that team too. holy shit y'all are actually braindead when you aren't baiting

posted about a year ago

and the third best americas team was losing to mibr

posted about a year ago

navi fix: scout a non russian russian speaking igl

posted about a year ago

vlr rating is a worthless stat over several matches. still true for fnatic tho

posted about a year ago

the production is good but blast replays the screams when they show several players reactions and its so annoying to hear the same NICE!!!! yell 5 times in the span of 6 seconds

posted about a year ago

outdated info tbh tls midrounding has been decent in the league

posted about a year ago

surely riot will just update those roster papers? riot aren't dumb, they know about their own roster change windows.

posted about a year ago

hes just a phantom sprayer with a high sens, i dont think his aim is that shaky

posted about a year ago

no real difference for them if they get 1st or 2nd

posted about a year ago

when it happens that often i sure can.

posted about a year ago

whose responsibility is it to coach the players to not throw man advantages? its gotta be a coaching issue. the roster might be mid but its not as bad as theyre playing.

posted about a year ago

barbarr is a fraud thats why

posted about a year ago

an agent can be weaker overall and teams can still choose to run them depending on igl's/player's preference. omen clears on haven as well but there's still top teams like fnatic running astra and yet i still think omen clears. interesting, isn't it, that i can have an opinion.

posted about a year ago

u think redgar isnt being paid to play the game? you think tl got him tied up in a basement and he's just playing omen bc its his comfort agent?

posted about a year ago

omen flash clears every piece of astras utility on split. ohhh they want to abuse me on b oh no they are nearsighted and i shot them
also im joking lol there arent star smoke players in emea cuz almost every dedicated smoke player is igling. they have top sentis like nats and suy and flexes like chronicle who flex to viper but thats it. some igls like boaster astra or redgar omen have great util tho.

posted about a year ago

redgar best omen emea clears that fraud marved whod probably play astra on split

posted about a year ago

redgar reyna haven in bo5 when?

posted about a year ago

the fundamentals like positioning, swinging off each other etc are map reliant though its just practice on the map. on ascent they do it without thinking but on other maps they have to think about it.

posted about a year ago

yes you can if youre talking actually high level stuff. pro play is high level stuff. bbl would probably smoke alot of t2 teams on their worst maps still

posted about a year ago

cypher on haven and that's not even the worst part of it, soulcas breach util worse than newzera. haven was gambits perma and they only played it in bo5 with redgar on reyna and chronicle brimstone, and guess whos tls igl?

posted about a year ago

why would it? physics is reliant on math but if you only study math you arent gonna be able to just start understanding physics, or for example computer science

posted about a year ago

bbl are actually insane on ascent it felt like watching fnatic on any other map but even better. they know what to do in every conceivable situation and they do it so fast

posted about a year ago

i hope kj gets nerfed into the ground so all one trick kjs who rely on aim duels and mollys stalling enemies get exposed
jk but its really crazy how kj is one of the easiest agents to flex onto and cypher is only worth playing if you have a goated cypher player on ur team.

posted about a year ago

coz fenis aim>furia aim clearly

posted about a year ago

we saw it the server crashed

posted about a year ago

yeah he was never off the roster they just signed marved as seventh coz sick wouldn't be able to actually play

posted about a year ago

its cuz yoru comp is their backup troll comp for regular season maybe with the exception of fracture. also ange1 would peek and 1 tap something

posted about a year ago

he just needs to be banned on all social media atm for his own good.

posted about a year ago

keloqz def worse

posted about a year ago

hes just not an entry player

posted about a year ago

really bad on duelist but putting numbers, winning duels and getting decent lurks against fnatic on kj. why?

posted about a year ago

do ur chores bro

posted about a year ago

i dont watch alot of cs but these guys are something else. so many dry smoke pushes. both teams lmfao

posted about a year ago

heretics rolling viper harbor with yoru is the best pearl match played to date

posted about a year ago

cuz kill traps are gonna get dogged/destroyed after 2 rounds

posted about a year ago

you also mentioned double controller in your comment and if anything is a must on bind its double controller, lmfao.

posted about a year ago

sure, but it's still not a bad comp. the comp is fine. they played bad.

posted about a year ago

s0m clears furia

posted about a year ago

they're not losing because of the comp though. they wouldn't be able to stop these hits with a sage either. they're just playing bad and not adjusting. took them 9 rounds to change up the viper setup and try to contest a short with a smoke.

posted about a year ago

ange1 would not hit that because he would be already dead

posted about a year ago

redgar would hit that is a better comparison

posted about a year ago
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