Country: Spain
Registered: August 5, 2022
Last post: August 30, 2023 at 10:20 AM
Posts: 4

tokyo and lock in

posted 7 months ago

Yes I think boostio or nobody might not be in the top 20 but I did it very quickly and I didn't think much

posted 7 months ago

1 . Alfajer-

2 . Demon1 -

3 . Less -

4 . Leo -

5 . Derke -

6 . Ethan -

7 . Jawgemo -

8 . Jinggg -

9 . Aspas-

10 . chronicle -

11 . f0rsaken -

12 . Something-

13 . C0M -

14 . Boostio -

15 . cauanzin -

16 . mako -

17 . Nobody -

18 . nAts -

19 . Saadhack -

20 . S0m -

posted 7 months ago

what happened kru destroyed with all brazil

posted about a year ago