Country: Brazil
Registered: July 10, 2021
Last post: July 10, 2021 at 2:02 PM
Posts: 4

i love val and i think the future is very very bright. But saying csgo is dead is being delusional xD. Game been having the record number of players broken again after 10 years, and CS is not NA exclusive. The NA pro scene is dead, but cs is alive and well. Not the same as 2016-2018, more games came with time, but it is still the biggest scenario on fps esports by far.

posted about 2 years ago

Yes. But what i mean about that is a lot of t1 val players never even reached that level. I see that change coming more after champs at the end of the year. But rn, especially for liquid, with adren coming back, i find it hard to think of changes from elige. They have more experience in LAN than any of the of top 10 hltv teams rn apart from astralis. If anything i see grim leaving because of the pressure, other than that i cant really imagine changes. At least until ending of the year.

posted about 2 years ago

You guys got to realise the "trash" you are speaking about is top 10-15 in the world. To reach that level of top tier cs is something absurd, something 99% of pros in esports would only dream of. He might switch, he might not, but for the time being it is not a smart decision given the fact that not any org can offer what a talent like him deserves, plus i think the switch to valorant being from players that were all either at a bad moment or on tier 2 cs is common for a reason. Why leave a guarantee for that if you have the potential to make a comeback and solidify yourself in CS? Especially with lan events coming back eventually? In the future? yeah, more might come, but for now, cs pro scene is far from being dead for him, being NA last hope actually.

posted about 2 years ago

fallen is the igl, stewie just stayed as an igl on the beginning because fallen was getting used to the team. He is now the second caller, Unless he got back to it but no news got out and i doubt it coming from the fact stewie hated being one.

posted about 2 years ago