Country: Monaco
Registered: July 4, 2021
Last post: September 15, 2021 at 6:23 PM
Posts: 4

Masters has shown BR is not quite at the level of other regions at this time. It is not useful to cite mwzera's local rating until the region has demonstrated a stronger relative performance for this measurement to matter. I truly hope this occurs at LCQ/Finals as that passion that Brazillian fans bring is something that adds to the atmosphere at these events. But until that happens, you have to stop baiting with these constant threads, the jig is up; this shtick only worked as long as there were no results to quantify the gap in competition faced.

posted about 2 years ago

You have a good base but stay humble: you're not yet at the point where there are any guarantees; especially for a school as competitive as MIT.

Across USAPHO, USAMO, USACO, USNCO the set of "top 20" quickly becomes larger than the admitted class, so there is still significant competition, especially when you consider that a) they balance diversity in background and b) USAMO/USACO have higher weighting for many programs.

Further, for top schools there are many international applicants, with both top 5 placements on their national version of these contests, as well as top placements on the international versions, e.g. IOI, IMO, IPhO etc.

Source: Had top placements in olympiads, went to a school in this category, now make >$1m/yr

posted about 2 years ago

? 100t is 0-4 (with only 1 map win across the 4 series) with Asuna vs SEN in 2021.

posted about 2 years ago

Based on Iceland I would say SQ is definitely Tier 1 EU. Still Tier 2 NA though.

posted about 2 years ago