Country: Spain
Registered: September 8, 2021
Last post: April 23, 2023 at 1:06 PM
Posts: 10

Fnatic is the biggest upset of the tournament, anyway, I BELIEVE IN BOASTER´S SUPREMACY

posted about a year ago

G2-0 TL

Liquid have has the easiest bracket, and they are still very irregular. I feel they aldo struggle on mental, imagine after loosing 2-0 against M3C.

If G2 keep their individual level, ez for them.

posted about a year ago

G2 3-1 M3C

G2 is looking amazing individually, and M3C are quite strong as well. Anyway I found the russian team very irregular.

M3C could pop off in some maps but that won't be enough

posted about a year ago

NaVi 1-2 G2

First map NAVI will stomp G2 but they'll comeback.

posted about a year ago

M3C 2-1 ACE
they´ll feel it

posted about a year ago