Country: Bangladesh
Registered: November 18, 2021
Last post: June 25, 2023 at 9:29 AM
Posts: 49

common Waking_W W

posted 9 months ago

Watch Monster if you liked Death Note. AoT and HxH are fun too! Highly recommended.

posted 9 months ago


posted about a year ago

and you still continue the thread lmao bro get some some help

posted about a year ago

yeah your team

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #98 5/8

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posted about a year ago

great! now uninstall for the sake of your sanity

posted about a year ago

ayyo chill bud

posted about a year ago

Please welcome our newest addition to the roster - Lionel "Messi10" Messi. It’s time for the Sentinels Family to grow a little bigger. Some may call him an “import” for Pacific region, we call him, Player 1(0). https://ibb.co/7QXdSSv

posted about a year ago

GE period

posted about a year ago

stopped reading at 2

posted about a year ago

true, he's ass though

posted about a year ago

peshwari polaw solos, i used to live in the uae and pakistani food bangs fr

posted about a year ago

he's not part of the main roster. he's more of a cc tbh.

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #64 3/8

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posted about a year ago

Yeah he was clearly evident. Peak TL moment, unfortunately. Trying out new roles just before important events. At times, they look like they're playing ranked, mainly because of lack of a dedicated IGL, and way too much emphasis on roles comps and not strats

posted about a year ago

I'm not sure if Redgar and Nats would play for a non-Russian speaking team

posted about a year ago

You'd be right about soulcas if you were stating this comment a year ago. But this year he had a good run, for sure. He carried TL's ass on fracture with astra, this tourney he was performing quite well. Hell, I'd even say Nivera's performance dropped compared to what we saw when he first started playing for TL

posted about a year ago

forgot furia existed lmfoa

posted about a year ago

Soulcas really performed well this tourney though. His util and aim was on point. The shots missed today shouldn't alone determine the impact he had on this tourney

posted about a year ago

Agreed on the IGL part. They really need a dedicated IGL, it's way too challenging for you to be the star duelist in your team while being the IGL - the pressure will get to you. Let's see what they come up to next year.

posted about a year ago

welcome sir

posted about a year ago

ayyo is it hoshi ?

posted about a year ago

lmao freelo for eu vs optic

posted about a year ago

Two of my favorite teams. idc who wins banger match regardless hopefully both teams pop off

posted about a year ago

Logical Argumentation 101

posted about a year ago

this newly born valorant kids annoy me so much. it's as if s1mple didn't have any talent at his age. alfajer won a few tournaments and we already comparing him with s1mple lmao GG. and the tournaments are not even major lan events

posted about a year ago

rare sen fan W

posted about a year ago

chernobyl 3 eps, really good

posted about a year ago

have fun. i'm sure you'll enjoy it :D

posted about a year ago

surprisingly no one mentioned hunter x hunter. one of the best anime i've ever watched. it's consistently good. no cringe anime waifus. no unrealistic plot holes. good stuff. 9/10 on imdb

edit: this is probably a hot take but i think spy x family is overrated. it's good, but not "that good"

posted about a year ago

Imagine saying that because you won a round, it is okay to teabag someone's corpse in game. Its not. Unless there's express consent from everyone, including those who would have to watch it, its sexual harassment and it has to end.

posted about a year ago

king shit

posted about a year ago

he played really this series tho. saved em many rounds. his fade is insanely good

posted about a year ago

NA teams getting better no cah. optic going for sure, 2nd spot, idk. anyones game

posted about a year ago

is this a brag or u serious?

anyways, it depends on the time u put in the game. i too played for a year, got roughly 600 hours, first real tac shooter too. I peaked gold 1 lol. i play for fun and throw around with friends so...

good luck in your journey

posted about a year ago

that and hoody playing out of his mind.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

does anyone know when the emea stage 2 schedule will come out

posted about a year ago

why tf is this getting downvoted

posted about a year ago


Let's hope for a good game!

posted about 2 years ago

unlucky. hoping for a good game

posted about 2 years ago

Scream Jamppi goes nuclear this game (3 games, 75+ kills)

posted about 2 years ago

lol anyone who says "TL's gonna win" are getting downvoted lmao

posted about 2 years ago