Country: Luxembourg
Registered: September 16, 2021
Last post: April 15, 2022 at 7:23 PM
Posts: 12

I try to go into games thinking with that perspective but mostly the style I play ends up being dependent on the teammates I get. if they are communicative and stuff I'll always play a more passive role setting them up for success. but if they dont really talk (happens a lot...) or cooperate i kinda just play for myself and try to frag out even if im playing a "support" role

posted about 2 years ago

wow thanks for the advice! I'm definitely gonna get into playing astra and viper (i'm slowly learning astra, not really good with using the stars quickly during the actual rounds tho) and viper i was always hesitant to play because i haven't bothered learning any setups or lineups. tbh i was just being lazy to learn but its probably not too hard to remember a few angles to set up walls and post plant lineups.

I play a LOT more deathmatch than ranked, not really because of any anxiety or anything but i kinda just enjoy the mindless killing aspect while watching netflix or listening to music. When I do play ranked I am concerned a bit that i might be learning the wrong things because people in my elo don't really... play by the book you know. but gotta just push through it i guess. I appreciate the kind words and constructive feedback! And idk tbh, its really hard for me to get a pulse on how good a "silver" player should be. some games i feel like everyone else is terrible and some games im playing against players that are killing me before they appear on my screen. could ofc be smurfs but i hate blaming losses on smurfing, its just a part of the game

posted about 2 years ago

i always fill because i dont have a preference yet. usually that means i end up playing either controller or sentinel lol. i think my most played are probably omen and sage for that reason? i play a decent amount of skye too because her flashes seem op as fk haha

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for the long response!! i appreciate it :D

i agree my spray sucks.. for some reason I just cant manage to get it down. its why i prefer phantom but i gotta learn how to do it properly eventually

ive been playing val for a month now and im silver 1 atm. pretty dogshit but its okay, ive always started at the bottom in most games i play

my main problems are definitely game sense / utility tho. really inexperienced in that area bc i have like 10 hours in cs, always been a league player. i grinded a ton of osu though so im decently comfortable with a mouse. just need to learn more game knowledge from watching pro matches i guess

(im playing on my friends account btw, not impulsive enough to buy skins immediately LOL)

posted about 2 years ago

crosshair placement, spacing, shooting, preaim, movement, etc

posted about 2 years ago

hi i'm a bad player that would appreciate feedback on his gameplay from anyone thats willing to give it.
im pisslow rank, not looking for validation just commentary D:


few notes

-idk why the quality is straight from 2005... i play on low res/stretched but youtube compression made it way worse than it already is lol (and added blackbars)

-i know dm isn't a good representation of gameplay. but recording tanks my fps so much that i wasnt gonna int a ranked game for this D:

-jumpcuts are just when i was running around without seeing anyone for a while

posted about 2 years ago

i think there's a lot of talent in the korean pool floating around. they're all decent teams but there's potential to be GREAT
bonus points if you can make two teams

this is my weak attempt doing it off the top of my head, definitely not perfect or well thought out lol

seoldam (duelist)
zunba (controller)
exy (initiator)
intro (sentinel)
suggest (flex)


t3xture (duelist)
TS (controller)
esperanza (initiator)
munchkin (sentinel)
hyeoni (flex)

posted about 2 years ago

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

i sense a disproportionate amount of indians in this thread, dont know why

posted about 2 years ago

it only matters if you care

nothing wrong with caring but i mean it all depends on how much value you put on it lmao

posted about 2 years ago

they were considered the best team in the world because of their dominant run at the first international lan

now they crashed out in quarters

i think you could still consider them the best as it wasn't that many matches but it's also valid to see this loss as a shift in the title of "best team in the world"

posted about 2 years ago