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Registered: June 13, 2023
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 9:15 AM
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Exactly. Copenhagen was when I first started to be a PRX fan, but this just confirmed it for life :)

posted 2 days ago

yeah, but LOL songs are dope

posted 3 days ago

judge says hello :)

also no info on defense

posted 4 days ago

True, but C0M has had experience at Champs and these high pressure situations. I get kicks and CeNder can do well, but niether(from what I know) have experience in an international(outside of Lock//in), and the stakes are very different. They also have more rookies as well.

I think VIT are going to do well, yes, but I still see LEV winning 80/20

posted 4 days ago



+good breakfast for good aim

posted 4 days ago

alternate title: recreating Optic in 2025

posted 4 days ago

PRX 3-2 Gen.G

PRX dodged some of the teams that hard counter them and Gen.G took them out for PRX

texture tries his best but one aim demon < 5 aim demons

posted 4 days ago

Agreed on the first part, but I still see LEV winning. (TBF I don't watch too much EMEA)

I think LEV core > VIT core, and LEV deadweight is more experienced and used to these situations over VIT

posted 4 days ago

that's not how that works

you're not factoring in a ton of other stuff

posted 4 days ago

eh, maybe...

G2 have had a history of starting slow...

but even so I still don't see it. It might be closer than normal, but no.

posted 4 days ago

Was Eg better than Loud

yes. why is this a question???

and Fnatic

probably not, thought it's debatable

posted 4 days ago

2000 VP is too much imo

posted 4 days ago

Even as a PRX fan PRX > G2 does not happen unless we finally get our shit together and/or play insane

G2 playstyle just hard counters us

TBH i kinda fw the rest tho

posted 4 days ago

Honestly weirdly similar to mine.

FNC > DRX and KRU > BilliBilli for me
I have FPX winning matchup one but TH winning thru LB instead (I also do not see VIT > LEV at all)
Talon run over Trace run (I have a lot of faith in primmie from those early games

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

in prime form? Or as a career?

posted 5 days ago

if they keep it up for the first half of Ascent, I'm in.

posted 5 days ago

someone informed them that they would be in the group of death if they lost, so now they have to try

posted 5 days ago

people hate G2 for their playstyle

posted 5 days ago

PRX take notes :)

we can at least get one map from EG in a B05, surely we win against EG who suck at B05s right?

okay this is how we win champs guys

posted 5 days ago

what does it say if the "frauds" beat sentinels 26-15

posted 5 days ago

oh lol =/

posted 5 days ago

only EDG was in playoffs at Shanghai, both FPX and DRG lost in swiss

no Chinese team made it to playoffs in Madrid

posted 5 days ago


It's basically, looking at it from a PURELY statistical standpoint, G2 are probably fine if they throw this game

but in reality, it's still pretty scary

posted 5 days ago

I don't see BLG making it out.

But the other three will end up in a dogfight

posted 5 days ago

G2 is probably closest the game has ever seen to "perfect Valorant", outside of maybe EG last year.

They look very shaky today, but they normally do play very funadmentally sound, and just feel like if a AI was wrote for Valorant

posted 5 days ago

the one kinda counterpoint is that you only have to be top 2, not top 1 to qualify from groups(I assume).

The only kinda scary 3/4 seeds are PRX, TH, FUT, and then maybe KRU/SEN/Talon(depending on prep)

G2 has beat PRX and TH(twice vs once), SEN, and KRU. that's 4/6.

Even then though the counterpoint feels weak

posted 5 days ago

not consistently tho

posted 5 days ago

bro forgot to make a new account

posted 5 days ago

which is why people don't like them, because that is their playstyle

posted 5 days ago

no aura

posted 5 days ago

nice cope idea tbh

posted 5 days ago

LOL says the virus himself

the only bad PRX flair is BulkyLettuce(we don't claim him)

posted 5 days ago

please do ty

posted 5 days ago

virus dont click

posted 5 days ago


it's the exact same order and teams

posted 5 days ago

can you read

posted 5 days ago

in the entire match he goes 53/47, 189ACS. 1.10 rating, and +2 in FKFD

53 kills is also >= all of VIT

posted 5 days ago

Jinggg :)

honestly i have no idea tho

posted 5 days ago

it's just a if it aint broke dont fix it

we dont know if aspas will mesh well with G2 or Valyn's calling

posted 5 days ago

depends what you rate them on

no one can beat something f0rsaken Jinggg in terms of firepower

posted 5 days ago

any APAC team(but pray PRX)

posted 5 days ago

i have adhd and prx is the only team that consistently doesn't make me lose interest

in all seriousness though, I just really like PRX playstyle, it's so fun to watch and I love how they use new agents

edit: first point is kind of true though, i actually do have mild ADHD

posted 5 days ago

i one trick KJ

provided ur okay with typically being yelled at for "not fragging enough" despite being a sentinel, then I have a lot of fun

posted 6 days ago

no something is a crime

why do people always forget him

posted 6 days ago

where is something

posted 6 days ago

he can play smokes?

posted 6 days ago

duelist/smokes is not bad, it's fine

Jinggg can only play duelists + I guess sage and clove

posted 6 days ago
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