Country: United States
Registered: March 21, 2023
Last post: November 12, 2023 at 4:38 PM
Posts: 10

least delusional anti-NA poster

posted 5 months ago

too early to tell; Faker joined League and was clearly years ahead in mechanical skill and thinking which gave T1 multiple trophies despite lineup changes. In Valorant we haven't seen someone like him dominate consistently, the closest we can really get is Saadhak/Less/Aspas in terms of consistency(Tokyo not withstanding), but even then we need to see Loud/Lev succeed this year to establish any type of narrative.

posted 5 months ago

CS players are literally obsessed with Valorant it's crazy. Do good in a CS lobby and then say you play Valorant and prepare to get degraded for playing a different game.

posted 5 months ago

what is some underrated greek food

posted 7 months ago

all esports "journalists" ever do is make assumptions or tactically lie, their is no news and rarely is their an actual true leak (example current rostermania rumormill)

posted 7 months ago

Slasher literally makes up 90% of what he says for impressions don't take him too seriously

posted 7 months ago

I love both games, but I can agree that CS:GO just has better presentation overall. Valorant is extremely sanitized and the observation can be hit or miss. IDK if something is in the valorant water supply, but it feels like players are overall less passionate for the game and the competition compared to the average CS frog. Valorant is still relatively young and they're still figuring it out, I have faith in rito to atleast touch ESL or Blast level at some point.

posted 10 months ago

Chet beefs with literally every other coach in the league

posted 10 months ago

Optic, Loud, DRX, and you can add FNC if they keep it up throughout next year although I'd argue they're the strongest team overall rn.

posted 10 months ago