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Registered: June 5, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 7:19 AM
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XSET beating OpTic and 100T

posted about a year ago

Broke apes

posted about a year ago

Victor better, but Babybay more fun

posted about a year ago

DRX on Icebox is always fun

posted about a year ago

Yeah they slacked up hard for the Ghost match fr. Not happening again tho
The only team I can see 100T losing to is OpTic and maybe LG

posted about a year ago

They did 2-0 XSET tho. And a 13-4 for that matter
I don't see why not again

posted about a year ago

No I'll come back on Thursday after 100T 2-0 FaZe and you'll call me Master Dexter

posted about a year ago

Maybe from the lower bracket
Coz they ain't beating 100 Thieves

posted about a year ago

shanks 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Between franchising and the release of OW2 there's a considerable possibility of Val playerbase taking a hit

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sure you could come at it from several angles if your objective is to only hate on him
But the fact remains that he's still a good player but needs a better team. Yes he has the worst stats of all chamber players but that's because he has a very different playstyle than those players. Those people you're comparing him to are just Jett players. And it's not his fault they're putting him on chamber instead of tenz or shahzam

posted about a year ago

The penis incident TrollDespair

posted about a year ago

Yessir 100T to masters 🥳

posted about a year ago

Nah that's just blind hatred
Dapr may talk shit but he has the skill to back it up. He's the most consistent player on the team after SicK.
The poor performance isn't the players' fault, it's the org's fault for not getting them a proper bootcamp and a real coach

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the grand finals of copenhagen will feature fnatic and optic gaming. fnatic will take a comfortable lead of 12-0 on map 5 due to Jake "BOASTER" Howards in game leading. unfortunately Pujan "FNS" Mehta has died to a meth overdose after the 12th round. he was 0-12 in the match.(he has 9 assists tho) who will step up to the plate and guide optic to victory in this grand final???

Joshua "steel" Nissan

immediately the 94 yr old prodigy gets to work with an ace in the pistol round. after the pistol round he says "these eu kids are so free" and continues to go on a rampage. he helps optic make an impossible comeback of 14-12 and are your winners of copenhagen. Then he proceeds to look boaster in the eye and mocks him by saying "unlucky really"

posted about a year ago

Both teams have the most 5Head coaches too

posted about a year ago

That's true but bang shows up in every single game no matter the result. Like he hasn't had a bad day yet. Will however has been very hit or miss so far. Some games he pops off (he won them the game against XSET) and some games he just cannot win his crucial duels (like against Ghost yesterday)
All other players on the team are to some degree very consistent. So Will is their bigger win condition imo

posted about a year ago

"Nukkye plays video games man"
~ Carlos Ocelette, 2022

posted about a year ago

Big L for not including mocking

posted about a year ago

Did read + W
Appreciate your effort !! Both 3rd seeds have indeed beaten their respective 1st seeds that was a good observation.

posted about a year ago

Lol i forgot i made this prediction
So true tho

posted about a year ago

Couldn't have lost to sentinels if they wanted to
They could sub in keeoh for leaf and they'd still win

posted about a year ago

I think they're good enough to win as is.
It just felt like they didn't do their homework against Ghost.
They should just make sure to give their best during the game AND before the game

Also, people keep saying that 100T doesn't have a win condition, but I don't agree with that. Every team has a win condition. Like NRG's win condition is Tex. Whenever Tex does good they win. Similarly 100T's win condition is Will. When Will had a good game, they beat XSET, Guard and NRG. And when he didn't, they lost to TSM and Ghost.
So Will just needs to show up with his best performance

posted about a year ago

Counter bet
If 100T lose to FaZe or FaZe loses to 100T, I'll write a very disrespectful copypasta about SEN

posted about a year ago

Been here through all the highs and lows 🥵
2-0 win for 100T

posted about a year ago

I don't want to spew any hate towards TenZ but all I'm saying is that if they put ME, a Plat 3 player, in a VCT match, I would get more than 2 kills

posted about a year ago

Appreciate the effort you put into this :D
I think the reason 100T suffered while holding post plants against Ghost on icebox was because stellar's killjoy got hard countered by Brawk. He was saving his hunter's furt only to destroy the lockdown (happened at least twice) and also he was saving his shocks to shock the bomb and break all his Killjoy utility (alarmbot and swarms). And as for breeze, I think it was a very close affair and could have gone the other way too if 100T hadn't lost some crucial thrifties.
100T should be able to see all this and make necessary adjustments going forward
Imo this is a 2-0 for 100T

posted about a year ago

It's also in NA
I think it indicates the 1st gun round of the half (i may be wrong here)

posted about a year ago

OpTic 2-0 LG

posted about a year ago

I totally get you bud
I peaked immortal 1 almost 1.5 years ago and lost it withing 48 hours 😢😢
Been swinging between Plat 3 and Diamond 2 ever since

posted about a year ago
  1. Wait till champions is over
  2. Let franchising take over
  3. Get good players from disbanded teams
posted about a year ago

boo you upvoted your own post booo

posted about a year ago

Global Esports

posted about a year ago

Group A is literally Rock-Paper-Scissor-Lizard-Spock
They all beat each other

posted about a year ago

Rejoice !! Our saviour is here !!!

posted about a year ago

Round diff

posted about a year ago

Damn this will hurt the tier 2 scene so much
So many teams will disband hollyyy
Thank goodness 100T is rich af. Everyone calling them a hoodie org well guess what...those hoodies are now paying for their franchise spot

posted about a year ago

So you're telling me we could be seeing T1 and OpTic compete in the same league ?
This could very well kill the game coz no one wants to watch that

posted about a year ago

What if a rich org has a dogshit roster (Let's say T1)
Do they still get a free spot

posted about a year ago

Oh my god fuck this I'm done trying to understand that shit
Its such a mindfuck my brain hurts

posted about a year ago

Can confirm. I am the 100T fan his gf left him for

posted about a year ago

Ahh so ghost would have had to play Optic anyway
Kinda unlucky honestly
Thank goodness its double elim tho

posted about a year ago

Oh yeah true

posted about a year ago

I dont think this is accurate
Score of Optic vs LG will decide who 100T face
There are scenarios where a certain scoreline will mean 100T face Faze Clan

posted about a year ago
1 •• 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 •• 201