Country: Japan
Registered: June 22, 2022
Last post: September 28, 2022 at 11:02 AM
Posts: 51
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exactly LUL
but at least Meteor tried learning Japanese and never forced teammates to speak ENG

posted about a year ago

Do you know Munchkin forced other teammates to speak English when he only spoke basic English and Medusa speaks perfect Japanese?
I guess you forgot or only watched CR in world
Thats why how CR teamwork looked bad

also JP 2021 scene was joke every team was bad too
Munchkin just has best aim so he took battle in everywhere and won JP masters
JP community and even casters during matches called CR tactics as "Munchkin please"

posted about a year ago

CR already tried 7 man roster in 2021 and showed how good Munchkin is/how bad having 7 man roster is
I cant believe there is another team still trying this idea

posted about a year ago

I think xnfri is definitely best Japanese on market too
anyways Nth IGL is JoXJo

posted about a year ago

ZETA makes JP national team so never buys Meteor

Meiy/xnfri could be better than Tennn but Tennn is not big problem for this team except his eye condition(already backed to streaming)
Dep is onliner but still best Duelist in Japan
Crow is initiator so he makes midround call for ability setup/lineup they will give him at least like 6 month more chance I guess

posted about a year ago

ZETA/DRX will keep this roster
Ban/Munchkin both can play duelist so no T1
He will join GenG(already rumored) or DNG for sure

posted about a year ago

I like this account
anyways delete Forsaken he is like 92 player(Jinggg is 93) and was 80 at champions
add Cryo or Buzz

posted about a year ago

I can say this game is really popular enough in Japan so a writer like this guy never knows anything about esports thing actually makes a article about Yay
He must never checked anything that other NA/EU pros keep baiting now I doubt he knows valorant pros expect ZETA members and Yay

also Yay is basically coolest new FPS hero for Japanese now
this writer tried to get views by this article and fans must shocked watching headline "Optic Valorant player Yay has retired..."

posted about a year ago

stupid writer actually wrote a article about Yay's retire and switch to valorant mobile

of course Japanese community is laughing at this writer rn but it seems some people got baited by this article/Yay's tweet and shocked too
Yay did it

Edit: I laughed hard so I successfully mistyped title :(

posted about a year ago

He is popular because he has most toxic fanbase you can say anything stupid in his chat and not banned
He is like xqc/Forsen combined
I just hope gaijin like you watches him because he has JP clout and you never learn Japanese from his chat

posted about a year ago

Delusional Laz fan here
I have to agree this

posted about a year ago

Yes xnfri is really good too
at least Nth players are cheap so DNG or GenG will buy him for sure
Meiy and xnfri are true good non-ZETA Japanese pros rn

posted about a year ago

if you still think Neth is good you love clout
He tried smokes and that was biggest joke in 2022 his only "not bad" agent was KayO he REALLY needs flexibility even already trying to do something in flex role
He keeps swapping phantom/vandal and saying he loves playing raze for fans but dude you are 26 struggling veteran please become good again like CS days :(

Every tier 1 team trying to make internatinal roster in Asia will try to buy Meiy but he must be ultra expensive
CR CEO sent even Zephyr into contract jail before releasing him

posted about a year ago

DNG already uploaded in 2 days ago on their youtube
But they have nothing to show for valorant community
So CEO/Head coach/staff keeps talking about their international tryout and their future for 10 minutes smh


posted about a year ago

tbh I never been to Hokkaido in my life so this information has so many guesses.

Hokkaido is great place for Japanese tourists and not good place for foreign tourists.
Hokkaido has have best food and beautiful nature but you need to rent a car or get on bus/train for hours to enjoy places.Hokkaido except Sapporo city is countryside in Japan it takes so long to move around. I dont know tourists can rent a car with foreign license and taxi in Japan is mega expensive.
Only walkable area on Hokkaido is some part of Sapporo city but Sapporo city is actually one of the biggest cities in Japan. Also its coldest area in Japan so it starts snowing soon.

If you dont understand Japanese or dont have a Japanese friend to help your travel, I just suggest Tokyo area or Osaka/Kyoto area instead of Hokkaido. Tokyo and Osaka are basically walkable (except stupid Shinjuku/Umeda station). Then You choose your favorite places to visit for tourism or shopping. This is such a boring suggest but works well.

posted about a year ago

calling Tokyo as a city is definition of gaijins view
Tokyo for us is area that works as our capital and contains many popular wards

anyways you never go to Shinjuku unless you have certain shops really want to go in shinjuku
walking around Shinjuku station is SO annoying there are so many JP memes about stupid Shinjuku station
Just go to Shibuya or Ikebukuro (you have weeb name so I suggest Akihabara too)

posted about a year ago

I just ignored Meteor just because there is a rumor that GenG is trying to form KR/JP roaster around Nth members

"really good" could be qustionable term like you said
But Bazzi is too inconsistent and buying foxy9 is big gamble because I myself thinks he is next Meteor but he just could be onliner.

posted about a year ago

DNG will try to buy t3xture for sure
They need everything but really good duelist like him must be top priority

posted about a year ago

People forgot this team kept Barce for 2 years

posted about a year ago

I saw so many people still keeps talking about JP Visa issue
Our government already changed covid policy about tourists/short term workers
In October they will stop limiting foreign entrants number so things will go way easier in next year

We had to use stupid thundersticks in JP Final for covid policy but finally we can shout again in some event too

I know I am delusioinal Japanese fan but I still want league in Tokyo
But Riot already has facility in KR and hired good ENG casters for english channel
so we had to raise viewership for only 2 JP teams

posted about a year ago

Everyone already knew this because Munchkin can IGL
kick 2 NA players and made team language Korean for Asia league

posted about a year ago


but add Reject news please
Medusa, iNTRO and koyori(coach) tweeted LFT before Riot partnership announcement
so we already knew Reject is out

posted about a year ago

something is definition of inconsistent highsens player
also DNG definitely will buy 2 KR players like they did in LoL

But JP community is already being really mad about they stole CR/RC/Nth slot
DNG is big org but literally have no clout in this game
If they want to get clout, they would try JP superteam like zeta (1% possibility)

posted about a year ago

Holy Shit
I guess we reverse cursed

posted about a year ago

I never forget Muchikin (and Bazzi) spoke basic English and forced other JP teammates to speak English for his IGL and still aim diffed 2021 ZETA
so many people still thinks Munchkin is budget Sayaplayer because of ow era
He is beast and now he somehow stuck in NA tier 2 scene

posted about a year ago

shady could be bad word because they already bought LJL spot
but their CEO is young and somehow keeps buying every good roster in every game(CR/Reject both have young owner like FENNEL too but at least they are popular)
I guess he is mega rich with mobile gaming money
I can confirm they have no popularity with that good rosters in Japan

posted about a year ago

DNG keeps making terrible decisions on valorant and wasting Suggest's career for sure but as a esoprts org they are really big.
They have tier1 rosters on every game too. Especially they have strongest LoL team in JP so they already have connection to Riot.
I bet they will get actually good roster for next year with JP/KR players.

CR is basically JP Sentinels. They are so popular rn and have INSANE amount of zoomer clout.
Also they will keep making JP/KR roaster too. I still trying not to believe rito actually kicked them for 4 KR slots.

Other orgs are smaller(RC/Nth/FAV/SG) or shady(FENNEL) so I already knew

posted about a year ago

I had to start saving money for buying tickets
at least I will go 3 or 4 days

posted about a year ago

DRX 2-1
Stax will kiss his keyboard in OT

posted about a year ago

both Pearl sucks so far
but Liquid hates Fracture since 2021 so cant ban 1st
if FNC picks Pearl again we can watch weirdest banger

posted about a year ago

some teams are struggling for sure
but XSET is really doing well in winners
also LOUD and DRX sometimes banned Split too

posted about a year ago

Do you guys remember XSET kept playing Split if not banned and had good winrate?
Now they have really good run so far without Split. FNC really trolled map veto but XSET fans predicted this 3 win streak are true fans.

Also PRX, KRU and FURIA banned Split so many times. I think KRU and FURIA did their best against tough opponents but we know what happened to PRX.
Anything can happen in valorant but some results were wild.

posted about a year ago

I member people laughed that Zeta has Brimstone specialist Barce in last year.
Zeta is just a generous and lazy org enough to keep giving him chances even he really sucked for 2 years.

Maybe they will keep this roaster for franchise next year.
If changes happen in this winter, that is actually good sign.

posted about a year ago

Zeta kicked him because his best agent was Reyna
This year he actually played 10 agents but nothing impressive

I really dont want to say this but Reject is definition of rich overhyped team
Their team culture is just buy 5 good players in JP/KR and let them play a game (no coaching vision or something like that) .
They went Icebox mid like 10 times against Zeta then lost

posted about a year ago

xdll himself is really good
He just cant play raze
also 3 good teams(Nth/CR/Reject) had to play in LCQ

posted about a year ago

As a Japanese I dont even mad now because already knew this happens after watching 1st game
LOUD played WAY better and 0-4ed ZETA

XQQ said Tenn will just help team coaching/practice in champions before they went to bootcamp
Tenn himself said he had not played valorant for a month so he recovered faster before flight
I dont know who changed things and made it worse

Zeta is rich enough to do longest bootcamp in these 16 teams and they threw that advantage away
There was a rumor that Laz was practicing raze (for todays Bind comp I guess) but it seems he wasted time too

posted about a year ago

You can run and gun
You also can kill without run and gun in some range
non-scope and burst both decent
light armor killer
working perfect with vulnerable

I should have abused this 950 credits gun more I guess

posted about a year ago

When I opened SugarZ3ro stream, chat kept asking about Reykjavík masters impression.
SugarZ3ro answered like "It was way more fun because I can hit shots so easily on 0 ping. Almost all cheap gun on LAN is really good. You can hit every shot with stinger"

I just thought that wow this young guy has really strong mindset(it was first LAN for him) then ignored important part.
Stinger is broken.
Everyone watched this champions knows how stupid stinger still is.

PS: That stream was already 4 month ago so I forgot but maybe he mentioned frenzy too

posted about a year ago

They hated playing Split so they have 2 choices now
permaban Pearl and go safe or just pick Pearl then playing cool PRX comp
I hope we can watch their Pearl on biggest event

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

One month ago XQQ said Ten would go to champions just to help coaching/practice.
Before flight Ten said his eye recovered well (but like 80 % recovered) and really want to play in Champions now.
I myself haven't watched any updates. They are making few vlogs about Poland cities but not much streaming. They don't want to reveal strategy I guess.

Xdll is really good stand-in. He is considered good young initiator in Japan.
Blue Bees members have some language barrier and still had good results so they already picked up by bigger org for next year.

Biggest problem about Xdll is he can't play raze like Ten so they have to decide running Dep Neon/Jett comp on every map or let Laz/Dep play raze.
Also this champions is first LAN event for him too.

posted about a year ago

every cypher main keeps saying cypher is not worse than chamber for sure just because breeze is only map you can play him in last meta
chamber's broken abilities work really well on big map

but Riot finally nerfed chamber so I dont know which is better in this patch

posted about a year ago

I like your list itself but looks too safe.


something is clip maker for sure but he is too inconsistent to say S-tier. I think other russians in JP teams are underrated compared to him.
foxy9 could be next Meteor but this region is already filled with best koreans so I dont know he would get any chances in future.
JP pros always kept saying suggest has best aim in KR then he chose bad org and ruined this year (DNG is big enough to have ex JP PUBG champion roster and gave them last chance to play valorant then wasted chances to build good roster at the start of the year).

posted about a year ago

CR 2-1 ONS
This CR roster always has close match
But I cant wait for neth vs Bazzi

posted about a year ago

I know everyone on vlr busy changing their flag to China and making EDG copypasta but this match was really interesting for Japanese
CR finally switched to better chamber comps for this 5th-ish rematch in this year and Nth still adapted

posted about a year ago

This is actually epic moment for Laz and Crow
They had to quit CS because they couldnt get enough money to bootcamp in EU
Now Zeta Division have insane zoomer clout and sponsors so they can bootcamp before champions

posted about a year ago

All Japanese except REJECT fans already knows REJECT is weirdest team in this region. REJECT is rich enough to have big facilities and buy best players in JP/KR then keeps making weird choice (Reject CEO is like JP Nadeshot but younger).
ZETA released takej and Reita basically because they were not flexible enough. Then Reject in this year kept playing different comps on almost every map. takej was known Reyna main and actually played 7 agents in last qualifier.

I somehow hope this post will become reverse curse but I still think they will have worse result than Nth/CR. I think Nth/CR both have really good chances to win this LCQ but I cant imagine REJECT does well.
If REJECT wins a game in this LCQ, intro/Anthem/KeNNy(new head coach) are REALLY good or KR/CN region should be worse than people thinks.

posted about a year ago

They are doing JP biggest clout streamer and friends VS FGC gamers showmatch (Daigo and Mago in team)

I don't think clout streamers keeps playing this game but so many FGC pros addicted to this game rn. Especially Dogura and Haitani keeps streaming this game.
Dogura finished battlepass and he went to Saitama arena to watch JP finals. He lives in Osaka and you have to spent 4 hours and 15000 yen to go to Saitama from Osaka.

posted about a year ago

I know he is KR legend but Nth coach bail is so good.
ZETA had 2 bans for upper bracket advantage and picked Icebox on 1st map(Nth kept banning Icebox in this stage).
Then they just rushed A and B so many times on attack and still showed aggression on defense with Meteor Jett to gain information.
They constantly kept showing aggression and it worked with Neon comp in Fracture too. Basically ZETA and Nth are only good teams not permabanning Fracture in this region because so many teams just wanted to avoid ZETA fracture.

ZETA looked scared about their aggression and execution so became too passive. They lost map control and forced to do so many bad retakes.

posted about a year ago

Nth picked Breeze against CR in week 1 qualifier and lost 11-13.
CR picked Breeze against Nth today to do the same thing then lost 6-13 and throw momentum away.
Nth players and coach can do their homework.

I can't deny Nth had so many "Meteor go kill" rounds but they also has good map control and some set ups too. If they can do homework in this one day, they would have better match tomorrow.

ZETA 3-2 Nth

posted about a year ago
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