Flag: Singapore
Registered: June 1, 2023
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 9:43 AM
Posts: 236
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they should hire a psychologists if theyre rich

posted 6 days ago

can't agree more

posted 6 days ago

They will never win a major trophy, they still have the same old undisciplined gameplay.

posted 6 days ago

TE needs to work on their nerves and stamina, ain't no way you're making braindead decisions in a very important match

posted 1 week ago

ran out of gas

posted 1 week ago

stamina issue

posted 1 week ago

Japan don't grind VALO. They play games like a variety streamer lmao. One day they will play valo, then jump back to Apex, LoL, SF6 or play single player games. It's like they just play whatever they feel like playing

posted 1 week ago

no need to replace him if he's willing to learn, he has insane mechanics and he can read rotations, its easy for him to learn a sentinel agent, but he needs to be willing first for that to happen

posted 1 week ago

iirc alecks mentioned he hates sentinels, i might be wrong tho

posted 1 week ago

Its still the same PRX. Braindead comps, undisciplined gameplay and stale map pool. It's getting lame at this point. This team ain't winning any trophy

posted 1 week ago

says the bum

posted 2 weeks ago

u weird for calling someone sexist for no reason, reddit & twitter is the perfect place for an activists like you

posted 2 weeks ago

L move. Riot braindead as always. Gaben winning without even doing anything

posted 3 weeks ago

Why did he refuse to go to china?

posted 3 weeks ago

Weak mental, they are literally afraid to swing you can obviously see it on their game. Only dep has the guts to swing if needed

posted 3 weeks ago

There's no real jp users here in vlr they're just fake flaggers, post it on twitter instead

posted 3 weeks ago

Nah fuck em. They hoarded KR talents, benched them and keep them in contract jail. L Org honestly

posted 1 month ago

It's a fucking Valorant forum of course you'd have braindead children posting shit here, either you have immature manchildren, literal 12 year olds or losers who can't look at other person's eye because they'd have "anxiety". It's literally valorant's target audience

posted 1 month ago

your flag = american vassal but poor
your flair = meh

posted 1 month ago

"Entertaining" lmfao

posted 1 month ago

Because they own riot and you can't do nothing about it

posted 1 month ago

No one deserves anything you have to earn it and korea earned it! But it ain't China's fault that rito always dickriding them. They're the perfect market for esports with a bunch of middle class owning PCs

posted 1 month ago

As a singaporean. I have no sympathy for PRX, in fact i want them gone with their cringe playstyle

posted 1 month ago

what do you expect? valorant has the softest community ever, full of weirdos and out of touch americans at every turn

posted 1 month ago

"Unleashed" lmfao with PRXs cringe ahh W Gaming monke brain playstyle. They not winnin my guy

posted 1 month ago

I still remember that shit lmfao they thought we didn't see them holding back tears

posted 1 month ago

I always watch the JP stream and i always hear the CN fans cheering for non-CN teams (yes even Gen G) but in English stream it's a mfking library bruh.

posted 1 month ago

They lack emotional maturity so they don't know how to react in times like that

posted 1 month ago

Kinda like LCS no? NA doesn't deserve a spot in league of legends but riot still give them spots

posted 4 months ago

nah not just quite well off, he's a multi millionaire they own properties across south east asia

posted 4 months ago

and he can also use any agent in any role

posted 4 months ago

that's just valorant culture ngl they get called "frauds" here while in cs whenever a team lose they're called "washed"

posted 4 months ago

tbf that was a good game

posted 4 months ago

bait used to be believable

posted 4 months ago

he gon drop 40

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

with takes like this i know y'all mfs don't know shit about the game and just look at stats

posted 4 months ago

asuna is nadeshot's illegitimate son, he's not gonna get drop

posted 4 months ago

NA say these against brazil but when brazilians started winning yall say "Americas #1" just to feel included. Actual ungrateful shit

posted 4 months ago

nepo region, half of c9 and 100t are actual bots while overlooking n4rrate

posted 4 months ago

he can go here in assific or china

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

any takes coming from this website should not be taken seriously

posted 4 months ago

meteor yoru not cooking

posted 4 months ago

there's a russian flagger simpin for meteor yoru

posted 4 months ago

their owner is actually chill af

posted 4 months ago

its not throw when you didn't have an advantage in the first place

posted 4 months ago

why did they even pick breeze against loud?

posted 4 months ago
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