Flag: Saint Lucia
Registered: August 12, 2021
Last post: July 19, 2024 at 3:09 PM
Posts: 6327
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Indian pride cNed did it first

posted 1 week ago

Sacy is getting benched lil bro, curry will be the first indian champion

posted 1 week ago

imagine a world where tex is champion

posted 1 week ago

When you realize c0m actually has a good chance at being 2x Champion 😭😭

posted 1 week ago

maybe changing his sens 10 times fill fix it

posted 1 week ago

Zellsis had no audio entire game and riot didnt fix it. When zellsis asked riot admins to fix the issue, they laughed at him and turned his monitor off too.
TenZ wasnt able to perform because he didnt warm up enough by playing 2 hours of hentai games before the match.
When Sacy woke up today he forgot how to talk in English, so the entire game he only commed in Portuguese.
Zekken is still traumatized by the fact that OXY owns him.

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

I want to ses NAVI win but i would be glad to see sayf in champs, dude is the unluckiest player ever

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

FNS simulator

posted 3 weeks ago

The undisputed goat

posted 3 weeks ago

Why yall letting Jeffrey Dhalmer play on Giants?

posted 4 weeks ago

He is the lakia of valorant

posted 1 month ago

shawty you need glasses

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

isnt it normal for valorant players to do so?

posted 1 month ago

This is my first time watching BBL play. I have seen a lot of hype behind the BBL player BBL drizzy. Why is BBL drizzy not playing? Is he as good as people claim?

posted 1 month ago

Hindi is taught in all schools as a third language till 6th or 8th grade. Most Indians who went to school would have a basic understanding of Hindi, obv ppl on this site from India are gonna be the ones who has went to school. So yeah i hope that clarifies your doubts.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Then system is sexist and would never invest in flor. Yall keep saying "she needs to prove herself in tier1" but she won't be given a chance. This is precisely why there is a skill gap between challengers and VCT.

posted 1 month ago

Kinda clean no?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Wouldve been fun to watch them own everyone with the new iso

posted 1 month ago

who is mako? name sounds familiar, has he played any internationals recently ?

posted 1 month ago

OPTIC IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

posted 1 month ago

and g2, lost 2 times

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Your words not mine

posted 1 month ago

First person to move is a Americas fan

posted 1 month ago

This fucker throws soo many games with his map vetos. We def need a coach who can keep him in check

posted 1 month ago

As if FNATIC didnt win 2 master being lotus merchents

posted 1 month ago

I will be out with my friends

posted 1 month ago

I used to think this video was troll but sadly not

posted 1 month ago

Leo and niSoW
no one else comes even close

posted 1 month ago

Asuna def has aura

posted 1 month ago

If boaster can win regionals with his gun up his ass then fenis can win champs

posted 1 month ago

Dude would really look good if he tried

posted 1 month ago

EMEA is DEAD 😹😹😹

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Or this dude has some big dirt on the org

posted 1 month ago

Bro played 6 maps and out of that in 4 maps he has single digit kills. Not to kick him while he is down but how is this man in T1.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Racism yes list - Indians, Indos, Filipino, Balkans, Africans, French
Racism No List- Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, African Americans
At least thats how people online act

posted 1 month ago

Fucking shit quality boring games gonna kill this e sports then

posted 1 month ago

Except FPX probably, point is Americas deserves more spots and china less

posted 1 month ago

If G2 patitek comes online they can win the event

posted 1 month ago

Now that f00T beat FNC

posted 1 month ago

At this point i would love to see 100T lift a trophy rather than NAVI

posted 1 month ago
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