Flag: England
Registered: June 29, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:02 AM
Posts: 190
1 2 3 4

people blaming rawkus for being sub, he’s actually top fragging nobz

posted 2 days ago

ah man, I want DRX to win

posted 5 days ago

Million is like their dad supporting the team xd

posted 2 weeks ago

scarz did so many choke in map3

posted 2 weeks ago

That’s the reason why the odds seems off, this is obviously a 322

posted 3 weeks ago

Nova looking really good, that’s why I risk and took the 5 odds

posted 3 weeks ago

T5 koi lol, always losing to eco

posted 4 weeks ago

30 mins every map, 2-0 T1

posted 1 month ago

Jaw’s confidence on playing duelist and peeking is incredible

posted 1 month ago

toss coin match just like eg’s logo

posted 1 month ago

2-0 either way, and we know who’s duel will popoff

posted 1 month ago

That was so close holy guacamole

posted 1 month ago

Yoshii will one tap everyone 2-0

posted 1 month ago

I see, I thought they’re switching roles

posted 1 month ago

Alfajer initiator, Hiro sentinel??????

posted 1 month ago

oh no, less firepower on FNC now

posted 1 month ago

that was supposed to be 2-0 lmao

posted 1 month ago

just because xcc couldn’t do anything that cost them the match

posted 1 month ago

Is Stax gonna be in first 5?

posted 1 month ago

rrq13-0 jessie just go quit val and be a dad geez

posted 1 month ago
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