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Registered: September 10, 2021
Last post: December 7, 2023 at 5:12 PM
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Marved was crazy on FaZe FNS talks out of his ass sometimes. But FNS do know how to set his teammates up

posted about a year ago

aproto, valyn and zander are cleared by the W streamer

posted about a year ago

It’s either massive or FaZe is fucking players over. Was basically locked to go to EG until recently now it looks like he won’t even be picked up

posted about a year ago

this right here

posted about a year ago

Common W minte

posted about a year ago

sova alt, viper molly and kayo knife but I still came out hitting his forehead

posted about a year ago

excuses? keep the cope 😴 my op was in you’re face all second half

posted about a year ago

we’ll 2-0 we didn’t even get are map

posted about a year ago

stop playing i chamber diffed all game started saving strats once we were up

posted about a year ago

If for some reason one is crazy enough to link with the other than I wouldn’t be surprised they out here barking for each other who knows how far they’ll go

posted about a year ago

matching names.

posted about a year ago

Bind, Breeze and even Fracture at the time all could of went instead.

posted about a year ago

this will go in history books

posted about a year ago

this list will be updated tomorrow 😈

posted about a year ago

I could coach as good as Rawkass all it would take is actually watching a VOD

posted about a year ago

It has a scene and people like to play it because it’s the only thing they are able to play. I’m sure if someone offered to have them play on a pc they would in a heartbeat.

posted about a year ago

Most likely is Bind? Majority of the community dislike Breeze as well. I could live with Bind if Breeze is gone

posted about a year ago

wdym the biggest game ever is Sunday.
Rickyindian vs Babsasuke in the VLR tournament.

posted about a year ago

Omen clears imo but he takes more skill to play. And Brimstone has his respectable maps that he’s good asf on

posted about a year ago

Fade needed a slight nerf. Like nerf prowler health and maybe duration of suck. But they over did it as always.

posted about a year ago

It’s riot what do you expect. They struggle with balancing characters, if someone’s op they over do it and nerf them out of meta. If a agent lacks something they wait months to fix it. Love this game but one thing they can fix is how they tweak the agents cause it really isn’t that hard most of the community knows what they want

posted about a year ago

common W

posted about a year ago

get Breeze tf outta here

posted about a year ago

** salt nic

posted about a year ago

honestly just get better. I know plenty of people with A LOT more hours than me who are a lot lower rank. Along with the fact that you actually get better if you put the time in, act like u just gonna wake up and be Immo lil bro sit down

posted about a year ago

Car- Blasting
Game- DM (Moderate) Games (Quiet asf)
Work- Moderate
Schmoke- Blasting

posted about a year ago

glad someone’s able to quit nicotine

posted about a year ago

After all that shi with Infinite went down they really weren’t the same. Back then they were considered contenders but never really to crazy with the lineup most recently

posted about a year ago

Should be a cap to especially once you’re a higher rank. Immos should be able to que with Diamonds max

posted about a year ago

I live in a SUPER small town the only gym we have is the school one. Which lacks equipment and a membership is 100$ per year. Any ideas on some equipment I could get to start myself?

posted about a year ago

true in my small town there are a lot of part time jobs looking for people been thinking about getting one. Got a call back from one just not 100% yet just need to make sure i’m stable enough for it

posted about a year ago

it’s not it’s genuine. I called in today ( I still have the job ) to figure out what I should do. Cleaned up the house and im gonna work on the yard in a little since it’s nice out. Trying to find motivation to stay doing things. I have a vacation planned for Christmas ill try and push for that.

posted about a year ago

Impossible currently reviewing every SEN game so I know Ricky’s strats

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not dead Ow2 just has that “new” game hype. Give it a few months, all you guys did as of rn is take all the e daters.

posted about a year ago

Been depressed lately and a big part is due to this job. Has me constantly stressed out and it’s to where I just get home sleep and do it again. Should I push through until I get another interview (i’ve applied at a couple places) or cut ties now and focus on myself for a week so I can get my shit together?

posted about a year ago

yes with Chicken joe by are side

posted about a year ago

We clear you guys 😴

posted about a year ago

Who is RickyIndian? For the blind, he is the one who stole their vision. For the hungry, he's the one who stole their food. For the thirsty, he's the one who peed in the water to poison it. If RickyIndian thinks, the world loses 1 braincell per second. If RickyIndian speaks, I’m ripping my eardrums. If RickyIndian has one fan, lets be honest, he doesn't even have 0 fans. If RickyIndian has no fans, we knew he had no fans in the first place.

posted about a year ago

who was talking to you? U wanna tell me how i’m wrong or keep sucking this guy off

posted about a year ago

“battle against teams of similar skill”. “Valorant wants to introduce a game mode like VCT to the WHOLE community”. Can’t read? Who said dictate it, move it to Saturday a reasonable time, and then don’t force 5 stack for ranks below Ascendant

posted about a year ago

people work on Fridays it’s still during the week? It states that the mode is for ALL ranks therefore it isn’t just to get into Ascension it’s clearly also for the community to enjoy. L bozo

posted about a year ago

yet they’ve done nothing to rework rank? So instead of fixing the broken system they have they make a new one where it forces you to have a full team which most people can’t do because they work. Ima pass

posted about a year ago

It isn’t “VCT” it’s a competitive system for the community not for teams. Not everyone has a 5 stack with no life that can hop on at any point in the day?

posted about a year ago

So like do you need or team? Or is solo que going to be a thing in this, I feel like you should at least have to duo que.

posted about a year ago

Skill gap has nothing to do with the competitive feel of the game. Ow2 is harder in general while Val is more competitive when it comes to higher ranks or pro play.

posted about a year ago

I feel like it also depends on the conversation at hand and what they’re speaking about. They’re is definitely a line and things people shouldn’t say

posted about a year ago

fly everyone to Sao Brazil same time as Kickoff tourney and host LAN for top teams.

posted about a year ago

he just wants to be like us don’t do him like that

posted about a year ago

a lot of VLR users are lost in the wind..

posted about a year ago
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