Flag: United States
Registered: February 8, 2021
Last post: September 5, 2022 at 6:16 PM
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TSM has the potential to make it to the top again. It's only a matter of time

posted about 2 years ago

nope, not how it works. Username isn't the same as Nickname. Its just a online alias

posted about 2 years ago

I don't have a nickname. Ppl just call me Mint in games cuz thats my in game name

posted about 2 years ago

HLTV users always, I mean ALWAYS resort to your flag/country. You could say "s1mple played good today" and the entire forum will try to find every flaw and bad thing about your country

posted about 2 years ago

redditors don't see the sun for 4 weeks, we dont see it for 4 hours tops

posted about 2 years ago

yea, but they dont have a major yet, and tbh, s1mple and zywoo are better known as the best AWP players to not win a major, but the winningest player to hold the AWP is dev1ce

posted about 2 years ago

Zula must not be a very big game around the world, since I can't think of one person that I know of that plays that game even for fun

posted about 2 years ago

I think any pro that plays Jett and has a ACS higher than 230 is good with op

posted about 2 years ago

if he changed his op skin, he would be goated, and that is the TSM FTX fan promise

posted about 2 years ago

he is a good oper, one of the best right now, but not the best

posted about 2 years ago

not the weirdest but the dumbest strat my team used was that we just forced our way into mid kitchen to go b on icebox. It worked like 3 times and we almost won bcuz of it

posted about 2 years ago

did bryce get smoked?
if so, ill take to JJ's reddit and create a post to mock him

posted about 2 years ago

think of it like this: cNed is a Turkish player who was gaining popularity in EU when he competed in Raise Your Edge and got a contract for Acend and he is like TenZ but from EU and Turkish

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Ascent
  2. Haven
  3. Breeze
  4. Icebox
  5. Split
  6. Bind, I fucking hate this map, its so damn hard to retake both sites and rotates are so fast but so expected
posted about 2 years ago

i would say diamond+ since everyone is trying to reach immortal or radiant anyways, and it seems ppl use comms alot too.

posted about 2 years ago

yea you can

posted about 2 years ago

dont put your teeth into it, just lick it

posted about 2 years ago

I see some ppl talk about bubblegum ice cream, i never had it, how good is it?

posted about 2 years ago

I really like this one flavor called Triple Chocolate Triopolitian from Turkey Hill, its really good. If you see it in the supermarket, buy it, its so worth it

posted about 2 years ago

ShaZ and Wardell went at it, which only fueled the fire between the teams they play for

posted about 2 years ago

lets all take a deep breath, literaly everyone has been arguing about something, whether its over who gets more spots in Masters 3 or when is TSM and T1 gonna get their shit together. Point is, lets relax. I want you to answer this one question:

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

posted about 2 years ago

boi is good, if he plays a bit better and gets on a better team, then he can be really good

posted about 2 years ago

i think so, but tbh, i felt it was also because V1 play hella aggro, but they can flip the switch and play way more tactical too, so ig its hard to assume what they have in mind

posted about 2 years ago

TSM vs SEN was fun to watch bcuz you had 2 of the most aggro teams in NA going at each other's throats for 3 maps, 2 hours and another classic to the history of valorant rivalries

This was one of the few esports rivalries out there, so it was cherished greatly

posted about 2 years ago

the org didnt play, the players did, they just wave their logo in the air and use it in their name, thats all

posted about 2 years ago

its not dumb, its smart because it prevents teams from constantly changing their rosters when they have some friction or a streak of sub-par results.

posted about 2 years ago

damn. unlucky man

posted about 2 years ago

bind has too many reasons on why its ass

posted about 2 years ago

i'd say ShaZaM since idk any other igl's and he is on the best roster in valorant so..........

posted about 2 years ago

ok, thats cool

posted about 2 years ago

yell. guys yell, not scream

posted about 2 years ago

anime is just japanese cartoons, its not that deep

posted about 2 years ago

depends doe. if its some cringe anime girl, then no, but if its this swag martial artist with more than 300 kills, then yes

posted about 2 years ago

Idk even know whats going on with TSM, they invest big money for naming rights with this one crypto company, but barely even pay to make their valorant roster among the greats in NA

posted about 2 years ago

so, is he bad, or just a crybaby? my head doesn't understand this trick stuff

posted about 2 years ago

EG is a big org and they constantly compete in tourneys, their issue is that they have 2 hard carries and the rest aren't as good, so they barely win anything.

SUMN FC are pros, since they compete with top teams such as G2, FNC, Guild, etc. but they aren't an org, which is why ppl dont think them as pros

posted about 2 years ago

i gave him a medicinal questionnaire, i wonder if he answered

posted about 2 years ago

if you answered yes to both the questions above, you are a cerfitied trash baiter

posted about 2 years ago

do you feel out of place when you take these substances?

posted about 2 years ago

"have you consumed any illegal substances in the past 14 days?"

posted about 2 years ago

may I ask who the fuck is Trick? ive heard of him for 3 days and ive never heard of him before

posted about 2 years ago

not nesscessarily. If you make money on a consistent basis or are always in tourneys to win money, you can call yourself a pro i guess. I would rather use amateur tho, since you aren't playing in the big leagues, with the big-name stars

posted about 2 years ago

thx for the shoutout

posted about 2 years ago

I just think TenZ has an overall better sense of the game than the majority of pros, which is why I said what I said. Do I take any of it back? No.

posted about 2 years ago

Me, hiyohello, and the entire valorant community and their mothers recommends it greatly

posted about 2 years ago

Both have insane aim
ScreaM has a deeper player pool
TenZ has better game sense
ScreaM is a better team player
ScreaM is good at assisting the team
TenZ has good lurking skills
TenZ has better entry fragging capaility
ScreaM = TenZ

posted about 2 years ago

I got bullied alot growing up, but not as much as others, for im thankful ig. I only bullied ppl that deserve it, but even then i take the L

posted about 2 years ago

i actually didn't know this, wtf?

imagine ska and shroud just talking normally to each other:
ska: man, T1 is in shambles rn
shorud: how bad we talking?
ska: C9 in 2015-16 shambles

posted about 2 years ago

Did you know that C9's current owner Jack used to work for TSM?

posted about 2 years ago

Thorin looks like a ginger's nutsack bruh, his takes in CS are shit anyways, so idc

posted about 2 years ago
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