if they in need of main duelist, both of them can still fit in the team.
ascent is going back so jett will reign again.
Flag: | Indonesia |
Registered: | August 19, 2023 |
Last post: | February 10, 2025 at 7:34 AM |
Posts: | 4082 |
if they in need of main duelist, both of them can still fit in the team.
ascent is going back so jett will reign again.
they are either retired, close to retire, or still a mid player.
monyet and t3xture might just be a fluke scouting.
and the worst globally.
i think they will kick something out of roster. not sure they are going to make him a sub or release him.
source: trust me bro
edit; should be off topic. sorry mods.
coughing bomb vs hydrogen baby
wets go wety
tbh they are looking scary. surely a top 3 contender.
u bought the mini LED one right? the presets should be just fine for srgb or adobe rgb
it's also a mini LED monitor.
so it should be better than any gaming monitor color accuracy wise.
how long does a team get their prize pool usually?
talon can't really win against eco jesas
Xiaomi g pro 27 <- this one is a bit pricy, but really good.
Lenovo r27qe
Skyworth H27G30Q <- the cheapest of the bunch.
only xiaomi one got the actual HDR feature. other than LED monitor, HDR in LCD monitor doesn't feel good.
they don't need to rebuild. current roster (and patrickwho) is decent.
both team have problems. AE can't win duels, TLNA can't win anti-eco.
yep. Nakya as duelist is mid af.
other than duelist? sure he's decent. but he plays like a lukewarm tea as a duelist.
edit: why are pros popping off whenever i trashtalk them 💀
possible best case scenarios
or, kick all not named f0rsaken
what the heck happened here?
close match.
what's wety nationality?
now i hatewatch PRX until they get their shit done or they change roster.
oooh this is gonna be a banger
xipto win this
there are quite a lot of cracked, fresh duelist in apac nowadays, it's not a problem.
what's next for them? should they rebuild? stick with the current guys and solve their problems their own ways?
plus, they've been doing that.
remember bleed?
yea i imagine he's kinda fed up with the team.
hopefully my goat bounce back.
language barrier. not all SEA players can speak englandish. ID, PH, TH, VN.
that's why playing ranked in SEA server especially singapore server is mad hell.
RRQ also need a somewhat change. they can't be a consistent team.
BOOM is better than expected for me, tbh. i thought they were just going to be butchered alive, just like PRX yesterday.
that's what i'm thinking too. they are reaaaally going to kill SEA T2 scene if they stick with these kinda numbers, even if they get paid big by soop.
a mere hundreds views for global and indo streams, 1k to 2k ish for thai streams, and no watchparty restream in other platform? yeah no.
indo and thai already did. and they have big investors. the other SEA countries, however, didn't.
i believe the TOs weren't give the chance to negotiate. even the indo TO said the deal was made before VCL Indo was concluded, i heard.
how is it a TO fault when jake sin and riot decided it themselves to make the deal with soop?
how are they piss poor? having acad team isn't like having another game team, surely?
TS is also fielding an acad team though.
not looking great, of course, it's TS.
peeps will say "but look at those numbers going minus red!"
already doing that with the academy thing. and it looks promising.
idk why PRX decided to not field an academy team because heck, they needed one right now.
if you guys somehow fumble this talon...
and people said it was a cope.
dawg, some of you really hurts a heart of 18 yrso back then.
they aren't that guy no more. rebuild, lil bro.
washed team that can only play against team that can't handle chaotic style.
i thought RRQ's pearl against NS was bad, but holy shit they were playing worse, using a comp they created themselves.
east asia flourishing, southeast asia merged and dumped.
just fucking rebuild at this point. release all player not named f0rsaken, get some fresh cracked players from T2, get a new coaching staff lineup.
holy fuck i kid u not i sleep because i know they are going to lose this match somehow but didn't think it was this bad.
deserved. fuck PRX
because whatever partnership or ads we do in indo it's gonna be shit because we ain't matter. it's all about money.
they prioritize east asia region because the ad revenue from both country is high.