Country: Indonesia
Registered: November 14, 2021
Last post: April 5, 2024 at 10:13 AM
Posts: 240
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I've only heard that TSM once made an offer to acquire AECL.

posted 2 weeks ago

lol, I was rooting for AECL before, so I'm kinda concerned about what happened between them.

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean, just because Kohaibi started the tweet doesn't mean the issue is start with her. But indeed, she's the one making it public consumption and make us wonder what the truth between them.

posted 2 weeks ago

And looking at the conversations/tweets between Kohaibi and Nabbsky, it seems to indicate they experienced similar things with Enerii in particular.

Why can I say K has more issues with E than all the SMGs? Earlier, Alexy said that E and K had a misunderstanding. And, it's already common knowledge that K and E had issues when E was still in Celeste. K even congratulated X10 for qualifying for GC Champions while mentioning karma, aimed at Enerii/Celeste.

posted 2 weeks ago

Aside from SMG problem,

As soon as E left Celeste before, they also immediately unfollowed each other (E with Celeste member). Nabbsky even said that E often had issues with other GC players, especially Indonesian players. That's would make sense if K is friends with Celeste's player now.

I don't know who, but someone said E is good at manipulation. That person even said they feel sorry for Celeste's former members.

posted 2 weeks ago

this is true tho... because when aecl lost to x10 in GC Elite, Kohaibi congratulated x10 but mentioned karma (which seems to be directed towards aecl).

But now she to be friends with ex aecl... which seems to be against enerii.

posted 2 weeks ago

Well we don't know the clear reason for their disagreement... and as for Kohaibi, I feel like she's better than Enerii, when they were together in SMG. Especially she's an IGL.

posted 3 weeks ago

well you can check on their ig/x account.

posted 3 weeks ago

Idk. But when Enerii left Celeste, they unfollowed each other until now. And now the same thing is happening with Kohaibi and Ex SMG.

posted 3 weeks ago

Kohaibi’s tweet: 2-0 money first, next game against my own ✨trauma✨ on Wednesday.

(She will play againts Enerii and ex smg new team)

Nabbsky : Trauma? Lol.
Kohaibi : Are you not? 😭😭😭
Nabbsky : 😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

I don't know either, but I think she has a problem with Enerii...? Look at her comments with Nabila/Nabbsky, one of Enerii's former team members at Celeste. πŸ’€

posted 3 weeks ago

the igl for AE is Valdyn. Kush is 2nd caller with Cud.

posted 3 weeks ago

yg lawan btr mah bukan save strat, emg kecolongan aja si shiro sm sp itu bau bgt tembakannya trs zeesbeew panas bgt. ketat 3-2 jg, map 5 ke comeback.

posted 3 weeks ago

AE 3-1 Hopium. Ray4c boxer buff.

posted 3 weeks ago

full senyum ges setelah sekian lama

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 4 months ago

Sadly, he already signed, not trial like Aduka and Flaring.

posted 4 months ago

belum resmi sih, masih trial. masih ada harapan full indo wkwk.

posted 4 months ago

AE should sign this instead Flaring and Aduka.

posted 4 months ago

Flaring masih mending sih. Tapi kalau kata Eeyore, mereka ambil Aduka karena dia ngasih banyak impact. (Gue lupa apa)

posted 5 months ago

Kush lagi agak kurang ya kalo dinilai dr form biasanya sejak kemarin-kemarin.

posted 5 months ago

damn. πŸ˜”

posted 10 months ago

Adrian kalo gapake Kay/o beneran ga nembak sepertinya.

posted 10 months ago

no more rrq lilo i guess

posted 10 months ago

it’s either MITH/KR Team i guess.

posted 10 months ago

lah, yg ngemis kan FO. napa malah ngeblame AE? BTR jg dpt emas kok. Player mah maen doang.

posted 10 months ago

they hire him as 'content creator'

posted about a year ago

Literally BOOM vs (Old) BOOM.

posted about a year ago

Paling mungkin ke RRQ sih kalo emang butuh duelist. BOOM sama BTR udah pas menurut gue dari duelistnya.

posted about a year ago

Kalo emang niat ambil buat IGL, mending Adrian sih yang out imo (ya tapi susah juga Adrian bs dblg mayan konsisten). Eeyore senti, Nakya/Delb duelist/flex, Asteriskk Smoker, Kush initiatior.

Takut kebanyakan yang IGL malah puyeng.

posted about a year ago

Rada susah ga sih karena pemainnya pada diluar juga. AE juga kayanya selama ini gapernah megang roster di luar negeri. ((kayanya ya))

posted about a year ago

Well, Jo hapus bio IG. Nakya ganti nick Valo nya. ://

posted about a year ago

Bingung juga bang AE mau ambil siapa buat GC nya.

posted about a year ago

Nah, Enerii was offered to RRQ but she refused.

posted about a year ago

How about PRX? Over GE? Nah.

posted about a year ago

I wnder why the good duelist when joining BOOM is becoming less....

posted about a year ago

boom ada fetish sama neon ya.

posted about a year ago

BOOM udah nawarin Nakya (rumornya) tapi Nakya milih ke AE.

posted about a year ago

Well, infonya Nakya emang udah ditawarin BOOM cuma dia nolak dan milih AE.

posted about a year ago

AE BerserX >>>>

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

IGL sama Captain beda sih keknya. Captain lebih ke ngurus external team, kalau IGL ya di in game aja.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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