Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: July 26, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 8:51 PM
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aint no way s0m on smokes right? were getting marved back right? right???

posted about a year ago

george already confirmed dapr is staying.

posted about a year ago

big W, ascendant next?

posted about a year ago

nobody wants to be a 6th bro would be sitting on the bench the ENTIRE season.

posted about a year ago

but did he win big on andbox? no.. they couldnt even beat TSM.

posted about a year ago

i just dont see C9 or NRG doing very well at all, they had great team chem and complemented each other so well. they are all so talented individually and mechanically but their teamplay abilities are so good and improved since NV, its sad to see it all fall apart. the OPTC core will never find another yay and yay will never have more supportive teammates than them and jimmy.

posted about a year ago

didnt have to do dream like that 😭

posted about a year ago

why do you care lmao

posted about a year ago

insane performance all around ggwp guild and g2!

posted about a year ago

wow another original vlr post!

posted about a year ago

doesnt make sense to put s0m on chamber since he doesnt seem nearly as consistent as others with that role.. ig we will have to see

posted about a year ago

hopefully we see this happening

posted about a year ago

technically not confirmed, he may be staying on NRG but move to content creator so they could sign a different awper

posted about a year ago

hes very flexible its actually so impressive

posted about a year ago

? 0/8

posted about a year ago

hot showers

posted about a year ago

yes, sad to see all the teams disbanding

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

8/8 you got me

posted about a year ago

crashies is better. sad to see them drop eeiu though, he has a lot of potential and is a great player.

posted about a year ago

in what world is loud not getting respect? they got insane praise for winning champions and being consistent despite being a new team. just because optic is getting praise doesnt mean loud isnt. ofc NA is going to praise optic, it is an NA team who also had insane achievements this year. just bc you dont see the praise doesnt mean its nonexistent.

posted about a year ago

they are awfully quiet bc no offers.. besides trent

posted about a year ago

EG staff and player’s parents.

posted about a year ago

Dicey confirmed in franchising

posted about a year ago

common no-brained vlr user

posted about a year ago

restricted F/A

posted about a year ago

8/8 i got baited

posted about a year ago

great to hear, will be rooting for C9!

posted about a year ago

wait what? link?

posted about a year ago

my bad brotha

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

whos saying that? TenZ is still good, his chamber could use some work as of lcq but his duelist is still great. definitely worth renewing since hes young and got talent.

posted about a year ago

the passion is there though, very loyal SEN fan.

posted about a year ago

bro wrote a whole essay thinking anyone would read all of that..

posted about a year ago

now who is saying top 3? top 5 NA, yes but not top 3.

posted about a year ago

worst baiter on vlr

posted about a year ago

tbh agreed

posted about a year ago

i will be supporting C9, NRG, and whichever team marved goes to. however, if marved goes to SEN then i will just be supporting C9, NRG, and marved individually.

posted about a year ago

0/8 bro was fragging the most even on sage and his team couldnt win it all..

posted about a year ago

i doubt NRG is that rich.. yay needed a high buyout so for NRG to buy the OpTic core AND yay, they would need a ton of money.

posted about a year ago

oh there will be some great teams in ascension, 30 slots for players is not nearly enough

posted about a year ago

franchising happened

posted about a year ago

the issue here is that each team can have 6 players and there are only 5 teams. 30 players. half of last year, HALF. right now the only spots left are SEN and EG and there are so many talented players out there. T2 Ascension is not good enough, only one team moves up. franchising just minimizes the talent pool that could lead to success.

posted about a year ago

i dont see them dropping TenZ after spending a lot on him

posted about a year ago

fair point, he cant flash, blind, or really do anything that would allow him to trade his teammates in a duel. his role is support on taking or defending site and playing post plant, and its not easy to frag with this role.

posted about a year ago

its common for support to die as FB and have low stats. yes, his aim is not on the same level as others but tbh, that is not a hard fix. we already saw improvement with his aim from M3 to champs, and now he has an entire off season to work on it. he is absolutely a legendary igl and the aim will probably catch up to that soon.

posted about a year ago

average 50 IQ vlr user

posted about a year ago

hope all 3 teams ive got to root for make it far, rooting for all the NRG boys too, their team chem was unmatched and they actually had great mechanics and strats last i saw in lcq.

posted about a year ago

you saying FNS’ igling is bad bc his aim is bad? how about this, Chet is one of the greatest coaches in VALORANT and he is diamond. that tell you something?

posted about a year ago
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