Flag: Albania
Registered: August 30, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2024 at 9:19 AM
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they dont care about china yet because valorant is not released yet they have no official vct or officially anything

posted about a year ago

he was entry and igl for a bit but not a necessarily good one,but with valorants standards he is probably gonna be insane

posted about a year ago

that was not the point

posted about a year ago

i literally cant remember any major mistakes from that game,in valorant any game can be a complete fiesta

posted about a year ago

no it isnt lmao,tell me one major tier 1 game where you cringed because of the amount of mistakes teams made,and where the casters are literally laughing because the gameplay is so funny to watch

posted about a year ago

teams make way less mistakes in cs tier 1,valorant tier 1 games can be a literal clownfest sometimes,cs tier 1 games are 90% pretty good and watchable

posted about a year ago

he was very 1 dimensional,also no he wasnt he was stuck in tier 2 with 1.05 rating

posted about a year ago

also he was 14 way before his "career" began its really not a big deal realistically a lot of tier 1 pros have probably tested cheats at some point of their life especially in cs but what you do with them is what matters,s1mple has cheated too btw,and leo,sayf,patitek and probably way more "tier 1" valorant players many switched to valo for the exact same reason

posted about a year ago

what do you expect when all of the "tier 1" players are just low tier cs rejects in reality

posted about a year ago

they kinda did more than NA 2nd seed,remember when people said they had no chance to beat optic and would lose to kru,they only lost to the 2 best teams

posted about a year ago

i feel like these threads appear literally every time emea plays,people were so confident guild wouldn't do anything either

posted about a year ago

bro not everyone with glasses looks like vector

posted about a year ago

all the cringe japan "fans" in shambles

posted about a year ago

yeah but the thing is liquid has already proven they can play vs better teams,we all know liquids peak level,unlike east asias,we only know japan had 1 good tournament with a different team,nth looked a lot worse and them and zeta still dominated japan, and korean teams are literally getting farmed by drx and they cant even make deep runs in lans so we can assume off of that these teams level is not that great

posted about a year ago

lmao but its literally true

posted about a year ago

so what was the point of this thread then

posted about a year ago

would have been a good bait but u copied it word to word lol

posted about a year ago

m3c dont even look special liquid on a good day can beat them

posted about a year ago

keep yappin,he will get the last laugh

posted about a year ago

thats why the valorant esports scene is so cringe and casual,will never reach the level of cs sadly

posted about a year ago

completely fucked up the eg project by not being professional enough and being very selfish

talks big about how hes not gonna give up and will prove everyone wrong

does absolutely nothing,countinues to get shit on

quits 4 months later from that tweet after putting no extra effort

now hes talking again

posted about a year ago

respectfully fnatic is still better than nip i dont get the point

posted about a year ago

i honestly wonder how fucking dogshit are the other regions imagine NA's best team got 2-0 by guild

posted about a year ago

nah dont free him imo fuck him

posted about a year ago

yeah and shanks,marved,poised,c4lypso,tex all are suspected of match fixing too lol,and thief and stellar had some suspicious matches too

posted about a year ago

wtf are you even saying,so you are saying you have to associate yourself with everything he says, "subscribe to his ideology" and be his fanboy if you find some things he says true,have you ever heard of the concept of just simply agreeing with someone on some things it really isnt rocket science, also wdym you don't take offense you are literally visibly but hurt about the guy and how much support he is getting

posted about a year ago

yeah bro im actually so hard pressed you got me there absolutely fuming rn!

posted about a year ago

when did i talk about my friends "bud"

posted about a year ago

if you agree with 0 things he has ever said you have either never actually watched him outside of the controversial shit or ur a woman,but i understand ur case u are a pretty big geek and corny he probably offends people like you a lot i would imagine

posted about a year ago

i know perfectly mentally stable and normal people who agree with some of the things he says

posted about a year ago

i agree some of his points are dumb af but him being a "sex trafficker" is just not true and he is not being investigated for it anymore lmao

posted about a year ago

no they wouldnt if its not baddyg or cender carry

posted about a year ago

yes? did i say they are good teams,none of those teams wouldnt even have a chance vs any vct team

posted about a year ago

your point is?

posted about a year ago

still waiting for fut to play a actual good team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i dont know why people are still confused about this,they are all aim no brain region like they were in cs too

posted about a year ago

he has said that from as long as he has been unbanned aka before 1st reykjavik,obviously hes focusing on val rn

posted about a year ago

he is not switching yet,why tf would he not go to champs thats what he wants lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

imo NA should win a real tournament

posted about a year ago

china cs scene is not even small

posted about a year ago

he is also known for having Pujan "FNS" Mehta in his pocket and cringing to shit tier NA competition

posted about a year ago

no igl for l1nk again lol

posted about a year ago

now that mena got shit on again he goes back to sucking off cis🤣

posted about a year ago

they would literally take a shit on fut or fokus are u delusional,what did both of these teams do to make you think they are better than them lmao

posted about a year ago

no offense i never watched cod and im already more invested in this

posted about a year ago

and valorants hype is already dying down at least on the esports scene

posted about a year ago

so wtf do you mean by dead lmao,if the game is popular and has a solid playerbase its not dead lmao

posted about a year ago
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