Flag: Albania
Registered: August 30, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2024 at 9:19 AM
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pov:you have 0 idea about what ur talking about lol liquid literally has 3/5 the same players they had 3&4 years ago lol wtf does that have to do with anything also are you fucking retarded do you think hltv rank means something,also yes dota is dead af compared to league you are 100% right idk what ur point is but yeah

posted about a year ago

nope every single streamer or player i see is better at valorant than cs when they play it at the first time,the abilities dont even make the game hard for starters especially at that level lol

posted about a year ago

and still most trophies in this game lmao,its actually pretty funny considering how much more other regions like NA invested in to valorant

posted about a year ago

in cs crisp clean perfectionist aim is only useful in pugs tenz already proved that meanwhile in valorant he is definitely a tier 1 star duelist just with his raw aim and doesnt struggle at all to play vs good teams, nothing to do with skill ceiling,in reality it really isnt as complex as ur trying to make it sound,in pro play yes it makes the game a lot more chaotic and unpredictable because they actually know what they want to do with that util most of the time and you can just get rollled over if a team knows how to coordinate utility and just explode in to site,but in ranked if you have any game sense its not complex or hard to pick up

posted about a year ago

ok lets calm down val is not "complex" lmao the abilities are really not hard to pick up i wouldnt call it even close to "complex",the "accounting" should just automatically happen in ur brain subconcious i never need to specifically account to anything i never found it made the game harder in anyway or required more skill,on pro level too the only thing you need to really account for is probably set plays you know they like to do a specific way

posted about a year ago

its simply impossible to predict where he will be every round so no,you can play the most braindead positions and still get away with it

posted about a year ago

only here dw

posted about a year ago

lmfao and you talk about making no sense, again it is hard to be better than everyone else if everyone is good because the game is arguably easier like shroud said so ofc its harder to be dominant in at the highest level especially with abilities limiting u,even if s1mple switched he wouldnt dominate the scene or be clearly the best player probably

posted about a year ago

aim is still the most important mechanic of this game,if they got rid of braindead escape agents like chamber the skill ceiling would be a lot higher

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im sure you understand man,tell me what i dont understand lol

posted about a year ago

i feel bad for you because im trying my hardest to explain it to you as clearly as i can but you cant seem to understand,if you make a football goal twice as big the gap between good teams would be a lot smaller because a lot more teams would be able to score more easily also making competition a lot tougher,the fact the game is easier also makes it harder in a way, i actually cant dumb it down more if you dont get it thats kinda sad

posted about a year ago

bro are you actually dumb,what is "world salad" about that,i just compared valorant to sports where there is no skill ceiling or very little and the trend of almost everyone being at the same level doesnt exist there or in any form of competition where there is a incredibly high skill ceiling,for valorant the skill ceiling is in the combat mechanics making the gap between players a lot smaller on the highest level

posted about a year ago

nice guiding but i think you dont understand what im saying,do you understand what skill ceiling is,if yes why are you having a hard time understanding it makes the game more "fair" to everyone in terms of skill,if you look at sports for example where there is close to no "ceiling" in skill or any luck at play there is a lot more room for individuals, teams or nations to rise above everyone else and dominate,for example boxing,not in a 1000 years will you see any good boxer come even close to winning mike tyson for example,or in league eu or na suprassing korea or china,

posted about a year ago

wait thats actually crazy,yours too, but yeah i bet you lose braincells trying to read something ur too dumb to understand i can explain it even more simple if you want

posted about a year ago

what a shit take lmao,and what does that have to do with my point,like ok some boomers have apparently told you its superior gameplay nice?

posted about a year ago

people really dont understand the difference between skill ceiling and difficulty lol,the thing is no one will probably ever get it perfect because the game doesnt have a high enough ceiling in individual skill and pure mechanics

posted about a year ago

nope its just experience diff and easier shooting,boaster was a vlogger and a tier 3 player now he plays in fnatic,ange1 same too instantly one of the best igls because of experience

posted about a year ago

there is objectivity when looking at how hard the game it self is just to play and pick up,but not how hard competition is and being consistently good because its affected by those things you mentioned,for example if you increase the size of a basketball basket by half even shaq could probably shoot some 3's or even free throws making it harder to play against him,but that doesnt mean shaq actually got better at shooting

posted about a year ago

the playerbase isnt declining tho,the only regions where its decreasing is where it was already not that popular or dying aka asia and NA,you can go look from steamcharts the active playerbase has literally doubled from 2018

posted about a year ago

they didnt pick him anywhere since 2018 lmao,now he is 30yo,more washed than ever before and still competing at the top of the top where he couldnt even come close to in cs

posted about a year ago

its the same as dota vs league but cs is actually not dying or getting less views in esports

posted about a year ago

lmfao you really got angry there,sadly cs still very alive

posted about a year ago

aiming and hitting shots is a pretty big part of the game

posted about a year ago

thats exactly how i feel too,but u will still get down voted by delusional valorant fans because they dont wanna admit ur right even tho u explained it perfectly lol,but they made those changes for that exact reason to make the game easier and more casual compared to cs just like they did when they copied league from dota

posted about a year ago

naah i just like saying things how they are

posted about a year ago

yeah last time about 5 years ago and with no success ever,he was just someone who got a lot chances on decent teams but always fell short or got replaced and he was puttting up like hooxi level ratings

posted about a year ago

sorry if the truth offends u

posted about a year ago

ik my point was they can still somehow play in tier 1

posted about a year ago

i mean he is a good player still he is just lazy and has no drive thats why he rather streams

posted about a year ago

valorant competitviness overall is also so shit compared to cs because of how casual the game is,literally people in faceit level 4 comm better overall than immortals or radiants in eu lmfao

posted about a year ago

no its because theres a very low ceiling to being "good" in this game,like literally almost any player can hold his own in tier 1 if they really want to even fucking fns or boaster the skill level in "tier 1" on this game is low

posted about a year ago

either she has been smoking since 11 or a man you can decide

posted about a year ago

yeah thats a man lmfao

posted about a year ago

wtf lmao

posted about a year ago

i think they also dont want match fixers

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lmfao they literally admitted their mental was shit before copenhagen and they chocked in both copenhagen and and reykjavik what are you saying korea fanboy

posted about a year ago

just like you are doing but you arent even winning anything loser🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

so yes

posted about a year ago

so you admit vk players are just honestly dumb af,how does it not cross ur mind that maybe a unbreakable camera that gives you free info on site entrance isnt fair play and allowed especially when other teams were literally already punished for it

posted about a year ago

this is pretty accurate on some na users here tho

posted about a year ago

do we really have to throw back to sen and how they acted,dont get on ur high horse,also wasnt xset accusing optic of faking tech pauses just a day ago lmfao

posted about a year ago

cs has had plenty of situations like this but not from a minor bug like this

posted about a year ago

thats because pgl,no one ever wanted them anywhere lol

posted about a year ago

why tf would anyone envy this lol

posted about a year ago

could he not swing because he tought someone was heaven,if no then by all means replay,his team mate got diffed,other shot trough smoke and he still hid,unlucky as i said but not replay worthy

posted about a year ago

then retire and go back to making league patches

posted about a year ago
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