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Last post: June 16, 2024 at 3:40 AM
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Read from if you can. Less ads, better quality. Translators upload there first. And if there's a manga/manhua/manhwa that is unavailable, search in

posted about a year ago

Good thing humans are not robots listening to commands. Why do you think mental coaches exist? Couldn't the coach just swear at them and tell them to play good?

posted about a year ago

This does not mean anything. Laz is just speechless now. This is obligatory afterword. Let the man rest, he has done so much.

posted about a year ago

It is too sweet. Best region relationship in Valorant. After ZETA loss, everyone in JP stream was spamming #DRXWIN. And DRX support ZETA and PRX, too wholesome. They now carry our region, but this is also the source of a lot of pressure. So I hope they will be okay and dominate the playoffs, VAMOS.

posted about a year ago

This is very true. League of Legends is to Korea what Football is to Brazil. Valorant esports in Korea is still in a development phase. By losing internationals, they are hindering the process of the game's growth in Korea. This is such a big responsibility. And when they lose, they can't do anything other than apologize. They can't make up excuses and start supporting the other team, that's because there is no other team. They are the only team carrying the hopes of their country.

posted about a year ago

Read the part where he says they are the only team representing their country. Comparing LCQ to internationals is idiocy.

posted about a year ago

No. This is because DRX and ZETA are the only team representing their respectful regions. If there were two Japanese teams like Northeption and ZETA, they would've been much more confident. The burden of making an entire region lose is bigger than you think it is. And these teams don't make excuses like certain teams that I will not name, when they lose, they lose. Laz after his loss, when he was packing his mousepads, he looked speechless. He has nothing to say. These guys put more effort into this game than anyone else. You won't see them saying "It's just a game" after they lose, to them, this is their job. Of course they will take it seriously, this is how everyone's mentality should be. Like I have been saying, this is a mismanagement issue from the team + a lot more things added on top of that.

posted about a year ago

Loud very good team. At first I see a lot of people calling Loud bad for some reason. They proved everyone wrong.

posted about a year ago

My respect goes out to the players. Only one team representing Japan, an entire region on international stage. Tennn played after an injury and Laz did everything he could. Huge respect to them.

posted about a year ago

Mistakes are being made because of pressure. The problem is the root cause, not the player. I see other teams losing rounds and they seem so confident, they give out fistbumps and smile. ZETA on second half weren't even giving fistbump, they were shaking. That is a mental issue.

posted about a year ago

Every time they lost a round, Laz's face was pure pain. Tennn I think cried a little. What the fuck is the mental coach doing? This is disgusting. It broke my heart more to see them this sad than them losing. It's even harder when you're the only team representing an entire region. And the bastard coach had the audacity to be annoyed? I honestly hope Laz and Tennn both leave, they deserve a better team that is not ZETA. I should've already known they will not do good adter Xdll was removed from team and Tennn was asked to play.

posted about a year ago

You are insensitive if you say this after seeing Laz and Tennn's reaction after they lost rounds. This is completely the teams fault for making Tennn play after injury and wasting Xdll's potential. We don't need a fake fan like you. You will probably say the same if DRX lost one.

posted about a year ago

We already said we all, even in JP streaming everyone is typing DRXWin. But I will not be watching this event anymore. My support goes to DRX, Leviatan and Loud. Hopefully that is the top 3. GG to every team.

posted about a year ago

You are the only loser I see on VLR being so toxic and have argentina flag so I won't say anything bad about LATAM, it is only one idiot.

posted about a year ago

Because pressure got to ZETA. They are losing almost every duels except for Laz. It is already done for

posted about a year ago

Not going to blame Tennn for anything, he was asked to play after an injury. Bad decision from team when Xdll was available. Next year, GG

posted about a year ago

Lost own map pick. There is no more hope. I've seen Laz's face, tension is rising. It is too much for the team.

posted about a year ago

ZETA mental difference. GG

posted about a year ago

WHAT. Forsaken and Jinggg are so fun to watch, they are the duo that can't be separated. PRX has such a friendly vibe to their team. Are they actually leaving?

posted about a year ago

Yes. Love that Stax guy.

posted about a year ago

Teams I will support after ZETA loss: Leviatan, LOUD, DRX (our final hope).

posted about a year ago

Ignore him, it's okay. We understand. Let's have a great match.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sad to say but this will be an easy 2-0 for LOUD. After Leviatan and Optic, they are the strongest. I don't even have the heart to watch the game today. I just hope we make it next year.

posted about a year ago

Most people I played with in Singapore server told me Indonesian internet infrastructure is terrible. Just because you are living good doesn't mean everyone else is.

posted about a year ago

This is true. Nobody says APAC is harder because players are good. APAC is harder because the condition in which they play in is really terrible.

posted about a year ago

VLR members take pride in their toxicity. Truth is, there are just a few members all supporting each other. It is like a bully group. These same people are unknown and never act the same on Twitter or Reddit, because people with common sense make them look like an idiot. It's like a single bully switching schools and getting bullied themselves. VLR needs a block function for all the spam.

posted about a year ago

Why would DRX ban their best map?

posted about a year ago

We already saw DRX vs ZETA. Rematch is needed but not now. DRX vs Optic or DRX vs Leviatan is the better pick.

posted about a year ago

Leviatan is the underdog and there is no doubt. Coming into this event, I did not know they will be so dominant and strong. They are not too aggressive and not too slow-paced, which is why the matches are entertaining to watch. Hopefully, they keep up the performance.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Goodbye. Tomorrow, let's have a great match. Will be rooting for LOUD as well if ZETA loses.

posted about a year ago

DRX cleaned the team your team will lose to twice. And at least PRX lost to Leviatan, the strongest team and the underdog of this event. What did Fnatic do?

posted about a year ago

I wanted to see Leviatan vs OpTic, why would Riot do this?

posted about a year ago

If NTH was here it would've been so great. Lots of viewership and skill.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

DRX qualified so we're still winning. Need a lot of hope for next ZETA match.

posted about a year ago

JP and KR on top, EA's final hope

posted about a year ago

If that is the final top 4, I will support DRX

posted about a year ago

LOUD beats ZETA 2-0 again, we will choke don't worry.

posted about a year ago

Post is talking about Asian teams. And East is also part of APAC, just not according to the event.

posted about a year ago

Uh... why would they consider themselves as East? They are from South. I think he's talking about being an Asian in general or something, idk.

posted about a year ago

I also haven't been impressed with EDG so far except for Kang kang.

posted about a year ago

True, LOUD is winning against ZETA next. We have no chance to beat them. LATAM and BR is gonna win all the matches, they were a little shaky but now they're gonna win everything. Just watch Furia, they will destroy Fnatic

posted about a year ago

They cannot beat ZETA. EDG is basically an inexperienced, inefficient version of PRX.

posted about a year ago

Yep, that's what I heard. A lot of people criticise the new Pink Venom song. Search "Pink Venom lyrics" it is so funny, it is completely an English song. How can they call it kpop?

posted about a year ago

They should be ashamed that the so-called Korean pop song has mostly English lyrics.

posted about a year ago

Mumble rap is a very small part of the rap scene. More people know, listen to and respect rappers like Kendrick over Uzi or Migos. This is not comparable to kpop scene, BTS and idols groups like that are not small by any means. They are the majority in the kpop scene now. And there is more than one reason why I find their songs to be not enjoyable at all. It's how they mix language. I find K-rock more interesting and enjoyable to listen to than the average kpop.

For example, listen to one song called 'Chase Me' by this group called Dreamcatcher. It doesn't sound like modern kpop you often hear now. It came out in 2017 and feels like a bit of rock is in there as well. It is a good song. The lyrics are almost always Korean. I find it catchy and the flow is good.
Now, listen to the latest BTS song Yet to Come. 50% of the lyrics are English. Why? Why does no Korean complain about this? Why would you make a Korean song where the lyrics are 50% English? I want to listen to a Korean song, I don't want to listen to English pop when I put on a Korean song. Same thing with Blackpink's new song Pink Venom, which is 95% English lyrics. This is why I find almost all modern Kpop songs to be trash, from groups like Twice and similar popular groups.

posted about a year ago

ZETA vs DRX. Currently, the score is 1-1 right now. Would love a rematch between them. And also ZETA vs NORTHEPTION.

posted about a year ago

BTS music and most modern Kpop music are just sampled basic western pop. There's nothing special about kpop. Quick experiment, go search a BTS song, let's say Dynamite for example. Now, search "Dynamite audio". The music video has 1.5 billion views. The official audio has 1.2 million views. See the difference? Understand the reason? Kpop isn't real music, nor I will ever respect kpop. One of the recent songs of popular girl group Blackpink sampled 3 different songs, and all of their fans are defending this by saying the blatant copy paste remix is called paying homage.

I have no problem with dance being paid more attention to than music, but then don't call it good music and stuff. It's not. People overhype them so much and completely overshadow everything else. The awards they should be winning are for good dancing, not good music. And they don't even write their own songs. They are literally corporate slaves and kpop fans should protest to free them from the corporate that's controlling them, not fanboy for it and generate more profit so they can keep slaving away their life.

posted about a year ago
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